Time for some pussy tunes

Damn, I'm getting way better responses than I was expecting. Thanks for the responses and ideas. I could hear the piano was too much in the background myself too. Not on the first listen, though :D I was too used to it. I had to sleep on it to hear the mix problems. I don't think I'll sing it, though. I can't a good time to do it. Maybe if I could somehow lure my brother out of the room for a while... yeah. Even then... maybe (spoken in a Pinhead voice) :D
Don't lure him out of the room, just get him drunk. It'll help if you get yourself drunk too. :D
dobro said:
Don't lure him out of the room, just get him drunk. It'll help if you get yourself drunk too. :D

Yeah, a good idea. He's been asking me to buy him a sixpack for a few weeks now. He's too lazy to buy it himself. Then again, I could lure him outside by reminding he's got a nice little motorcycle and he needs to get some mileage on that sucker.

I just found out my schedule for next school perioid which lasts for seven weeks. It seems I have a whole day off on Thursdays. All I've got to do is get my brother outta the house at Thursday to be able to do some singing. Hmmm... Maybe I should get him a hooker or something :D
This is totally off-topic:

Damn! I got a mention by Lars Ulrich in the latest Q&A (3) video on the official site. The band was answering questions asked by people from the message board there, and he happened to choose my "question". Only it was not a question, but rather a plea for them to listen to the Internet Collaboration song I made with some people there. Some of you may have heard it, since I posted that song here too. Unluckily for me, though, he passed the plea because he was reading the questions on paper, so there were no more links. But at least he said something like, "And here's Cranky. 'Please listen...', oh..." and then he skipped to the next question :D

Anyway, I'm still stoked that he mentioned me (or at least my internet nickname)

Laugh all you want, I'm still a kid when it comes to things like this :D