Vocal Chain? Whats your preference?

John, there's no need to prove yourself any further to that hothead. That's just his one-trick gambit that he uses all the time; he challenges someone to show their cards, and then - because it's apparently his game and his rules - tells them they lose, even if they're holding a straight flush. It's a tired routine.

Your stuff sounds very good, and are great examples of what we were talking about in the other thread about how quality tracking makes the production, and in yet another thread about how often (but not always, of course) it's "the shorter the signal chain, the better".

And I also completly understand your reluctance to post full clips - or even partial ones - without artist permission. I had a similar problem with this kind of situation in the past. Many of those on this board who are in this for hobby or for as much exposure they can get just don't understand that with more experienced artists who are beyond caring about free exposure to the BitTorrent crowd and care more about professional reputation, and who actually do this for a real living to support their families, do not appreciate their stuff getting around in an unauthorized fashon.

With all that in mind, don't feel obligated to have to post any more of your stuff if you don't want to. You've more than made your point, and for those of us on this board with more than two brain cells to rub togther, you never needed to post it to begin with.

Personally, I think any more at this point is just feeding the BitTorrent-hungry out there who want more free stuff to play with. It's of course, your call; just don't feel goaded into anything more. Those who matter know you're the man already. :)

Eh... It wasn't for Ed. I would imagine he knows that tracking can be done without EQ and compression (but for some odd reason, wants to give the impression that it isn't normal). I just thought that recording would be a nice example for others who don't really know the value of getting the sound right at the source.
Raydio said:
When recording vocals, what types of effects/processors do you like in your vocal chain?

My main setting is a either a Rhode Classic or a Neumann U87, running through a Focusrite Red preamp, then if needed I'll borrow my engineer's 1176 for limiting. No extreme limiting, just keeping things under control.

Good question to go along with the debate. I think it really depends on what you get in terms of your vocalist and equipment availible.

The point always being never to paint yourself in a corner. You may find out that the SSL or Neve pres that hold so much prestige turned out to be a dissapointment in the mix. Or just not what you where looking for; for the discriminant ear. But that's just really a matter of having time with all the cool gear.

I personally think often more than not, it's probably the creative use of time based effects and choice of TB processors that creates the glow all around the vocal tracks. The make or break if you will in the mix process.

A good front end sets you up better for a good mix.

When you're working with those 98% of singers that require some type of "sweetening" effects (delays, autotune, verbs, phasers, whatever) to convey a specific type of emotion, then we start seeing how critical having good time based effects is during the mix process. Think of all the singers that can make you shed a tear on dry vocals alone.

In fact, you may hear how good engineers are defined by the effects they carry.

In terms of time based for vocals, I know eventide products come up alot in terms of effects for vocals and even in general for music production work. Amazing pieces of gear.

So yes, I always congradulate someone on having a great front end, but never sell yourself short on some good TBFX. Good ones are thier weight in gold!

Just really depends on many factors. The possiblities can go on forever, man. My personal opinion :)

I always say, "fuck the gear man. Can the singer sing? Or is it better for him or her to fart in a mic and call it a day?"
Straight to tape, I have never applied any effects. It is just easier to get everything down completely clean with vocals, and then you can add and tweak to your heart's content after the fact. I run a couple of different Rode condensers through a relatively cheap Art dual-channel pre, straight into my digital tape recorders, and then apply effects and compression through inserts on the desk (Yea, I use analog equipment for everything but the actual recorders). It always comes out fine in the end, and then I toss on a small amount of reverb and compression, but that's about it.
Very nice stuff Massive Master :)

For my vox I use a at 3035 with 10db pad and low roll off both at the mic. Through a Vlz pre only on eq or compression in. No eq out either but moderate compression. Been very happy with that mic for $200.00. Havent had any craving to go spend more money on a voc mic.
