Tusq vs Fossilized Mammoth Ivory Saddles

it sounds like you would've had a great time, it would be neat to go to one of those.

I did have a great time and met a lot of makers and players I had only previously corresponded with or spoken to on the telephone. Enjoyed a lot that the the wine region there has to offer as well. Took it in turns with wifey to drive the PCH on our rest days so the other could sample the grape,;)
Say what there VP?

Drew hangs around here all the time. He's pwnd you a few times as I remember, or did you mean one of the other guys but thought we could guess that by you quoting Drew?

Help us out here.

You know, it's funny, I didn't notice the date on this thread when I started reading, and was a little surprised to see my comment there when I did. Re-reading it, I was actually a little embarassed - I changed the entire bridge assembly, completely changed the mass of the bridge, and furthermore went from a 2-point screwed down flush with the body to a two-point floating, and yet somehow I thought the change from graph-tech saddles to steel was what I was hearing? Mutt's response makes just as much sense today as it did when I first saw it, and is a conclusion I'm pretty sure I'd have come to on my own had I thought about it a little more (I'd just swapped the bridge at the time).

I'm still around - I've been MIA for a bit, out in Utah visiting my little sister, then on my ass with swine flu, and then super-busy at work, but I'm not planning on going anywhere permanently. ;)

Now, I'm morbidly curious how the fuck this thread got to 120 replies... :confused: