Vintage Shit...

groovejunkie said:
everybody who's "comming in a second" must hate nudity!!!

btw - nudity is not porn!
It's porn unless it's for some artistic end, which, that avatar obviously isn't. It's a pin up.
ok... sheesh.. not to get his thing going again, but...

...the model in the picture is April Morgan. I happened across the original picture while surfing the net and came across a "legitimate" model site. I didn't like the backdrop, so I took her and put her on a beach. If you were to see the large finished product, you would see that April is actually translucent and you can sorta see the the background picture through her...

.....Art?... I guess it's in the eye of the beholder..
I would let this drop if everyone else would, but people keep calling me bitches or trying to pick a fight.

Here's what it comes down to: I don't like the avatar. I thought it was straight up full frontal nudity. Since it's not, I'm not going to worry about it. However, if people keep bringing up the issue, I'm not going to say nothing; I'll respond to it. So, if you guys want this to die, just say nothing about it.

Got it?