Trump on Trial!

brassplyer said:
Maybe some were protesting the false notion of a large-scale campaign of police targeting blacks for no other reason than racism because they don't want to acknowledge the behavioral reasons as to *why* blacks are often the subject of police attention. I have no doubt many/most are protesting out of an invalid sense of victimhood and/or anti-Americanism or even simply for the hell of it.
Even if Floyd was a terrible person and a criminal, it can still be true that we have some police issues in this country. Holding him up as the poster child might not be the best idea, but things just happen like that. It would be wrong to use that ignore making things better.
There's too much asshole cop behavior, there isn't a particular trend of black and brown people targeted for no other reason than skin color - and skin color is the sole reason you've ever heard of Floyd.

There *is* a genuine problem of disproportionate demographics in crime which GF is the poster child for and which he *should* be known for instead of as a leftist martyr. You'll never hear anyone chanting "black behavior matters".

That's nice - you still haven't provided an explanation of how those who are obviously incapable of voting on their own had votes cast in their name that *doesn't* involve election fraud.

I’m not to engage in anymore hostility, name calling etc. We can disagree and be civil about it, or not engage.
Citing reality and pointing out that you can't provide a plausible answer and underlining what's obviously true isn't hostility.

Cite an instance where you've stated you'd be irate if Dems cheated - compared to the gallons of bile you've spewed over Trump and clearly don't care about the partisan political persecution directed at him. Whereas there's nothing about Biden you won't equivocate about including glaringly inappropriate behavior with his own daughter.
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We’ve discussed all this at length already. When you continue to say things like “gallons of bile you’ve spewed”, I’m out.

Here’s a new point we haven’t discussed- if there was so much election fraud, why did the polls predict the outcome correctly? Biden was leading WI in the polls. The election played out more in Trump’s favor than an average of several polls, though obviously not enough to win. If there were fraud by dems, you’d expect to see divergence in favor of Biden instead.
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Another thing I find reprehensible is a bunch of MAGA reps leaving their jobs to go to tRumps trial, dress exactly the same (like tRump), and spew pure bullshit to the public.
Surrogates publicly violating tRumps gag order directly on his behalf.
The Speaker of the house... FFS... lying, a toady bitch for tRump. It's fucking embarrassing. The absolute WORST congress in decades, and this is what they are doing.

Here’s a new point we haven’t discussed- if there was
And you still haven't provided an explanation of how those who are obviously incapable of voting on their own had votes cast in their name that *doesn't* involve election fraud.

Nor can you cite an instance where you've stated you'd be irate if Dems cheated.
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You've made this allegation a few times now. Nursing home residents with dementia? Is that the claim? I think it likely would be prima facie evidence of fraud but if legit I would expect to have heard more about it. So what is the source and evidence to back up this story?
I know that Rudy Giuliani had a website devoted to nothing but evidence...

Then, it disappeared shortly after the Supreme Court refused to see his case.

The fact that the SC refused to see evidence of election tampering in favor of that "lesbos vs Christian cake bake" farce... was always evidence of Democrat legal maneuvering to me. To date, all we have been allowed to see is a Dinesh D'Souza movie, "2000 Mules".
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Claims were rampant. Dozens upon dozens of recounts, investigations, lawsuits, etc and not even Bill Barr or Ivanka believe it. BP can point to any one of dozens of these claims and stand behind it knowing it’s a giant game of whack a mole because any one regular person like me can’t possibly chase each one down to his satisfaction.

Again, if there was voter fraud, you’d expect to see more votes for Biden than the polling was showing. In fact, we saw the opposite. Maybe all these accusations about fraud are right, but they were all voting for Trump. If I make that claim, are you going to be able to refute it?

If Trump goes in to 2024 with the same lead in the polls Biden had in 2020 and loses, then I’ll be right next to you bitching about fraud.
(("His lawyer, Joseph Sibley, told the court: "While Giuliani does not admit to plaintiffs' allegations, he - for purposes of this litigation only - does not contest the factual allegations."
Ted Goodman, a political adviser to Mr Giuliani, said in a statement: "This is a legal issue, not a factual issue.
"Those out to smear the mayor are ignoring the fact that this stipulation is designed to get to the legal issues of the case.""))

This is nothing but evidence of typical democratic lawfare... and since the physical evidence has been destroyed, nothing can be proven.

On the flip side, of all the allegations Giuliani made, why was this the only thing they could hit him with?


The simple truth is, Giuliani can't defend himself against the lawfare the way Trump can.
When Trump is re-elected, the TRUTH WILL COME OUT.
Why do you think the lying Dems are so terrified?

"He will be a dictator from day one!!"
Lol... Well, no shit assholes. YOU CREATED HIM!
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This is certainly one of the most interesting campaigns in history.

The presidential reality show.

However, I have a feeling the next president has already been ‘selected’
Sooo, takeoffs on the trial today according to Scripps and Reuters…Cohen should’ve kept his big yap shut. Apparently the defense has podcast and (maybe taped?) evidence of saying he is out to get Trump thrown in jail to rot for what he did to Cohen’s family and some other nasty stuff I forget atm. Given his convictions of perjury and lying to Congress under Oath, jurors will (should) certainly be concerned about his verbal testimony here and its credibility.