The New Tone Thread

Tad: Thanks for the run-down on the drums, I thought those were Superior, but wasn't positive....They actually sound good to me too man. What threw me off were the cymbals, I dunno what you did to 'em, but those don't sound like "regular" Toontrack cymbal hits to me...Good job!!!

But that big fat single coil sounds great ......
It sure surprised the shit outta me dude, I think that's one of the best tones posted in this whole thread....Maybe I'm over-doing it a bit, but I sure did like that clip....a lot!!!!
'65 Fender Jazzmaster, bridge pickup
Ibanez TS9 with everything just below 12:00
Solo part adds a JHS Firefly Fuzz to the same setup
Fender '68 Deluxe Reverb reissue, vintage channel. Solo part is on the custom channel. Pretty much everything set at 5, reverb at 2.

Yup, that sounds great. It's got a late 70s power-pop sound to it and you did it real good. I listen to a lot of that kind of stuff, like The Jags and The Jam and shit like that, and they all have that tell-tale ripping single coil sound. That whole little mix is a little cloudy in the low mids though, so it's kind of darkening the sound a bit.

Speaking of boneheads in music stores, I was totally one of those yesterday. I went to try out a TC Vortex mini-flanger so the guy pulled it out of the case, handed me a strat and started plugging me into a little junk micro-amp.
So I went, "Hold up dude I need to hear this thing like I'm actually gonna use it."
He says, "What do you mean?"
I say, "Well I don't play strats or little amps so I'm gonna need to set up in front of something loud."
So he says "Okay we have a Vox AC30 in the demo room".
I say "Yeah okay fine" and I grab an Epi Les Paul off a stand on the way to the demo room.
We get to the demo room, no AC30. Just more micro amps. WTF?
So I say, "I'm gonna go plug into that DSL halfstack over there and I'm gonna be real loud with it"
He kind of looks confused, like what's wrong with all these little amps?
So I says "Is that a problem?"
He says "No, give me a few minutes and I'll roll it into the demo room"
I say "okay" and he walks off.....and never comes back. Lol.
So I handed the flanger to someone else and left.
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And that makes you the bonehead? I think not. Music store dude probably got sidetracked by some mom who needed a new e string and tuning done on junior's guitar. Music store dudes oft times piss me off. I'd reassess who the bonehead was yesterday.
And that makes you the bonehead? I think not. Music store dude probably got sidetracked by some mom who needed a new e string and tuning done on junior's guitar. Music store dudes oft times piss me off. I'd reassess who the bonehead was yesterday.

Well I think I was the bonehead because I might have seemed all rockstar as if I have to play through good guitars and good amps, etc.

But that really wasn't my intention. I wanted to play through good guitars and big loud rigs because that's how 100% of my playing is done. I don't care how that flanger sounds with a single coil guitar that I don't use and a tiny solid state combo amp. I just wanted to approximate my own setup but I don't think I made it very clear that was my intention. I probably came off like some wannabe rockstar. :laughings:
Fuck 'em Greg, it's your dollar dude, not theirs & it seems to me that guy wasn't even interested in helping you. In the rare event I stop by the local music shop,the guy who owns it always asks me if I wanna plug in & play, but I never do because there's honestly just nothing there I'd wanna mess with, even just trying something out...

He's a good guy, but I just don't have the heart to tell him there's just nothing he has that I'd wanna play through...
I could have just cranked up that DSL right in the middle of the store, but I was really trying to NOT be that guy.
Thanks Tad - just what I needed - I was remembering a Les Paul I traded for a RG550, and there wasn't even a dog involved. I also remembered when my dog got hit by a truck.

Sounds great!

Bob - I have never seen a SG like that - all misery aside, do you know what year it was? I'm a wanna-be SG fanboi. I guess if I was truly dedicated, I'd already know.

I went to GC yesterday and left empty handed and depressed.
Thanks man, I appreciate it. Ya know, it figures that something that sounded punk in my head would come out as '70s power pop. But I can definitely live with that. I'll have another listen and pay attention to the low mids. I did brighten the highs a bit as I was fiddling with the mix...mine always come out kinda dull until I liven them up a bit with some EQ on the master bus.

Appreciate it man, I can't argue that you need one also :) Those pickups are pretty badass, they're definitely higher output than a standard Fender single coil. That was one of the reasons that I wanted an old Jazzmaster, because Fender has put such a wide assortment of pickups on those guitars over the years, and the '60s ones had the sound that I really really wanted. As far as I can tell (just by feel, not measurement) the JM seems to be a pretty standard scale least pretty close to a Telecaster. Not noticeably shorter like a LP, or tiny like a Jaguar. Oh, and you'd asked: In that clip I used an SM57 as the mic.

Also, that's a sweet old-school SG. Single coils aren't something that I would expect to see on an SG. Gibson and Fender were really in a shootout by the '70s weren't they? Hey, we've got single coil pickups just like Fender does! And hey we've got humbucking double coils just like Gibson does!

I do like the cymbals on that Custom & Vintage SDX. For the most part, I try to hit the crash lightly because on every sample library those top-velocity crash samples always sound pretty terrible. They sound so exaggerated, like somebody took a running start and did some sort of flying karate kick into the cymbal to generate that highest velocity hit. I did realize after the fact that I forgot to adjust the overhead and tom panning. I'm not a fan of the mile-wide kit sound...I like to bring everything in towards center.
Well dude, it appears those guys who wanted to trade are full of shit, so I'm still trying to get rid of this gear....

I really don't wanna do it, but I may end up loading all this shit up, & making a trip to Knoxville GC before it's over...

You wanna buy a nice little DSL-1H for your nephew dude???:D
Ha, no thanks.

Have you put that stuff on ebay? GC will only give you about 40% of it's resale value.

Lol......No man, I haven't tried the ebay thing, I've read a lot of bad shit about doing that, like people saying the package didn't arrive & having to give their money back, then being out all-around...

I know GC will fuck me over, that's why I said I really hate to do that...I'm not really hurting for $$$, I just don't have any extra $$$ at all after I pay my bills & eat, but it would be nice to move some of this stuff & be able to get something I'll actually use basically for nothing (in my humble opinon anyway....I know I'll be losing $$$ on anything I sell so...)...
I had a guy offer me an Ibanez RG350DX for the Marshall 1w....He told me he paid like $900 for it...It's the same exact guitar I already have, same color & everything....I told him he got fuckin' ripped if he paid $900 for that guitar, you can buy a new one for around $400....Just dumb-asses man, that think I'm as stupid as they are, they're everywhere around here...:facepalm:.
Lol. You are surrounded by bumpkins!

It's like that everywhere. When I peruse the smaller town craigslists, they're full of insane people trying to make insane deals.
Well dude, it appears those guys who wanted to trade are full of shit, so I'm still trying to get rid of this gear....

I really don't wanna do it, but I may end up loading all this shit up, & making a trip to Knoxville GC before it's over...

You wanna buy a nice little DSL-1H for your nephew dude???:D
I would be interested in the Tweaker ....... but I can buy a brand-spanking new one for 400.
So I imagine you'd rather trade it but lemme know if that's a possibility.
Lol. You are surrounded by bumpkins!
You have no idea man, really....I thought I had a deal on an Explorer, the guy had pics of a Gibson, nice looking guitar (in the pics he posted anyway, & you could tell the pics were taken at someone's house), it was white with gold hardware & p'ups, just a nice looking guitar...So, I drive about 40 mins to meet the guy, & he shows up with a beat-to-hell, gun-metal grey colored Epiphone instead, & still expected me to trade...:laughings:..Apparently, he thought the Epiphone was worth as much as the Gibson...I told him I'd give him my Tweaker & those extra power tubes I have for it, but he acted like he was insulted, so I just came back to the house...:).

I know there are dumb-asses everywhere, but I swear I believe this is the worst place in the whole country man....
I would be interested in the Tweaker ....... but I can buy a brand-spanking new one for 400.
So I imagine you'd rather trade it but lemme know if that's a possibility.
Honestly Bob, I'd rather have $$$ if at all possible, & I've got it listed at $235, with 3-4 sets of different power tubes, not including the original Ruby's that came in it...To me, that's a pretty fair price...I know what they cost new too, because I bought this one new...;)

---------- Update ----------

On the trade, lemme know what you had in mind dude, maybe we could work something out, who knows....
Honestly Bob, I'd rather have $$$ if at all possible, & I've got it listed at $235, with 3-4 sets of different power tubes, not including the original Ruby's that came in it...To me, that's a pretty fair price...I know what they cost new too, because I bought this one new...;)

---------- Update ----------

On the trade, lemme know what you had in mind dude, maybe we could work something out, who knows....
Actually I meant that trading would be a local thing ..... I'd rather buy it.
235 sounds decent actually ..... I know it's been well cared for .... lemme see if I can raise the cash ...... what about shipping ..... split it?
No promises since I'm fairly broke but this may be doable.
Actually I meant that trading would be a local thing ..... I'd rather buy it.
235 sounds decent actually ..... I know it's been well cared for .... lemme see if I can raise the cash ...... what about shipping ..... split it?
No promises since I'm fairly broke but this may be doable.
IMHO, $235 is a pretty good deal man, especially since I'm throwing in some good, OS power tubes...

I'd originally wanted the buyer to pay shipping, & I actually have no idea how much that would be....But, since it's one of my ToneTard brothers, I could probably just knock off a little for the shipping...

Lemme know Bob, I'm not in a real bind right now, but I'm also not using the amp....Don't kill yourself or anything, I'm sure it'll be here if/when you get the $$$ because I've had it up for months now, & nobody seems to want it....

If you for sure want it, I can take the ads down for the T15 dude...After all, I feel you guys here are my brothers, & I'm sure you'd do the same for me...

On the trade thing, whaddya got??? We might just go that route depending on what you might wanna get rid of....