Turbonegro at the Black Cat tonight!!!!

Ok ...... I'll do that ...... I'm open to the idea of me being full of crap.
Whenever a bunch of people like something I don't like, I always figure I just haven't been exposed to the right stuff by that group. I mean, if all you ever heard by Hendrix was Purple Haze, you'd have absolutely no idea of what he was all about.

And any band can have a bad outing plus when I saw them was close to the end of their career ..... so they may have been at their worst.

Any of the first 4? I'll look for them ...... report back once I do.

Look for the "Leave Home" or "Rocket to Russia" albums. Those 2 are widely considered by Ramones fans to be the best classic Ramones albums.
Look for the "Leave Home" or "Rocket to Russia" albums. Those 2 are widely considered by Ramones fans to be the best classic Ramones albums.

Hey!!! Start yer own freakin' thread! :p :D

Heading out now. Pics tomorrow if not later tonight.....


Was a good time had by all?


Very good show, but we totally missed the opening acts. Turbonegro was already on stage when we got there!!! Darrel's wife was rockin' out! :D

Pics coming soon. Kinda busy at work today.
OK, here's some pics already.......

They're grainy and blurry and whatnot. Stage lights were dim and using the flash looked worse. However some of them came out nice enough that with a little tarting up in Photoshop might be good enough for the band to use on their website or something. I'll post those once they reject them. In the meantime...


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2 more...............


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