The Peaceful Political Roundtable

I think by true story he means what follows (followed). That's the way I took it. Nothing extra - he just shouldn't wisecrack (he's kind of a pussy but I'm okay with that. Ha haaa... lol ) j/k
This is accurate. I can be a bit of a pussy sometimes. 🤟🏻
Not going to mud-sling with you. You stated things that are demonstrably wrong, and then cited different stats to save face and discredit me, but reading the details you’ll find that the pew study you cited defines “upper income” as above $215k, substantially lower than the study I cited and the top 1% we had been discussing. Even if we use your cite, it’s nearly a 50-50 split, not the “top 1% of earners who are the largest political donors and who overwhelmingly vote (D)” you said it was.

You’re just wrong on this, which is why you’ve got to go back to your daughter shower stuff. Give it a rest.
*Your* criteria aren't the same as what Rasmussen stated and other sources don't back yours up.

You're "I'm not going to sling mud" broken record became tedious long ago after however many shrieking liberal hissyfits resulting from however many examples of showing your bs to be bs. You're *exactly* what I've come to expect from leftists.

I imagine it pisses you off that you can't credibly say the same about me - *I'm* not of the religious right, my positions don't come from partisanship they come from independent evaluation of what's rationally good for the US. Open borders, drag queen story hour, dudes in skirts competing against actual women, "transitioning" for minors, the Mueller shamvestigation aren't good for America.

From past experience I just assume anything you claim on any topic - race, crime, covid, politics, election issues - is crap and you have yet to demonstrate otherwise. You'll do a St. Vitus dance to deny reality and pretend your hollow declarations are a substitute for honesty - the lawfare persecution against Trump is obvious to anyone who's honest. It's open, orchestrated election interference. You give lip service to caring about an honest election but nothing else you say supports that.

Truly mind-boggling is that ultimately your bs is in service of supporting a bs agenda - whatever one can say about Trump it's irrefutable that his core agenda is superior to "Biden's" if what one cares about is the welfare and prosperity of the US, whatever it is that motivates you that clearly isn't your priority.

The guy is a corrupt puppet FauxPres POS who's been enabling his overprivileged druggie kid his whole life along with profiteering off him, he took showers with his daughter, this just bounces off of you and others - I've seen your equivocating "well to some people..." excuse-making on the topic. The correct answer is "It's wrong", period. You don't care any more than you care whether the '20 election was stolen and you don't ever get to live down the fact that you don't care.
So Moses said, “This is what the Lord says: ‘About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.
*Your* criteria aren't the same as what Rasmussen stated and other sources don't back yours up.

You're "I'm not going to sling mud" broken record became tedious long ago after however many shrieking liberal hissyfits resulting from however many examples of showing your bs to be bs. You're *exactly* what I've come to expect from leftists.

I imagine it pisses you off that you can't credibly say the same about me - *I'm* not of the religious right, my positions don't come from partisanship they come from independent evaluation of what's rationally good for the US. Open borders, drag queen story hour, dudes in skirts competing against actual women, "transitioning" for minors, the Mueller shamvestigation aren't good for America.

From past experience I just assume anything you claim on any topic - race, crime, covid, politics, election issues - is crap and you have yet to demonstrate otherwise. You'll do a St. Vitus dance to deny reality and pretend your hollow declarations are a substitute for honesty - the lawfare persecution against Trump is obvious to anyone who's honest. It's open, orchestrated election interference. You give lip service to caring about an honest election but nothing else you say supports that.

Truly mind-boggling is that ultimately your bs is in service of supporting a bs agenda - whatever one can say about Trump it's irrefutable that his core agenda is superior to "Biden's" if what one cares about is the welfare and prosperity of the US, whatever it is that motivates you that clearly isn't your priority.

The guy is a corrupt puppet FauxPres POS who's been enabling his overprivileged druggie kid his whole life along with profiteering off him, he took showers with his daughter, this just bounces off of you and others - I've seen your equivocating "well to some people..." excuse-making on the topic. The correct answer is "It's wrong", period. You don't care any more than you care whether the '20 election was stolen and you don't ever get to live down the fact that you don't care.
You want a broken record, just listen to Trumps never ending pity party. No substance, no platform, no ideas, just poor poor pitiful me, I am such a victim and I am out to get revenge. I have never heard another adult male whine and cry as much, seriously. lol.
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*Your* criteria aren't the same as what Rasmussen stated and other sources don't back yours up.

You're "I'm not going to sling mud" broken record became tedious long ago after however many shrieking liberal hissyfits resulting from however many examples of showing your bs to be bs. You're *exactly* what I've come to expect from leftists.

I imagine it pisses you off that you can't credibly say the same about me - *I'm* not of the religious right, my positions don't come from partisanship they come from independent evaluation of what's rationally good for the US. Open borders, drag queen story hour, dudes in skirts competing against actual women, "transitioning" for minors, the Mueller shamvestigation aren't good for America.

From past experience I just assume anything you claim on any topic - race, crime, covid, politics, election issues - is crap and you have yet to demonstrate otherwise. You'll do a St. Vitus dance to deny reality and pretend your hollow declarations are a substitute for honesty - the lawfare persecution against Trump is obvious to anyone who's honest. It's open, orchestrated election interference. You give lip service to caring about an honest election but nothing else you say supports that.

Truly mind-boggling is that ultimately your bs is in service of supporting a bs agenda - whatever one can say about Trump it's irrefutable that his core agenda is superior to "Biden's" if what one cares about is the welfare and prosperity of the US, whatever it is that motivates you that clearly isn't your priority.

The guy is a corrupt puppet FauxPres POS who's been enabling his overprivileged druggie kid his whole life along with profiteering off him, he took showers with his daughter, this just bounces off of you and others - I've seen your equivocating "well to some people..." excuse-making on the topic. The correct answer is "It's wrong", period. You don't care any more than you care whether the '20 election was stolen and you don't ever get to live down the fact that you don't care.
Oh I think that's a bit harsh. I used to have issues with Mr. Led as well but he has chilled substantially in recent times. Maybe I have too. We disagree on a fair few things but I'm okay with that. Respect breeds respect - we don't have to agree.
You want a broken record, just listen to Trumps never ending pity party. No substance, no platform, no ideas, just poor poor pitiful me, I am such a victim and I am out to get revenge. I have never heard another adult male whine and cry as much, seriously. lol.

Okay let's listen.

You won't get any argument from me that Trump isn't the ideal candidate - there are those I'd prefer, Trump is the choice available. He doesn't believe in open borders and cramming as much of the unvetted third world into the US as he can to change the voting demographic, knows dudes in skirts have no business competing against women, doesn't promote a scam of expecting me to pay off someone else's student loan, reliably remembers where he is, doesn't call on dead members of Congress, there's no diary where his daughter outs him as a pervert. Nobody who has half a brain believes that Biden is calling the shots in "his" administration. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot or a liar or both.
With all the arguing, I wonder who among us actually lives in a battleground state. I don’t. My vote won’t mean shit.
With all the arguing, I wonder who among us actually lives in a battleground state. I don’t. My vote won’t mean shit.
What are the battleground states these days? We have several Floridians in here. That was a battleground, right? NH is usually contrary to the rest of New England but we don't have shit for electoral college votes.
What are the battleground states these days? We have several Floridians in here. That was a battleground, right? NH is usually contrary to the rest of New England but we don't have shit for electoral college votes.
Hopefully Florida is less so since DeSantis showed some shady election officials the door and tightened voting procedures to make it harder to cheat in ways Dems have -0- interest in doing and that wouldn't have happened under a Dem governor. In the 2022 gubernatorial election he won counties long regarded as unwinnable by a Republican even after a number of actions that made Demliberals' blood boil. My assumption is that the 2016 contest with Granny Scandals wasn't as close as the official vote count in Florida would lead one to believe, that Florida probably hasn't been been seeing honest vote counts for a long time, skewed to favor Dems.
Hopefully Florida is less so since DeSantis showed some shady election officials the door and tightened voting procedures to make it harder to cheat in ways Dems have -0- interest in doing and that wouldn't have happened under a Dem governor. In the 2022 gubernatorial election he won counties long regarded as unwinnable by a Republican even after a number of actions that made Demliberals' blood boil. My assumption is that the 2016 contest with Granny Scandals wasn't as close as the official vote count in Florida would lead one to believe, that Florida probably hasn't been been seeing honest vote counts for a long time, skewed to favor Dems.
Cheating? You mean like fake electors?
What are the battleground states these days? We have several Floridians in here. That was a battleground, right? NH is usually contrary to the rest of New England but we don't have shit for electoral college votes.
Maine splits sometimes. The north of the state tends to be Republican-leaning and southern Maine usually goes Democrat.