I SEE! Now I'm getting somewhere. Thank you! I got in a muddle. You're right I should have read that section over and over. A lot of it goes over my head because it's a totally new lingo. I had it in my head that the default lights on 1 and 2 were fixed.
I've just recorded something using tracks 1 & 2 for the guitar and vocals (completely wrecked my most beautiful song!), then selected 3 & 4 for some lead guitar which means I could only use one of those tracks and the other is wasted - or is it possible to use both for stereo even though the guitar can only go in one input? Then I added some djembe drum using 5 & 6 but it's not in stereo - it only played in the right speaker of my headphones. I then added more vocals using 7 & 8 and had to turn the recording level up.
So the BR-800 is neither a 4 or 8 track recorder but somewhere between? Virtual tracks are discussed on the next page of the manual but, again, it's lost on me. Does it mean that if I keep rerecording over a track I can search for previous recordings and select the one I like best?
I don't understand the difference between 'mono rec,' 'stereo rec' and 'simul rec.' Does it mean that if I'd used tracks 3 & 4 for the drum I could have panned them to make the drum stereo? i.e. using 1 input for 2 tracks makes it stereo whereas 2 inputs would be mono because taking a track each? Why didn't the drum in 5/6 come out in stereo anyway? [Update: OK this was discussed earlier in the thread. I've just recorded another song and added the djembe drum to tracks 3 & 4 making sure that the input source I selected was no 4 in stereo as opposed to mono or simul. As it happens the drum sounds awful anyway so needs to be scrapped. Haha. I probably need a bigger drum although I'm thinking of trying a snare and brushes at some point].
Thrilled to know that I can press 3/4 and actually ADD those tracks to what's been recorded on 1/2 as it plays.