The New Tone Thread

Haha, never heard it called that. But I completely agree!

That's what that shit sounds like to me...I personally think it's fuckin' retarded myself...I actually take that back, people who are retarded don't know any better, these guys should...But it's just fuckin' stupid IMO...Sounds like a big 500 pound gorilla trying to take a shit...:laughings:.
Yeah same here. I've heard Sabbath tons of times. Enough to know that I don't want to listen to it on purpose.

Wow, that's cut it real close! But if that service bulletin is correct, you should be okay. Give it a spin and see how it goes. Make damn sure you get the footswitch. It should have 6 buttons. Don't accept anything else.

It is REALLY close! When he was reading it out, I was holding my breath. When he said week 42 I let it out. Yes, he's confirmed it's the six-button switch, with the standard guitar cable connection. The age accounts for the lowish price, but a good amp is a good amp. I doubt it'll be long before new tubes are in order. I can afford to take it out a few times and see how I get on though, seeing as I'll have a decent backup on hand.
That's what that shit sounds like to me...I personally think it's fuckin' retarded myself...I actually take that back, people who are retarded don't know any better, these guys should...But it's just fuckin' stupid IMO...Sounds like a big 500 pound gorilla trying to take a shit...:laughings:.
It's a shame because some of the riffage is really good, but those vocals.... lol. :D
Yeah same here. I've heard Sabbath tons of times. Enough to know that I don't want to listen to it on purpose.


The only time I liked Sabbath and actually listened to an album worth was when they first came out.
I was just a kid then, but that first album...on vinyl...lights down low or a nice dark rainy day...
...and it was certainly freaky to me for that time. :eek:

After their first couple of albums...they became a caricature of themselves...which is kinda what happens to a lot of Metal bands.
I don't say that to put down Metal...I think it's just the nature of the whole theatrical vibe that comes with Metal. It's like seeing a Broadway show, only with lots of black leather and death tattoos or like going to a WWF match. :p
I think Metal heads get that, and it's OK with them...I doubt anyone believes all the Gothic stuff is for real...they go for the show, the over-the-top images, and the music has to follow suit and support that.
I listened to Sabbath for the first three or so albums .... dad gave me an 8 track for my car one Christmas and somehow he was smart enough to get me 'War Pigs' and Hendrix's 'Band of Gypsies' as my first two tapes. ..... geee ...... suddenly I wish I had thanked him for that while he was around.

anyways ....... to me Van Halen is 'new' stuff ..... lol ....... I dunno ..... I just always thought he came off as a douche, an opinion seriously confirmed by any interview with him in the last 20 years ...... I tend to not listen to music by people I don't like unless it's necessary for work.
Since I've never had occasion to make money by playing Van Halen, I've never listened to him.

I had to learn 'Jump' in one band while playing bass and that's about it.

Music is such a personal thing ...... look right here in this thread. The reasons that people love or hate music is all about what was going on in their lives at that time. It's never, "Oh, I love the musicianship and the chordal structures they develop" ..... it's always , "I thought all the 'cool' kids were such assholes and so I listened to ....... ".

And that's why it's so important to them and why people get angry about whether someone likes 'their' music or not. It's not music .... it's a metaphor for our lives and we're very protective of it.
It is REALLY close! When he was reading it out, I was holding my breath. When he said week 42 I let it out. Yes, he's confirmed it's the six-button switch, with the standard guitar cable connection. The age accounts for the lowish price, but a good amp is a good amp. I doubt it'll be long before new tubes are in order. I can afford to take it out a few times and see how I get on though, seeing as I'll have a decent backup on hand.

It has nine tubes in it. Enjoy! :D

Do you have a noise gate? If you're gonna use a single coil guitar with the higher gain modes, you're probably gonna need it.
It is REALLY close! When he was reading it out, I was holding my breath. When he said week 42 I let it out. Yes, he's confirmed it's the six-button switch, with the standard guitar cable connection. The age accounts for the lowish price, but a good amp is a good amp. I doubt it'll be long before new tubes are in order. I can afford to take it out a few times and see how I get on though, seeing as I'll have a decent backup on hand.

Again, cool Bubba, the footswitch is a big part of that amp IMO, especially for someone who gigs, like you. You should be able to set up some presets that are in the ballpark of what you need, & just step on a button to have 'em...

That's a big gripe I have about my DSL, it has 4 modes, but you can't use a footswitch for 'em all. You can switch between red & green, but not the modes in each channel. The JVM has a tonestack for each channel, which hits it out of the park IMO. The shared eq on my DSL is ok for recording, but playing a gig it would probably be shite...

It's a shame because some of the riffage is really good, but those vocals.... lol. :D

True, some of those guys are great musicians, but the vocals just kill it completely...To me, those kind of vocals (I don't even consider that singing to be honest) are beyond terrible & more than suck...


The only time I liked Sabbath and actually listened to an album worth was when they first came out.
I was just a kid then, but that first album...on vinyl...lights down low or a nice dark rainy day...
...and it was certainly freaky to me for that time. :eek:

You outta try dropping about 3 hits of acid & listening to their first album, especially the intro/sound fx part of "Black Sabbath"....I saw one of my buddies actually turn purple (from too much acid I'm assuming :)), so we (about 4 of us) held him down & poured about a half gallon of milk down his throat. It seemed to have sobered/straightened him up, & I honestly think if we hadn't done that, something really, really bad would've happened to him. This guy was literally flipping out...But, we were only about 12-13 years old at the time, & had no clue about that shit (acid). The pills/tablets were so small, we figured "what the fuck, they're so small, we'll need to take 2-3 of 'em to feel anything"....First time for any of us doing anything except smoking some weed, & we did like 2-3 hits apiece...It's a wonder we all didn't die...but, those were good times, we definitely had fun...:D.

After their first couple of albums...they became a caricature of themselves...which is kinda what happens to a lot of Metal bands.
I don't say that to put down Metal...I think it's just the nature of the whole theatrical vibe that comes with Metal. It's like seeing a Broadway show, only with lots of black leather and death tattoos or like going to a WWF match. :p
I think Metal heads get that, and it's OK with them...I doubt anyone believes all the Gothic stuff is for real...they go for the show, the over-the-top images, and the music has to follow suit and support that.

Yeah man, pretty much all the metal bands are like that, but I still like a lot of the music. Mostly older stuff though, the newer stuff just doesn't appeal to me really. There are a few bands out now that I like, but they'd be considered hard rock I guess...

Something else I despise is the double-kick drum thing. Sure, I can see using it for some stuff, but not for every song from start to finish...:facepalm:.
I listened to Sabbath for the first three or so albums .... dad gave me an 8 track for my car one Christmas and somehow he was smart enough to get me 'War Pigs' and Hendrix's 'Band of Gypsies' as my first two tapes. ..... geee ...... suddenly I wish I had thanked him for that while he was around

I didn't get into Hendrix for many years after I "discovered" music. I was probably about 18-19 years old before I ever really listened to him, other than what was on the radio...Sabbath was just something me & my buddies had always listened to, I honestly don't remember how/when or even who had the tape(s), but it became a big part of our listening rotation while we'd party...For some reason, it just "stuck"...

to me Van Halen is 'new' stuff ..... lol ....... I dunno ..... I just always thought he came off as a douche, an opinion seriously confirmed by any interview with him in the last 20 years ...... I tend to not listen to music by people I don't like unless it's necessary for work.
Since I've never had occasion to make money by playing Van Halen, I've never listened to him.

While I still like his playing, & some of the older songs, he does seem like a total douche in every shape, form, & fashion...

Music is such a personal thing ...... look right here in this thread. The reasons that people love or hate music is all about what was going on in their lives at that time. It's never, "Oh, I love the musicianship and the chordal structures they develop" ..... it's always , "I thought all the 'cool' kids were such assholes and so I listened to ....... ".

And that's why it's so important to them and why people get angry about whether someone likes 'their' music or not. It's not music .... it's a metaphor for our lives and we're very protective of it.

+1,000,000 Bob...Just goes to show even though we're from a different generation, we still agree on a lot of things man. To be honest, I'm honored to have you here in this thread with all your musical knowledge, same with Gerg & quite a few others...
Eeegghh, machine gun double bass drumming... Another pet hate of mine.

If I believed in hell there would be a white-hot drum stool specifically reserved for Joey Fucking Jordison. His band would consist of accordion players and fourth grade descant recorder sections.
If I believed in hell there would be a white-hot drum stool specifically reserved for Joey Fucking Jordison. His band would consist of accordion players and fourth grade descant recorder sections.
Stool?!?! Stop being such a merciful pussy. The bastard needs a spike!

Chuck in a few fucking Morris dancers too
It has nine tubes in it. Enjoy! :D

Do you have a noise gate? If you're gonna use a single coil guitar with the higher gain modes, you're probably gonna need it.

No, no noise gate. I mostly use a humbucking guitar with the band, and even with leads I rarely use a very saturated sound. I predict that the clean, crunch and 0D1 modes will cater for 99% of my live work.
Stool?!?! Stop being such a merciful pussy. The bastard needs a spike!

Chuck in a few fucking Morris dancers too

LOL. I'm sure the place will be rammed with those jingly-bell, baton-flailing fuckers. He'd have to have a Hades Got Talent show to narrow it down.
Ah, I bet half of the American Home Recordists aren't aware of Morris Dancers. It's worse, much worse, than if Van fucking Halen had a Cookie Monster vocalist.

I've actually seen a band called Seamus Oblivion and the Heavy Metal Morris Men. They were a Morris dancing themed folk metal band. We played at Bestival last year and they were camping near us along with this steampunk band who were a right laugh.

Just looked them up, they were called Seamus Oblivion and the Megadeath Morris Men. I was very very drunk.
Music is such a personal thing ...... look right here in this thread. The reasons that people love or hate music is all about what was going on in their lives at that time. It's never, "Oh, I love the musicianship and the chordal structures they develop" ..... it's always , "I thought all the 'cool' kids were such assholes and so I listened to ....... ".

And that's why it's so important to them and why people get angry about whether someone likes 'their' music or not. It's not music .... it's a metaphor for our lives and we're very protective of it.

I get a lot of grief because I don't like a lot of the standard stuff people are supposed to like. They take it as an insult. I don't like the Beatles, or Hendrix, or Sabbath, and it blows people's minds. I don't understand why it would. They're all way before my time. Do I seem like the kind of guy that would like Sabbath? Lol. One of my best friends likes all that hair shreddy crap that I mercilessly make fun of, and he only likes it for the guitar wanking. He says "Greg, listen to this, great guitar playing". And I'm all, "So fucking what? The song sucks". I hear a great talent wasting his time on shit music. But that's just me. I like what I like, and don't like what I don't. I don't like anything because I'm just supposed to.
No, no noise gate. I mostly use a humbucking guitar with the band, and even with leads I rarely use a very saturated sound. I predict that the clean, crunch and 0D1 modes will cater for 99% of my live work.

Ah okay. Crunch channel and OD1 Green mode are pretty great.
I don't like anything because I'm just supposed to.
I don't think anyone does ..... we like what we like because of how it connected to us and different things communicate differently to different people.

I had already been gigging some weekends when Hendrix came out so he was one of the ones that came out and stomped in the face of what was considered acceptable by the world of music.
As much as he's long ago become mainstream and even elevator music now, at that time he was the pinnacle of rebellion.

That first album with the three of them with big afros ..... lol ..... you can't conceive how wild and even controversial that was at the time.

Much like the Ramones were that anti-pop sound band for you .... Hendrix was for us.
And really ..... even earlier when the Beatles came out THEY were teen rebellion.

It's all our lives and what was important to us when we were making our early musical tastes and influences.

And those things from our youth just stay with you your entire life.
That's why you can't move and decide you're now a (insert name here) fan.
No matter if I live out my life in Fl .... I will never be a fan of any Florida team ......... I will ALWAYS be a Saints and LSU fan .....

Same thing with much of what we settle on when we're young ..... it stays with you .... part of your permanent record!