The Roger Daltry Scream

Cyrokk said:
Excellent advice guys! Thanks!!

I'm going to practice the placement in the upper pallette in the commute to and from work (where I usually practice vocals). I think I know that area you are referring to Tim. I've kinda noticed that I come closer to the effect I want to produce by directing the scream (more like a grunt now) in that area. If I do that while pushing the air in my diaphram for tone, I may be able to develop it to the point that I can do it somewhat convincingly when I record the actual track in the next few weeks. Perhaps if I do the scream like I was yelling at my parents (like Bruce with his track solo'd) and double it with the somewhat developed upper pallette technique, I can pull it off.

If not, I'll try running my voice through distortion or rewrite the part.

Close but no cigar.

You don't want to grunt, and you don't want to push a lot of air. This is where it gets tricky.

Too much air, and you could fry your vocal chords.

This is going to sound crazy, but your diaphragm - is like the diaphram of a speaker (hence the name) Sound - is actually generated there as an electrical pulse, when you hold the diaphragm down.
I have several vocal books that go into this, and one of them was by a vocal instructor of many rockstars - including Axl Rose and Ron Keel.
She claimed that by pressing the diaphragm down an electrical pulse is generated that is somewhat similar to the Priamal Scream therapy. It's exactly how a baby can scream at the top of their lungs - think about it - a baby can emit an ear piercing wail that seems to go on forever.
It's because the Baby knows how to scream automatically - but as children, we are told to "be quite" and "stop that screaming", and so we forget how to do it.

You have to re-learn how to breathe and scream correctly - and Jaime Vendera's books will show you the way to doing it correctly.

having spent thousands of dollars on books ,and taken vocal lessons - I can say without a doubt that Jaime Vendera's vocal books are the best I've seen - and the key is =- they are written by a Rock & Metal singer.

Cyrokk said:
Gillan did some GREAT screaming in "Disturbing the Priest" during his short stint with Sabbath on "Born Again".

David Lee Roth did it well too, but a little too melodic than what I'm going for.

Yeah, but Gillan also had Vocal Polyps while he recorded teh Born Again record (a personal favorite of mine - Gillan and Dio are two of my most favorite singers.) He was supposed to have vocal surgery - but instead chose to join Sabbath and record Born Again.

Nakatira said:
The best screams I`ve ever heard are done by Ian Gillan on Made in Japan, that is just raw power.

And to think he was suffering from bronchites at time, makes it even more impressive :)

It was the smoking. You just can't sing and be a smoker. I've tried - as a smoker, I'm short almost 2 octaves of voice - when I'm a non-smoker, I've got an extremely wide range.

Tim Brown said:
Yeah, but Gillan also had Vocal Polyps while he recorded teh Born Again record (a personal favorite of mine - Gillan and Dio are two of my most favorite singers.) He was supposed to have vocal surgery - but instead chose to join Sabbath and record Born Again.


I wish he had that surgery, he sounds like an ass today IMHO :D
Jamie Vendera lives right down the road from me about 2 miles. I saw him break glass with just his voice on Myth Busters. That guy knows how to scream and he can teach you to do it. The video of him breaking glass with no amplification was posted on his web site at It was the first time it was ever done without any amplification at all or at least the first time where there was proof that it happened.
King Ghidora said:
Jamie Vendera lives right down the road from me about 2 miles. I saw him break glass with just his voice on Myth Busters. That guy knows how to scream and he can teach you to do it. The video of him breaking glass with no amplification was posted on his web site at It was the first time it was ever done without any amplification at all or at least the first time where there was proof that it happened.

Jaime is the king of vocal coaches, man - his books are simply incredible.

I'm going to be moving to Tennessee in thenear future - and I intend to bank some money and go spend a couple of days taking vocal lessons from him in person.

He sure picked an out of the way place to do these things. We don't get too many rock stars in this neck of the woods. At least we didn't until Jaime came along. You'll be surprised where you find him. I guess he wants it that way. It's a nice out of the way place around here just the way I like it.
Are you sure you want to scream like Maynard in that song?
He lost his voice for a week recording it. And Tool don´t play the song live.
Yes I'm sure. The song is about how much I hate my office job and I am screaming the word "Fuck" in the chorus over eight bars. If I can do it just right, in the studio, then I don't care if I temporarily lose my vocals (heeding Tim's warnings and not pushing myself too far). I doubt I will ever sing this live as I don't gig. And if it turns out that I do, then I'll worry about it when the time comes.

Thanks for the elaboration Tim!
King Ghidora said:
He sure picked an out of the way place to do these things. We don't get too many rock stars in this neck of the woods. At least we didn't until Jaime came along. You'll be surprised where you find him. I guess he wants it that way. It's a nice out of the way place around here just the way I like it.

Well think about it - he can live a nice quiet area witha slower pace of life - and via the Internet and his contacts he can actually make a living as a musician - not necessarily as a performer per se, but I can relate to his passion for teaching - once my voice began to get better, I wanted to show EVEYRBODY - look at this! We've been doing it wrong all along - but everybody just looks at you like your nuts - the thing with Jaime is, th Mythbusters Glass breaking set him up man - I mean, think about it - he's the first documented singer to break glass on Television - and the guys from Meyer Sound Lab were there to verify it happened.

That's definitely going to carry some weight as far as his credibility goes.

When they were testing people to see who could break glass - the top Opera singers they had were only hitting about 90 db's , while Jaime was hitting over 100 db's.
