Trump on Trial!

Not himself as alleged, I’m fairly sure of that. He loved himself too much and probably would’ve been overturned and set free. He had the money and connections and that’s what one needs
I am not into conspiracy theories of any sort but I don't think he hung himself for a minute.
Doesn’t matter who he did it for unless there is a proven connection but you had it correct up until ‘for Trump’. He did it. He was convicted previously for ‘doing it’. Doesn’t matter for Trump or talking dogs or Divine Intervention from a talking tree. He did it. If prosecution can definitively prove a Talking Tree authorized his illegal activities then there is the case. If not, I don’t give a shit.

Again now after slowly laying out the process…Get it?
Lol. Same as The Cave and as A&A. People have presented good facts in this political quagmire with good opinions they’ve developed themselves based on dat searching band forming opinions. You keep posting Google links and claiming it as ‘proof’ and ‘evidence’ to factually support your trolling adversarial way.
It’s just not worth my time to read BS anymore so you have to go to ignore status. There is just so much BS, even on an anonymous website, one can tolerate reading
Kind of like musicians. I see we have a right wing circle jerk going on here. Stay to the left and out of the rain and remember kids. Make America Gay Again.
Personally I have views that would be considered right wing as well as left wing. So which am I? Neither. I think for myself and come up with my own conclusions.

Your characterization of a ‘right wing circle jerk’ is a bit offensive and seems beneath you.

You’ve always seemed to try to come across as being above the divisive “left / right paradigm”.

But maybe I was wrong about you.
Lol. Same as The Cave and as A&A. People have presented good facts in this political quagmire with good opinions they’ve developed themselves based on dat searching band forming opinions. You keep posting Google links and claiming it as ‘proof’ and ‘evidence’ to factually support your trolling adversarial way.
It’s just not worth my time to read BS anymore so you have to go to ignore status. There is just so much BS, even on an anonymous website, one can tolerate reading
Personally I have views that would be considered right wing as well as left wing. So which am I? Neither. I think for myself and come up with my own conclusions.

Your characterization of a ‘right wing circle jerk’ is a bit offensive and seems beneath you.

You’ve always seemed to try to come across as being above the divisive “left / right paradigm”.

But maybe I was wrong about you.
I will call a left wing circle jerk when I see one. When you demonize a group of people and every one of them is no good, stupid, etc I know you are in a cult parroting your talking points. I reiterate, there are good and bad on both sides of the aisle. Silly little names like Sleepy Joe and Donny Two Scoops do a lot to help the situation, both ends of the spectrum are loony tunes and will believe anything they are told by their fearless leaders. A nation of sheep being led to the slaughter.