Treating LOW ceilings? acoustic considerations

Ok that makes sense to me. That is the benefit of sitting where i would because in front of me, i have a symmetrical room (so a square).. with proper treatment in front, and on first reflection points and insulation and those acoustic ceiling tiles above me, I am monitoring from a symmetrical vantage point but the sound escapes into room behind me and disperses thus not bouncing back immediately into my ears and confusing my mighty brain!

There ya' go, dude. Got it in one. It must be a mighty brain indeed. ;)

I think that is going to be a pretty nice space. Having a kitchen in there is way bonus. Cold beer!!!

Thanks guys! I like the look of this as well. I will likely be mass producing some acoustic panels but my brother has some serious tools and he loves building so I should be good to go. He is more excited about redoing this basement than i am.. gets him out of the house i suppose!

I think that is going to be a pretty nice space. Having a kitchen in there is way bonus. Cold beer!!!

DEFINITELY! That is why i am hanging on to that old fridge no matter how old it is.. it is always full of beer and we run through it like toilet paper. :cool: