Unring the Bell...take Prozac first

If anyone is interested, Jessica and I decided to take this a bit further and try to find a way to get the 'dark' sound of her original concept, and keep the clarity and punch of the subsequent mixes that I attempted.

We all seemed to agree here that the something in the original feel of the track was lost in my mix. Finding a way to keep the 'dark' feel and also get the most from the song was a bit of a challenge. My kick drum was one of the big things that my experience with mixing rock songs was overbearing with this tune. I found a different kick sample that seems to work better.

Reverb, is one of those effects that I try to stray from as I was once one to abuse it. In this case I found a way to use a few different ones to get the depth without throwing everything into the abyss. Jessica had a plan for this song, and it was asked from me to try to find what it was she wanted to hear. More 'dark'. That made me explore using more/separate reverbs for different instruments. I learned from this. :)

There also was needed a build up between the first chorus and the second verse. More so seemed the need for a change in the music to build to the second verse. I opted for pulling back on the instruments at that point to give the second verse a more intimate feel. If that makes any friggen sense...

We spent a couple of days back and forth with myself sending mixes and commentary from her as to what she wanted. I think we are close now.

I ended up recording a bass guitar and guitar tracks in parts to build up to the choruses which seemed to help the mix come together.

Please give opinions as to what you all think of this now. This is a departure from my typical genre and I am wondering what is right and wrong myself...


  • Unring The Bell R6 Mastered.mp3
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Listening on headphones...
Tough work interpreting someones wishes when the language we use is full of subjective and pseudo synesthetic words.
It's hard to keep things dark when that little stringish ostinato is such a bubbly, happy sounding one.
I think the mix and rebuild are good.
The added elements blend in and don't dominate, (that's what I hate most about modern "remixes" is that they are, essentially, rerecordings with a few common elements), and help carry the ideas.
I listened last night and enjoyed it. I don't have any suggestions. I think it's pretty darn good.
It was nice to listen to this one again - I like it. Without having listened to the original again, I'll say I like this new version better. I'll go listen to the original afterward to see if I'm right. I like the toy helicopter sound, but I'm not sure if there should be so much slow delay on the vocal.

Afterward: Yeah, the new mix is way better. Except for the vocal, I think - I liked the sound on the first main vocal better without the ghostly echo. Good work, jimmys - it's sounding way better.

And yeah, I didn't remember the toy helicopter sound the first go round.
Great song performed thru "tried and true" chord progression. "Brill Building meets Techno" I was hoping for some little divergent bridge though, some modulation to a different key, perhaps, but your probably past the songwriting phase.
Good job on the remix, Jimmy
I really like what you 2 have cooked up together with the latest version. It's sounds great, full and polished. You could easily hear this playing on Radio or TV. It has an almost Christmas Song vibe to it with the bells and drums. I like the drums better in this version. My first thought when I heard the original was 'more drums'. It does sound very good. Well done.

Having said that, I still prefer the original version that Jessica did myself personally. :thumbs up: