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back to back is probably the best method, and alternating in layer so the pitch angle is absorbed by the next as they are stacked. I would recommmend keeping the knob sides up.

To me, the new UB1832fx is far quieter than the tascam I was using, has many easy no noise pushbutton routing options. The preamps seem to be very clean with plenty of gain without getting a saturated aura. The semi parametric eq is nice. There may be some colour, although it is transparent enough that my ears don`t recognize it as apparent. I've heard the color vary from soundcraft, mackie, yamaha, to tascam in small mixers. I have friends using the cf, df,(which i dislike much) and vlz mackies at home and I hear or see no appreciable superiority in them over this newer series of Behr as far as noise and color is concerned. Any noise I`ve found was in the sends and returns on the aux's, but using a little common sense in the ratio between them clears that up. The band I'm working with bought the sl3242 for live and it is performing great. I've worked with 2 bands that had the Mackie 24 and one rail of the power supply went out. I did a job with a band using the Mackie Onyx and it was pretty impressive. I have a friend in Tenn. that uses 2 of the Mackie 32/8 buss in his studio, now that is some clean, totally transparent stuff and has never had a problem with them.
So far, I'm a happy camper. But then again I'm not trying to make a living with it or into any kind of name game, or an arms race. 'Just a picker learning to do home recording and having fun.