Try & Fail

I know...It would have been funny if I was able to just say "D'OH!" I had to add something to make it 10 characters. Ruined the whole comedic effect.
that was me, the topic really stuck with me. the gco have a song where the outro goes:

"we try, we try and we fail, we try and try and try and try and try and we fail. we fail and fail and fail and fail and fail when we try, we try we fail we fail we try"

over and over. your topic reminded me of that and it made me happy.
lol awesome, did you check the song out LOL? hey man your from NS! Where abouts are you from there? I'm from Saint John NB!
That's how you post less than ten chars. :D.

Cool tune. I really like listening to how people come up with different rhythm parts. Whether it's multi rhythm tracks with different guitar doing different rhythm things or just one. I always struggle to come up with creative rhythm and lead parts.

Anyway, nice sound. I like it. You bass sounds nice. It might convince you better if you went back and listened to some GnR or BonJovi, they didn't even have audible bass in many songs. LOL. I was just listening to some GnR the other day and going over songs like Michelle or Mr. Brownstone, I thought to myself, "Man, these guys seriously need a bass player."

Anyway, good one. :)
Thanks alot man for the comments. I almost ALWAYS never follow the standard: Intro, Verse, CHorus, verse chorus, bridge, chours end. You know? Like I hate doing things that have been done. I work best late at night sitting with my guitar and notebook. I feel like everything I ever dream up comes out late at night! lol And yeah the "bass" turned out better than I thought it would, but still is lacking some qualities I would like. Anyways man thanks a bunch man! :)