The Tascam Forum is Down

No, I noticed it. I just couldn't be bothered to comment. I pointed the edit button out to you. That should suffice.

How an intelligent chap like you could miss an obvious mistake like Sceeenames is beyond me.
Blame Tascam for keeping the boards closed down for so long :mad:

We're all going mad through Tascam chat deprivation
But, Mark,

You received such a warm welcome the other day in the Cave when you suggested a modest amount of decorum and civility?

I miss TASCAM's bbs too.:(
Yeah, first they discontinue the 234, 244, 246 and 388 and now this .. How long have they been down now ? Must be like 2 or 3 weeks !?!?!?!?!? :eek: :(

Yeah, it does suck. What am I going to do with 1/4 of my time?

-Tascambbs: HRcombbs: EBay: sleep: [repeat]-

Oh, with one less venue to talk about recording, I suppose I could do more,... uh,...

Quote from ARP;
What am I going to do with 1/4 of my time?

How about Garage sale and in person hunts for even more TASCAM vintage gear?

Why limit yourself to just E-bay when there are thousands of local sales to scour through!!

Or, yeah, record more, like you said!

Cheers! :)
You're right about that, fontmeister! I've been considering garage-sale-ing it!

To buy more gear, and not sell it! Of course!

Anyway, I think I'm the only person for miles around that you might see Porta-Ones, 244's, 246's, 424mkII's, M30's Fostex A8's, 350-mixers, Model-80's, R8's and Tascam 388's for sale on the lawn!;) [And what a colorful spread that woule be!]

I'm pretty sure of that!

Anyway, -ot-, how many of you bbs heads would like to see a 'Tascam' and 'Fostex' thread devoted entirely to my gear pics? I'd swear, you wouldn't believe it until you've seen it! I have dozens pieces of Tascam gear, and probably half as many Fostex items! It sounds so totally self indulgent, but I hardly think you'll find a larger & more comprehensive collection of this stuff, [less Vintage-TX's website]. Also, I wanted to assemble ALL my gear onto the floor of the living room, garage or driveway, [whichever it fits better onto], and photograph ALL MY GEAR IN ONE PIC! I'm sure it would look like a panoramic, horizon-to-horizon TASCAM/FOSTEX WONDERLAND!;)
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Re: Picture Post idea by ARP

Lead the way, Moses!

I have been stumbling around this digital desert for too long!!

So me visions of the promised, (Analog )land!

:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)

[Derek Verner]: Merely as a follow-up, I would like to know why LTU and the Font come here with different sceeenames. Surely the reputation you have earned elsewhere should be afforded you here.

Well, Derek, unlike you, I did not just get here yesterday, as a result of them closing down my favorite playground. I've been here equally as long as I was at Tascammb, [RIP]. And, I will not just leave HRcom when Tascambbs opens up, as you so quickly assumed people would do. Other members on this thread, besides myself, are also long-established HRcom bbs members.

To set the record straight, I'm just here for fun, being myself, and although there's a reputation that develops around any bbs user, that's the least of reasons why I'm here. Anyone who cared to read my LTU posts from Tascambbs, might then transition over here and find a parallel and comparable body of posts here, at HRcom. Most people with half a brain eventually figured out "A Reel Person" here was "long time user" over there. If not, and I thought it was relevant, I just told them. As reputations go, it's really not on my radar screen. IMO, let people think whatever they want.

However, that being said, it is better to be thought of by the general public of your peers as a knowledgeable & helpful person, and not a nit-picking know-nothing that's full of non-sequiters,... of which we already have too many at HRcom.

See, even jake-owa has a reputation here, and I might say he was flailing out of control there for a while, but now he's seemed to calm down nicely, back to normal, FWIW. Knowing this by actually being here more than a week, I have a bit of hesitation any time I'm inclined to agree with jake-owa, but on this, and you [Derek Verner], he's right.

For someone who's always pointing out people's grammatical problems and spelling mistakes, FYI, [Derek Verner] you've made a few of your own, but that's nothing as compared to the utter nonsensical nature of your posts,... and insulting?... condescending?... dude!,... you wrote the book! Now, I'm not into bbs personality wars, but I'm inclined to agree with jake-owa on his opinions revolving around you.

If I want spiteful, nonsensical, esoteric nonsequiters, HRcom's full of 'em, with a list of assclowns as long as my arm. Maybe try coming up with something relevant or useful to say,... once in a while, instead of cluttering up serious threads with utter nonsense!.

Tascambbs,... it was fun,... and may it rest in peace!

Good luck on the Corsicabbs!;)
Reputation? I don't think so,...

but I wish I had a dollar for every time I said "It's the belt", "You need a 1/8"-to-RCA stereo Y-cable", and "Buy the manual from Tascam!";)
Golly gee, Reel-- I thought you were over your snit. I was merely curious about the different name. It was not an insult or anything.
I have no plans of leaving here if and when TASCAM gets their bbs up and running again.

I really like the folks here and I love the freedom here to truly say what's on your mind. Even if your language skills are such that words like "fuckin'-fart-knocker" are all that one can muster in a moment of passion.

I really like the MP3 clinic as this seems like the only place on the web where you can pimp your music and not feel like a pimp for doing so. You can even get some helpful advice there on how to improve your mix!

As for my Buddy, Derek. I welcome him here and anyone else who is looking for some comradely in these dark digital days that lay before us.

Cheers! :)
I'm against most flagrant nonsequiters,...

unless you're really funny!;)

I'm against trivia posts, and those who post them, FWIW,...

... unless you can really knock the crowd over with laughter! [monty], so sorry![Derek Verner, LR, hixmix, djc, camn,... etc, etc, etc.] Did I say no names? Ha.

Well, I never read a single mega-trivia post at Tascambbs, ever. To me they were utter useless waste of board space.

Oh, did I blow a fuse over that, or what?

Okay,... this whole thing about post count & bbs reputation kind of sets me off,... I'll admit it. Eh, TBeck? Ha.

People know me on both bbs's as the same type of person, no matter what the name or post count.;)
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Re: Reputation? I don't think so,...

A Reel Person said:
but I wish I had a dollar for every time I said "It's the belt", "You need a 1/8"-to-RCA stereo Y-cable", and "Buy the manual from Tascam!";)

Me too!

Hell! Maybe if I had that extra coin, I could have beaten you in some of those E-bay auctions!!

Derek Verner said:
Lesson !:

Don't mess with the junk yard dog.

Lesson 2:

Never pull on Superman's cape.
That's right and I happen to be very good friends with Superman's junkyard dog so don't mess with me!

No, I have nothing against you here Derek, the traffic almost guarantees that I won't have you repeating a response to me like I'm an infant. And if I get sick of you here I can simply say....


Refreshing isn't is?

Welcome on pinhead!:D