Violin sound.

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Thanks @DM60 for your suggestion; I've just checked and yes you're correct; I'm playing with delay selected; I'll turn it off and try without.

Amp settings_020.webp

Thanks Rob for pointing out regarding the semi tones; I need to try even harder but I'm finding it all very confusing with so much to learn at once; I do keep improving little by little at least by my standards; I'll stick with it and I'm sure given time which is so sadly lacking at the moment I'll grasp the basics eventually but in the meantime I'll keep making all the mistakes possible. I think I may have marked the score wrongly but I'll take a picture and post it; I've just been into the studio to take another picture and it's cold in there.

Thanks Raymond; as Rob says regarding the semi tones; I need to do a bit of research into semi tones because at the moment I'm illiterate regarding them; because of all the problems I have I even forget things I thought I'd already learnt. I agree it does sound rather different but I enjoyed my brief time recording it; the recording is raw just being clipped for length through "Audacity".

Thanks Rich. I think you've just enlightened me at last regarding sharps on the staff; seeing the sharps I've tried to play everything sharp; I've just checked and I've completely misunderstood the sharps; thanks so much I hope I'm more on track now; I keep picking up bits of information from you kind members and hopefully can join it all together at some point in the future.


This is so infurating and frustrating; I can't even post on the forum without being needed elsewhere; I've got to break off and start preparing dinner then later do the dishes; meal times occupy so much of my time but Bron will always come first. From the 6th to the 15th of this month Bron has four hospital appointments spread over three hospitals and possibly more surgery appointments; I never begrudge Bron a minute in looking after her and with luck after the 15th Bron will be chasing me around being mobile once again after her knee replacement; 2025 is promising better things ahead at last for us. With Bron being so unwell during all 2024 I've come to appreciate the amount of work she's being doing for the last 48 years looking after me with meals and household chores; when Bron gets more mobile I'll continue to make her life happier.

Many thanks once again for your informative and encouraging replies I do truly appreciate them.

Happy New Year.

Kind regards, Col.

A quick post to show how I marked the score; now I'm more aware I can add the sharps in order to help me.

Violin notes._023.webp

More progress too; I'm now up to date regarding semi tones; I looked this up in my violin for dummies book.

Kind regards, Col.
Looking at your score, and understanding your added nomenclature, here are where you need to add the sharps. You should be able to pencil in the corrections.

Cant Help.webp
FWIW, reading music was hard for me, even as a young kid. Translating those notes into finger positions, and then trying to add the timing just confused me. I remember trying to learn "Do You Know The Way To San Jose" from a book, having never heard the song. It was a mess (I was probably 12 at the time). I might as well have been looking at Hebrew or Japanese.

My saving grace was that I wasn't tone deaf, so I could hear things and pick out the notes, and follow the timing. The problem is that I have to memorize everything. I have sheets with lyrics, and the accompanying chords, but playing a solo means I have to remember where it goes, or I have to improvise (which means faking it). That's fine for an Allman Bros jam, but not when you're playing the melody of a song.

Reading music is just another language. I admire people that can sit down to a piece of music and play it.
Col - Rich's red marks should help you work out which ones you need to tweak. In this key, with two sharps - the rule is F sharp and C sharp EVERY time, unless the music says don't - so if you see an F - it will be played F sharp, every time.
FWIW, reading music was hard for me, even as a young kid. Translating those notes into finger positions, and then trying to add the timing just confused me.
Yeah, you have to pluck the notes off the page(paying attention to key signature and accidentals), translate it mentally to finger positions on strings, and then pay attention to all the dynamics like the 'mp' above.
That's why I like JS Bach. He just didn't put any dynamics on his scores.
...... and they didn't write out all the parts either, just sort of gave indications and left it to the players. Melody and maybe a bass part, and some numbers suggesting what chords or other notes should be. Sort of morphed into modern day chord symbols.

Thanks so much Rich for going to the time and trouble to indicate the errors and I've just ammended my music score. First I was playing all naturals until I noticed the sharps on the staff then I tried playing ALL sharps; now I think with your kind help I've finally understood the notes I should be playing; I hope I'm now correct in thinking I need to play all naturals with the exception of DF and GC which are sharps?

Thanks Rob; Rich's tweaks are added to the music score and I'm keen to have a go at playing the correct notes but over the next few days the weather has turned bitterly cold with ice here and snow to follow so heating the studio for short violin practices just isn't worth it; if I could spend more time in the studio I'd happily turn the heating on all day; once Bron is on her feet pain free and taking over the meals I'll have more spare time so I just need a bit more patience. I'm pleased I didn't get the practice totally wrong so I must be making steady progress.

I don't think I'm tone deaf; I can hear the notes but my memory is very poor so one cancels the other hence I've adopted my method of marking the scores; the practice piece seems a bit slow but I can put this down to needing yet more time experimenting with Audacity. I did play it at the correct speed in the studio because I'm now also using my headphones and playing against these for timing; trying to do everything at once though I find difficult but it will all come down to practice and lots of it; my bow action is also improving; I just need 48 hours each day. I'm starting to recognize notes whilst sight reading Rich and I'm sure with lots of practice I'll do even better; when I first started I couldn't memorize three notes but now I've achieved my 50 year old dream of playing a violin; I can play even if not perfectly; I thought it extremely funny when the late Eric Morcambe stated he was playing all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order; I just need to unscramble them but what a brilliant frustrating hobby it is learning to play a violin.

Very interesting Raymond; I've picked up more useful information from you; I'll have a look at JS Bach if Bach's music is easier to play. Thank you.

At the moment Rob a lot goes straight over my head but as time passes by I do get flash backs which makes certain things suddenly drop into place I didn't understand before.

Soon be another mealtime; oh hum.

Kind regards, Col.
Bach is absolutely NOT easier to play col - in fact, it introduces the next element to your progress once you have pitch sorted - timing. The note lengths and any gaps between them.
I think it was Rob who posted a link to a music theory page that actually explained how and why you have sharps and flats in different keys. It was done on a piano, but it explained the concept very well. Had there been a video like that 60 years ago, I might have actually understood what I was looking at. I didn't understand it until MANY years later when reading a magazine article and had a bit of an ah-HA! moment.

Thanks Rob; 6 o'clock this morning whilst having breakfast I watched JS Bach on YouTube and as you rightly say it's definitely not easy and impossible for me to even attempt but it was interesting; my finger joints woild need a good oiling to try playing a violin at such speed.

Thanks Rich and very well remembered; yes indeed it was Rob who kindly gave me the information regarding white and black keys on the piano; I'd been playing all whites in my ignorance but now understand better regarding flats; naturals and sharps although I do need to spend more time studying correct notes on a score; I'm making slow but positive progress. I just have "senior moments" these days which seem to be more regular as I age; I'm still here though.

I find everything about violins difficult Rob; I'm more at home in the workshop with wood/metalwork; I don't mind in the least making so many mistakes whilst learning to play my violins; I'm sure many soloist violin players would experience similar problems if they attempted to learn metal spinning; lathe work or welding; anything is easy even riding a cycle once the skill is learned.

I was in Morrison's at 6:45 this morning and back home by 7:15; BRRRRRR it's cold out there with the car needing de-icing; it's too cold to be heating the studio for short practices but I'm caught up for a short while so I can spend a bit of time at the computer. I had a thought last night whilst in bed thinking about my violin playing; I'm becoming more familiar using music editing and format changing etc; I've got the short practice I posted in post #496 which I created using Audacity; I'm curious as to how near I am playing against the original; I'm still learning Audacity but I think I can compare the original against my own to see how they stack up; I'm also spending bits of time reading Violins for dummies; I don't want to be idle just because I can't get into the studio; I even tried playing my Yamaha violin through the Yamaha amp in my small office but I kept bumping into things; hopefully later this year we'll get a long summer lasting two whole days; we could do with a lot of global warming here in Yorkshire?

Kind regards, Colin.
I'm with you Colin. I could use some of that global warming over the next week. We've got a winter storm on track to my area, and the first hit will be freezing rain Sunday, then snow, then 5 days below freezing. Next Wed - Friday, they're predicting lows of 4 and 5F (-15 C) and high of about 20F. Its messing with my golfing days! ? I've stocked up with enough groceries to last a few weeks, so no worries there. Hopefully the power won't get knocked out.

I'll fill my time lounging around the house playing my guitar and watching TV until the roads get clear. Yesterday, I was listening to a concert and one of the songs was George Harrison's Isn't It A Pity. What a lovely song. So I spent yesterday evening working out the chords to it. I printed out the chords with the lyrics, and I'll stick it in my book of songs. It's the only way I can remember them.

Global warming is something I only hear about on the media; the weather seldom changes here in Yorkshire UK; nine months winter and three months bad weather; if we have have two rare consequtive days of 30C then panic; hose pipe ban not that many hoses or watering cans need selling here. It's too cold again for studio practice and if I turn the heating on by the time it warms up I'll be making the dinner.

Todays weather..webp

Like you Rich I'll spend time indoors keeping warm but still keeping busy on the music front; time permitting. If your TV is like ours then better watching YouTube or Netflix as Bron and I do; the only thing I watched on normal TV over Christmas was "Brief Encounter" which we like; I bought the bumper TV program guide but didn't even look through it although Bron did and gave up; we could use a ten year old guide which would still be up to date. £169.50 for the TV licence; we should be paid this to watch the rubbish.

My luck seldom changes; last night having a bit of time I decided to send a PM on another forum (Gardening) and having typed it out tried to send it; it was rejected as being too long;


I reduced it until it posted then the rest of the message was sent in seven parts each part getting less and less; I lose the will to live; I wanted to send the message then play around with "Audacity" I have little spare time but get fed up of being diverted from what I want to do. In a better frame of mind this morning I finally found in security "App & Browser Control" turned off; how wonderful when this is done all on its own after an update. One thing leads to another so I had to check nothing else was compromised.

I'd like to get more into Audacity and unless the world stops I'll log onto it shortly. I'm interested in comparing the original against my violin recording also I'm curious as to how to edit wave forms; my sharps were off so perhaps I can isolate each one and change it to give a sharp; at the moment I'm just learning basics on Audacity as I also am playing my violins; violin playing will never be more than a very interesting hobby for me as will editing my practices just for the pleasure of learning something new; I might even pick up one of the electric guitars I recently bought for Bron; Bron at the moment is too ill to play around with the guitars but hopefully in a couple of months we'll both start living once again after Bron recovers from her knee replacement this month; we both can't wait; it can't come soon enough. Once springtime arrives then I'm on home maitenance and garden duty. I like being busy but the last few months have been a nightmare.

Audacity here I come.

Kind regards, Col.

About 3" of snow this morning and it's going to carry on snowing until dinnertime tomorrow; I'm in for some snow shoveling today and tomorrow to clear the paths allowing Bron to get to the car for her hospital appointment assuming we can get the car out. There's always something to keep me out of the studio.


Have you got the snow Rich?

Kind regards, Col.
At 7am, the street and driveway were clear. I left for church at 8:15 and the was the lightest hint of snow on a few spots. At 9:30 when we walked out there was about 1 1/2" on everything. It's still coming down, at about an inch or 2 per hour. That's supposed to continue until at least noon, then change to sleet and freezing rain later today. Last estimate was 6-8" snow, followed by 1/4 to 1/2" of freezing rain and sleet.

This storm is pretty massive. It's going from Kansas all the way to North Carolina, about 900 miles long.

As long as the power stays on, I'm good to go. I could hunker down for the week if needed. My next appt isn't until Saturday.

It's been similar here in the UK too Rich with terrible weather; it's winter so expected even if unwelcome. Flooding will follow shortly. Yesterday was forecast snow all day but we had a ten hour or so rain break; it was still raining when we retired for the night; we got up to another 2" of snow this morning. I've cleared the patio again and found our car under the snow; the car took a bit of clearing. It's sunny at the moment and fine but with a breeze giving a chill factor.

Our local kids too are out enjoying the snow.

No violin practicing; it's too cold.

Kind regards, Col.
I shoveled about 9 inches of snow yesterday afternoon. The driveway and walk to the front door were cleared, but 2 hours later, the sleet began. We had some ice and freezing rain for a few hours, then more snow. The TV said another 3 inches came, and 2 or 3 more are coming today. Luckily the freezing rain wasn't too heavy around the city, so not many power outages. Further down in the state, there are counties with significant outages. I'll wait until things are over and attack the driveway again late this afternoon. It's apparent that I won't be seeing a golf course for a few weeks. They were showing kids on the news sledding, and two of the better hills are on #9 and #7 fairways at one of the courses I play. They will be packed down for a couple of weeks or more.

We have just about hit our annual average for snowfall in 2 days. Now the next issue is the cold. Wed night they are now saying 0 to -2F. At those temps, the ice melter doesn't even work. The road crews are out plowing and salting the main roads and highways. If lucky, we'll get some sun tomorrow to help clear them

I saw the heavy flooding in Manchester last week. Hopefully you won't be experiencing anything that severe.

Stay safe and warm!

It's grim here too Rich. I cancelled an hospital appointment because we couldn't get out in the car on Monday and postponed doing the shopping. I did the shopping Tuesday morning setting off at 6:30 but spent quite a while defrosting the car; it was highly dangerous; the ice was treacherous and the snow was frozen crackling under my feet; the roads were like glass. Morrison's car park was a nightmare not having been gritted; pushing the trolley over the rough snow wasn't fun at all.

Fortunately we live on a steep valley side so flooding isn't a problem for us but there are floods all around; here's an older picture of Mirfield nearby the valley next to ours about 6 miles away; the pub in the center floods so many times and it just keeps being refurbished at great cost; it should be rebuilt on stilts; the River Calder is seen across the middle but the adjacent lane is part of the river; it's scary down there.

I popped into the studio yesterday and soon popped back out it being so cold but shortly I'll turn the heating on in the studio and spend some time in there; I want to get the sharps right playing Fools Rush In on my violin; the sharps are ready marked on the score so I'm eager to try.

The government (UK) has removed the winter fuel allowance for 10 million state pensioners and even state 3,850 will die of hyperthermia which is so kind of them; our fuel allowance has now gone but we aren't going to be amongst those dying; keeping warm is more important than showing off with foreign holidays; the bitterly cold weather though is impacting on my studio time. The world appears to be in weather crisis; I feel sickened for those poor souls who are severely flooded losing everything.

Friday; Monday & Wednesday are hospital appointment days which also limit my studio time but they are important so I'm not complaining; the NHS is wonderful to us.

Kind regards, Col.