Listening to the two tracks, I think the problem is more that the snare level is high relative to the other drums. It really pops out. When I look at the track, all you see are the snare peaks, which seem to be 3-5dB above all the rest of the music. I have the snare in my MTPDK pulled down compared to the toms. Plus, they are very precise, each hit it basically the same dynamic.
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Can EZD "humanize" like MTPDK? You might try to do that on the snare drum, in addition to pulling the level down some. Drummers will vary things to keep it interesting, otherwise it can sound too much like a metronome.
Just getting back to this visual thing that you point out. I raised this issue in another thread (see here: post #93) I had going for a while...coz so many of my mixes always looked like this....very large prominent snare and or kick peaks well above everything else. It always bothered me and didn't look right. The consensus in the thread was that just looking at a wav form is a bad way to do things. Most people (or everyone I think) said "how does it sound?" not how does it look. Anyway, I then went looking at pro songs and pro mixes and print-screened their wavforms in my DAW. A lot of them had a similar look...snare/ kick peaking above everything else. But not peaking so obviously above stuff that I do. The screenshot that Talisman shows here just looks like the kick and snare are wildly above everything. And this was with me really trying to deliberately clamp down the snare and kick peaks with clippers etc.
And that's a little bit why I started this thread. Because being aware of this snare and kick peak well above the rest of the mix issue, I tried to do something about it and the main thing I think I did was to use clippers on the snare and kick trying to keep them down, like I just said. But Talisman's image there shows that my efforts didn't really work out. Judging by the image you can just see these outrageously peaky looking snare/ kick hits.
So I'm doing something wrong. I'm using VST drums yeah, and they come in with peaks about -6 or -7db. Seems reasonable. I mean where else should I have these peaks in the drums bus? -12db? -20db? Certainly not -0.1db and not -36db. So I try to be light handed on the VST drums since they are already processed. And out of the box they might be peaking -6db. Seems fairly reasonable to me.
So what am I doing wrong? Am I failing to bring the rest of the tracks up to the right/ correct/ ideal/ best level in basic mixing? Obviously my ears are telling me that wherever I'm bringing up the bass, the vocals, the guitar, the organ and everything else it sounds right. I mean this is basic static effects at all...just getting levels roughed in. So am I stuffing up this elementary step by making all the other parts of the song too low in relation to the drums??
Another thing that seems to happen is that the mix might be ok...and I might have an alright relationship of levels in all may be pretty ok. BUT...when I go to master my mix here's what may be happening: so my mix before mastering might be -20db rms with peaks at -5db. Seems reasonable I think. In mastering, my goal (or what I feel like is a good volume for the song) ends up being about -12db rms. So at this stage I'm using a limiter...driving my mix into the limiter in order to get the -20db rms up to -12db rms. That's an increase of 8db. I have 5db to play with before zero/ 0db. So as I'm driving the song into the limiter here's the I driving those peaks higher more so than driving the average level of the song higher? Know what I mean?
So what can I do to preserve the impact of the kick and snare...their attack and transient presence and their ability to poke through a mix...but also to not have them be so spikey looking??
Coz when I send my mixes to Soundcloud or something, which does it's own limiting or adjusting...maybe their algorithms are just seeing these crazy spikes and peaks in my mix and all the stuff on their end is just reacting to these very peaky looking spikes and so my song gets turned down for soundcloud...but only on the basis of those spikes.
I'm starting to ramble now.
TLDR: my snare and kick are too spikey/ peaky. How to maintain oomph and presence aqnd attack of kick and snare but not have insanely spikey peaks as seen in the wavform?
And I even on the right track?