The official "I love P-90s" thread...

I don't have P90s but I do have mini humbucker in both my Les Paul Deluxes. They do everything.


I don't think I can play with any other pickups
I like my minihumbuckers,too!
I hear great things about P90's,but I couldn't use a single coil for recording w/ the 19th century wiring in my house.
I have a Silvertone hollow body that cane with standard humbucker (copy) pups, swapped them pot for a set of P90s, now it notolny plays nicely it has a sound very much like an ES335. Yes P90s fit right into standard humbucker slots.
Henri Devill said:
The sweetest of the sweet,The coolest of the cool,The official P-90 grand dame...

You don't own that do you? That's pimp shit right there.

I wish they would come out with re-issues of the guitar Marley used. They recreated his exact one I think, its got p-90s but it wasn't a goldtop or a LP Junior...I think Gibson Custom actually made one, but it was very limited production and of course $$$$.... "Aged" with hemp....
bongolation said:
Yeah, I picked up an SG "Classic" a while back.

Cheaper grade of import hardware plus the usual awful, crude Gibson build and QC, but mine wasn't as bad as most of the others I know about. MSRP on this is pretty inflated. I got mine on sale for $599.99 (delivered) from AMS and that's about what it's worth.

Wow, the MF rating have it almost a perfect 10 (based on 69 custumer ratings comparing quality, value...etc) and thats at $999 and now they have it at $849. Almost every review is all 10s! Now youre saying thats it only worth $599 and the gibsons are usually crap?


By the way what is AMS?

I've often remarked that if the P-90 were introduced today, the guitar press would just about sh*t all over itself, extolling it as the "tone breakthrough of the decade," much as they currently are about any amplifier that calls itself "class A." Funny how history repeats... Guess what, kids? Those Pods and modelers and Sansamps they're selling you are all pretty much trying to get the sound of a P-90 guitar through a Gibson GA-5. So maybe that's what you should get, and you can jettison all the computer chips you've got between your axe and your amp. Try an Epiphone Casino -- or better yet, a Gibson ES 330 -- and hear what a hollow body with P-90s will do for your tone. Or for some real vintage-rock spank, plunk down $350 on eBay for a P90 Les Paul Melody Maker. Epi makes a couple of sweet jazz boxes axe with P-90s for that rockabilly thing, as does Dean with their 3 P-90 Palomino. Or try a "Tele Junior" (custom shop) or hell, even a Squier Telecaster Custom with Duncan P-90s. There are lots of ways to get "the sound," and most of them won't set you back that much money. Plug 'er into a low-watt tube amp (preferably class A) and figure out what all the fuss is about... and welcome to 1964!!
My Gibson SG Classic is an awesome guitar with all the tone you'd ever want from a guitar. It's also an extremely loud guitar acousticly. I don't know how that happened, just the right wood I guess in this one. It's awesome! Love it! I like it better than my 2 Les Pauls with p-90s in them that I've had.

KKM1 said:
Wow, the MF rating have it almost a perfect 10 (based on 69 custumer ratings comparing quality, value...etc) and thats at $999 and now they have it at $849. Almost every review is all 10s! Now youre saying thats it only worth $599 and the gibsons are usually crap?

The difference between my information and the stuff you get from HC reviews and illiterate buyer feedback on MF (where few bad reviews are allowed to be posted, as the input is screened, but a smart guy like you already knows that, right?) is that my information comes from someone who actually knows something about guitars, how they're made and marketed.

By the way what is AMS?
You're just testing me, right? A smart guy like you already knows that, too. ;)
Hard2Hear said:
My Gibson SG Classic is...also an extremely loud guitar acousticly. I don't know how that happened, just the right wood I guess in this one.
Much of that is the design and the wood, but the very heavy, thick neck also helps with sustain. It is indeed a very loud, sustaining guitar, but this is somewhat at the expense of tonal complexity, as is usually the case with very vibrationally "efficient" axes. Though there are dud guitars with poor sustain and poor tone, usually tonal complexity and sustain are tradeoffs with each other, as part of the physics of how guitars work.
I may not be an expert but I DO know a fun playing and great sounding guitar when i have one in my hands and my favorite guitar I own (out of a 94 Gibson SG Standard, 04 US strat. 05 Rick 360/6) is definitely my 04 faded yellow DC Les Paul Jr that I paid only $649 for new (I know I probably overpaid according to you). I must admit I really started loving the guitar after it had a pro setup. TO ME it is an awesome sounding, playing and looking guitar.

I do take everything i read on the internet with a grain of salt (especially YOUR posts lol) but if 69 out of 69 user reviews say that this guitar is a 10 out of 10 or close then its probably a pretty good guitar, specially at $150 off the regular price.

I guess im lucky im not such a "smart guy" like yourself because I would be unhappy with every piece of gear I owned. Ignorance really is bliss:)
KKM1 said:
I may not be an expert but I DO know a fun playing and great sounding guitar when i have one in my hands and my favorite guitar I own (out of a 94 Gibson SG Standard, 04 US strat. 05 Rick 360/6) is definitely my 04 faded yellow DC Les Paul Jr that I paid only $649 for new (I know I probably overpaid according to you). I must admit I really started loving the guitar after it had a pro setup. TO ME it is an awesome sounding, playing and looking guitar.

I do take everything i read on the internet with a grain of salt (especially YOUR posts lol) but if 69 out of 69 user reviews say that this guitar is a 10 out of 10 or close then its probably a pretty good guitar, specially at $150 off the regular price.

I guess im lucky im not such a "smart guy" like yourself because I would be unhappy with every piece of gear I owned. Ignorance really is bliss:)

Here is a cool thread about the SG Classic over at lotsa info about guitars on that site.
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bongolation said:
Much of that is the design and the wood, but the very heavy, thick neck also helps with sustain.

Nope, sorry. No heavy thick neck here. It has the thinnest neck of all my SGs except for the 73 model which has the super skinny neck. It also sounds amazing on my Marshall tsl100 or Vox ad120 cranked way up.

ps Harmony Central reviews are as bogus as anything on the internet.

By the way, your comment on cheap imported hardware is completely off base and just wrong period. They have the same hardware as every other Gibson. The SG Classic is not a budget guitar or a lesser value one. And I have several friends working at Gibson who take issue with your comment on their lack of building skills. Lets see you come to Nashville and tell them to their face.

KKM1 tell us if you like it when it comes in..My buds Classic is very good..Maybe Bongolation got a different guit or something,because its very different discription from my buds..Perhaps he confusing it to one of the SG's of the "faded" variety?..My freind got his when he played my '96 LP Special which the neck is similar to ..Its a bound slim USA 60's neck, very similar the the LesPaul Classic neck...

Edit..This is not to be confused with the Historic 60's profile neck
I also have a 2001 Gibson SG Classic. I have to agree that it looks, plays and sounds great. It's my main guitar. The neck is a bit chunky, but very comfortable and playable. No serious QC issues with mine.

I got a chance to A/B it with a few mid '60's SG juniors and specials. Compared to a '65 junior, the Classic sounds fuller and a bit darker - more low-mid emphasis. But it lacked the high end sparkle and complexity of the junior. Against a late '60's special, the Classic sounded almost identical. The special was a just a little smoother and warmer sounding.

I personally don't really care for the P90's clean tones. They can be a bit harsh and 'piezo-like' to my ears. But for straight-ahead gritty, overdriven rawk they really scream.