The New Tone Thread

@minerman - thanks so much,excellent post i really do appreciate it :)

mine is similar to yours but 1100x600x680x40mm thick kitchen worktops (roughly 3 n a half foot x3x3) inner box,a guy on another forum that has air conditioning experience (quiet office ducting) gave me a design he made for me,so it uses clever porting on the inner box to do some noise cancellation ... i was gonna use 40mm thick dry wall insulation then cover with good quality carpet underlay,don't quote me but @43db "impact" reduction at 15mm ... (im thinking when that 50inch plasma tv comes crashing off the wall the neybs underneath hear 43db less :D )

now that i have the inner box loosely together i might be going 3 layers of quality felt underlay .. i do have rockwool but i hate that stuff so thats maybe for the space between the inner and outer box (with the dry wall stuff)... darn those fibers :(

man,i know what you mean about the weight,i underestimated mine, it IS a pig so while im testing its behind me,when its done it will be going in the celler then caulked/siliconed /glued

out of interest on the jobs list is testing vst`s through it,but with some form of clean power amp ... did you try that?

thanks again :)

Dude, you're doing the "box in a box" thing, so that should work. I'd recommend the rockwool between the boxes myself, it does cut down on the noise. The low end rumble is what's so hard to kill. Be sure to caulk up any seams too, you wouldn't believe how much that helps...Sounds like it should work pretty good, throw us some pics & clips when you can...

I didn't try my box with anything but guitar amps dude. Here's the list/info:

Egnater Tweaker 15w: Loud little amp, but could barely be heard in the room when dimed...

Marshall DSL-1 H: Surprising for 1w, but obviously nowhere near loud, worked great with this little amp...

Marshall DSL100H: It did pretty good with it, killed the noise to where it sounded like a loud tv in the room. I only used 50w mode, & didn't get the volume up past about 4 or maybe 5 using either a V30 or T-75. I was afraid I'd blow my 25w Greenback with it, so I never got it up really loud with that speaker....

What amp(s) & speaker(s) are you gonna be using???
I really like that. That's rock music right there.

Thanks Lou!!!! Come hang with us sometime man!!!

JDOD: That last clip is the best you've ever done man. Whatever you did to get there, keep doing it. The levels in the mix sound about right, & the guitar tone is really good....Keep after it....

Bubba: Damn dude, that's a shitter. Back when was gigging, starting out I didn't have any backup gear simply because I was lucky to have enough just to play. As time went on though, I did start accumulating gear, & had backup gear, strings, etc., along with a little tool kit...Maybe you'll luck out & it won't be the transformer...

Bob: Damn man, you're like the Energizer Bunny dude, you just keep goin' & goin'...It does make such a difference when you love what you do, & I'm glad to hear you still enjoy playing live....I've said it a bunch of times, but you're living the dream Bob....Be sure to rest up when you can dude....

Greg: Who is the washed-up band you're opening for this time??? Or did you say/post, & I missed it???
Fucking hell. Restringing an ibanez is a monumental pain in the dick.
This is why I steer clear of floyd rose type bridges altogether. About 15 years ago I had an RG something or other and almost lost an eye during a string change. Not sure what went wrong where but I was tensioning them up before I locked down the nut and had the D string pop out and put a nice little cut right under my right eye. 1/4" north and it would've been my eyeball. I sold it the next day and haven't looked back. :D
Fucking hell. Restringing an ibanez is a monumental pain in the dick.

they are a hooooge pita,best to have a system that works for you,this is mine

first off take the neck locking nut bits off,set the fine tuners on the trem to a decent height and tune up (strings will stretch so the fine tuners will be going in over time) have to allow a lil leeway

changing for same gauge set

tune up and do em 1 at a time,beat the shit outta it (i keep pulling on em) retune using neck tuners (leave the fine tuners up) and move on to the next one

changing gauges

if you want it floating tighten the 2 screws on the claw clip in the back and stick a bit of packing under the arse end the right thickness to get the trem plate level (i like mine slightly leaning forward) .. then change em out,stretch em out and tune up ...

then all you have to do is remove the packing,while releasing the 2 claw clip screws use a tuner and bring the bottom E back into tune ... the whole thing should now be in tune and floating like a good un :)
Dude, you're doing the "box in a box"


What amp(s) & speaker(s) are you gonna be using???

hi :)

seeing as caulk is easy to cut through i might just seal it for now to see the difference it makes,really don't wanna use the rockwool,that stuff imo is evil,the work of the devil :D i'll throw up some pics and clips when i get nearer .. its kinda half assed,still waiting for parts and deciding which way to go .. like do i really need a movable back plate? i can just about get a 12 and a 10 in there,would it sound better miking 2? e.t.c ... gotta try :D ... have an idea for moving mics without opening the box using some old powertool motors :D that and a few bits welded together could work ok,but if i find the sweet spots would i really need to ...

as for gear i'll be trying whatever i have and can lay my hands on :D
Ah, that was a suprising level of sympathy for restringing my Ibanez... done now. I know what I'm doing though - I used to do it a lot. This time was a special pain in the arse though 'cos I was putting much heavier gauge strings on so I had to adjust the tension in the trem springs too. Anyway - strings are very stretched and its all locked down for another year or so now - will be handy to have another guitar for double tracking.

Anyway - I finished the lead work on that cover of Along The Way by Bad Religion. Cheers for the comments on the punk tone guys - I might re-record my other punky track with this tone too.

View attachment Along The Way Test Mix.mp3
Changing strings on a Floyd-based guitar isn't that bad....It's not as quick/easy as a LP/strat style/whatever, but it's not that bad IMO...

IMO the biggest thing is getting the strings stretched out before you lock it down at the nut, if you don't get 'em stretched properly, you'll have problems staying in tune, & will have to un-lock 'em then re-do it...

You can take all the strings off as long as you block the trem, but I always change 1 at a time myself, just to keep it simple, but, I'm a lazy bastard too...:)

cakewalkKaKed: On the ISO cab, you just gotta try things man. What worked for me might not work for you, & vice versa...Like I said, my cab evolved from a big box I threw a 1x12 cab inside of, to the "box in a box" thing. Myself, I'd keep it where I could always open it up to change mics, speakers, etc. It's pretty nice to have a Greenback sound on one side, & a V30 on the other...Just sayin'....

I'm not following you on the "movable back plate", if you're referring to the speaker baffle (where the speaker mounts to the wood), mine wasn't movable, I just had space behind my speaker to let it "breathe" a little. And, you can throw a 2nd mic behind the speaker, flip it's phase in the daw, & have a shit-ton of low-end (little trick the Gerg suggested btw)....

Please do throw up some pics & clips if possible, I'm interested in how yours turns out, & it's results....
@miner - moveable back plate is to alter the compression at the back of the speaker to kinda tune it,prob is i cant get say a 57 in there and move the plate .. side addressed condenser on the other hand .. the box is solid 40mm thick,without the lid it sounds pretty good as a cab .... theory being that i can change the air space to give more/less resistance to emulate a maxed out amp and cab ...

@jdod - forgot to comment,recent clips are kewl :D
Jdude: Last clip is ok, but the one before that was better to me, guitar-tone-wise...You seem to have slipped a little of the boxy-ness back in there man....Might just be me....The lead part needs to be louder than the rhythms, raise the fader on the lead, or automate it...

@miner - moveable back plate is to alter the compression at the back of the speaker to kinda tune it,prob is i cant get say a 57 in there and move the plate .. side addressed condenser on the other hand .. the box is solid 40mm thick,without the lid it sounds pretty good as a cab .... theory being that i can change the air space to give more/less resistance to emulate a maxed out amp and cab ...

Ok, I gotcha man...That may have been my problem with the Randall ISO, it had more space behind the speaker than in front, while my old behemoth had a lot more room in front...Throw up some pics/clips if/when you can, & we'll take it from there...I had a look at my clip folder(s), & I don't have any of the Randall ISO to compare to my old one, if I do, I can't find 'em....
Jdude: Last clip is ok, but the one before that was better to me, guitar-tone-wise...You seem to have slipped a little of the boxy-ness back in there man....Might just be me....The lead part needs to be louder than the rhythms, raise the fader on the lead, or automate it...

Ok, I gotcha man...That may have been my problem with the Randall ISO, it had more space behind the speaker than in front, while my old behemoth had a lot more room in front...Throw up some pics/clips if/when you can, & we'll take it from there...I had a look at my clip folder(s), & I don't have any of the Randall ISO to compare to my old one, if I do, I can't find 'em....
Weird how context makes a difference. The rhythm tracks are the same tracks as previous. I left gaps in them before to fill the lead in and that's all I've done
Greg: Who is the washed-up band you're opening for this time??? Or did you say/post, & I missed it???

This week it's Faster Pussycat. They're not that bad to me, I can tolerate them just fine. I'm not really a fan but they're not an absolute embarrassment. I won't stay to watch them but I won't run away as fast as I can either. The one I opened for last week was fucking horrid even in their short semi-famous prime, and I don't even wanna say who it is. :laughings:
This week it's Faster Pussycat. They're not that bad to me, I can tolerate them just fine. I'm not really a fan but they're not an absolute embarrassment. I won't stay to watch them but I won't run away as fast as I can either. The one I opened for last week was fucking horrid even in their short semi-famous prime, and I don't even wanna say who it is. :laughings:
Can you give us a clue? There does seem to be a bit of a cock rock revival going on lately.
Can you give us a clue? There does seem to be a bit of a cock rock revival going on lately.

I don't have any clues to give. This band was never really huge, they were late to the party, and honestly most of you had probably never heard of them anyway. Only the most hardcore late 80s/early 90s cheesy buttrock enthusiasts know this band...and it showed with an empty bar. I'd never heard of them myself.

Here's how we got the gig: There's this pretty decent club were my band pretty much has carte blanche to book and play whenever we want with whoever we want. We've earned that right by being a good band that acts professionally and we draw good alcohol-buying crowds. Bars love this. Mid-level touring bands also make this place a regular stop.

So our band leader guy, a great guy, who does all the booking apparently was a fan of this horrid band way back in the day. No problem, people like who they like. He got the news they were coming to our home-base club, and he got us on the bill. The way he presented it to us via text message was hilarious. "Hey do you wanna open for a national act?" Without asking who it was, I just said, "yeah sure whatever"...knowing in my mind that if he's not telling me who it is, and only referring to them as a national act, it must be really bad. I'm always skeptical like that. If it were like Social Distortion or something, he would have said so right away. So after some prodding, he finally told me who it was, and I had never heard of them. So I pulled up the good ol youtube, and found them, and immediately threw up in my mouth a little bit. It's exactly the kind of stuff I personally despise. But he really wanted to do it because he's a fan, so me being the good team player that I am, I happily went along with and did the best I could. He swore there would be a huge crowd. Uh, there was a pretty good crowd, for us, then pretty much everyone left and this national act played to an empty room. So that much of it made me pretty happy.