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  • Hey Y! You gonna make it to JamFest this year? Can I bribe you with tablitas and wings? I'll bring adult beverages even.
    Shhhhhhh.... I'm wabbit hunting.
    D'OH! Did I get that backwards again? :D
    I get so confused...high on dog bones again....



    I mean...I know nothing about what happened to your bones. :D
    Howdy ma'am :D Wussup-n-shit? Just stopped by to use yer baffroom. Left some beer in the fridge and snacked on the dogbones. :D
    Thanks for the comments on the dogs Yvonne, everyone thinks that Pepper is Houdini's pup but we just happened to inherit Houdini and Pepper just turned out to be her 'Mini-Me' when we adopted him.
    Well, now that you mention it... but I was on your profile page looking to say something, and that was the first dumb thing that came up... :o
    Well, if you are that careless--
    you will just have to play with you're Strat..........................
    bad boy, no biscuit!

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