The New Tone Thread

Lol. That shit is bad ass.
yeah ..... man do I wish I had it all back!

However, ..... I have a friend who is a collector and has the old grey twin twelve Silvertone that is so in vogue with some players today and he has a 2x12 Kustom guitar amp too (in blue).

Holy cow that stuff sucks!! :D

Absolute shit sounding amps!!!!

This is for guitar of course .... the bass rig was decent and I did get to play thru one of them a few years back and it was pretty damned good for 100 watts.
I remember being disappointed in the PA even back then though.
A lot of that quirky 70s stuff sounds bad but is quite popular with the indie hipster crowd so they can be ironic and different.
A lot of that quirky 70s stuff sounds bad but is quite popular with the indie hipster crowd so they can be ironic and different.
lol ..... yep.
Everytime I see one of those Silvertones with someone raving about it I immediately know he doesn't know squat about tone.
Cool pics Bob...the first band I was in (the singer lived next door to Mom/Dad, home at the time) had 4 of those Kustom pa columns, & an old 12 channel Peavey pa (the one with the huge knobs for each channel) driving it...It actually sounded pretty good IMO, we used it for vocals, & my guitar amp was mic'd through it (the Gorilla I mentioned, then later, a Marshall 12w micro-stack...:p)...Good times man, wish I could go back & do it all over again, we had some really good times while I was in that band, even if I was just a kid...
I had a lot of bad amps....

This was my first actual amp.

But in my buddy's church, I used one of these!

And my love for Marshalls was born.

But then we got booted from ever setting foot in that church again and I landed on this dynamic duo of suckage:

Then that shit got stolen, and I bounced around through a bunch of other shitty amps and shitty pedals.

This was my bass amp, and I loved it.

That was stolen too...

Then I got this piece of shit for free, still have it....

And that was it until this....
Haha, nice! I'd say that you're headed in the right direction.

My first "real" amp was a Fender red-knob similar to yours:

It was perfect for all of my hair-metal fantasies of the day. I used that thing for over 10 years. It even quit working for about 9 months and then miraculously came back from the dead for no reason. I gave it to one of my nieces once I bought my first tube amp.
Haha, nice! I'd say that you're headed in the right direction.

My first "real" amp was a Fender red-knob similar to yours:

It was perfect for all of my hair-metal fantasies of the day. I used that thing for over 10 years. It even quit working for about 9 months and then miraculously came back from the dead for no reason. I gave it to one of my nieces once I bought my first tube amp.

Ages ago I had a red-knob Power Chorus, which was like a slightly beefier version of that. It could barely compete with live drums and the solder joints definitely did not like volume.
Greg, correct me if I'm wrong here (like I needed to say that), but is that a Tube Screamer on your board there?
thas what it is!

He uses it as a clean boost to drive the front end a bit.

Greg ..... holy cow .... an Acoustic git amp! They sucked even back in the day! :laughings:

Tadpui .... didn't they have tube red knobs also? Or were ALL of them solid state?
'cause I remember using one that was part of the backline when I played at Jazz Fest one year and I remember liking it a lot. Felt like it had a wonderful clean and, of course, all the Jazz Fest stages were big playing to huge crowds and I don't remember struggling to hear it.
Yeah, that Princeton Chorus was a solid-state 25Wx2 stereo amp. It could only barely keep up with our loud-ass drummer back in the day. I usually had to mic it and send it through a PA. Especially once our other guitarist bought a 100W Marshall!

Holy shit, hot enough to melt Tolex? I can feel every fire marshall in Texas shuddering in disgust right about now.

Good question...I'm not sure if Fender made any tube red-knobs. All of the ones that I've seen have been solid-state versions.
Holy shit, hot enough to melt Tolex? I can feel every fire marshall in Texas shuddering in disgust right about now.
Yup. That Peavey was 50 watts of solid state garbage....and a bass amp to boot. I literally had it cranked literally all the time.
my first amp (1985):

my second amp (1986) (guitar came much later):

the first amp sucked so profoundly that I went and took out a loan to buy the second amp. It helped that I had a good friend with a Marshall Mosfet that I didn't like, so I figured I had to go for the reach. Bussed a lot of tables to pay that off.

Scroll back a page and you'll see that I had that exact same amp as a firstie. What an amazing piece of shit it was! I kind of wish I could hear it again today, just to see if I could fit it in a song as an almost ironic texture :)
See, I loved my Peavey and I still own it. Played a good few pubs and clubs with it back in the day.
I even regularly ran a DS-1 into it.
Now I have my Blackstar which I am totally happy with. Its probably still a little loud for me to record at home but its also plenty loud enough for any sorta gig I will be doing.
my first amp (1985):

the first amp sucked so profoundly...

Yup, my very first amp was a Gorilla... probably the same damn year too. I don't even remember which model, but it looked similar to that one.
Then I upgraded to this 100w Realistic SS 4-channel PA:

Into a DIY 4x12 cab. I would never have checked impedance or anything back then, so it would have been a total fluke if they even matched.
Sometimes I'd have a friend over to jam and they just plugged into one of the other channels. :/