Tracks out of sync!


Previous test tracks recorded using Cool Edit Pro 2.0 are still out of sync.

I would really love finding out what went wrong, but why bother.

I suppose it had to do with driver incompatibility.

It's working like a charm with Audition.
Finally, nico!
I am so glad. I guess we'll never know what did actually happen with your old tracks.
I am thinking about syncing function in Cool Edit which does correction for latency while recording (Or just after recording)
If this one goes wrong because of incompatible drivers who knows what more could even happen after the transfer.
It was just a thought. I am pretty ignorant digital data user.

Thanks Sikter:)

If you're an ignorant digital data user, what am I?....a MEGA ignorant:D:D:D

After being used to recording into standalone recorders, the DAW route seems confusing, and has a steeper learning curve. But once you manage to do your first recordings, you realize how great it is.

Did my first DAW recording on may '07, and I guess I'll always go both ways: Standalone recorders and DAW!
This has happened to me as a result of the session bit rate being different than the playback bit rate in windows. Very frustrating!