The New Tone Thread

Yeh, thats how they were supposed to work as per LF's design. The so called "darktone" was popular with jazz players and still is. It's really only us blue note and soul jazz buffs that really still hanker after it these days. CBS went and futzed it all up when they got the gig...;)

I'm a little curious what it sounds like. Seems like it must have been pretty dark sounding if only the jazzers were excited about it and most everybody else just modded it otherwise.

hmmmm ..... I'll have to ponder this but:
I don't even have tone controls on my Stinnett because I never use them on any guitar so my initial reaction is that I may go modern in that particular area .... in fact, I might go with a volume for each p'up and no tone at all.

Gig time ..... see's ya' later ...... (I would be very happy if I ever got a chance to try some of your Muttley p'ups).

I'm not a big tone control tweaker either. But on my Tele, I use the tone control a lot. They're twang machines, which is what we expect by plugging one in. But sometimes I need to tame mine a bit by rolling off the high end just a little. They do darken up when you roll off the volume as well, but sometimes I want all of the volume but less of the high end. They're pretty freaking bright and brittle with both controls at max.

Also, just curious if any of you other Tele owners have troubles with the neck pickup feeding back pretty terribly if you try to play with too much volume and gain? I know that's not the strong suit of a Tele, but I've tried it in the search for different textures and holy crap the neck pickup on my American Deluxe just goes ape shit.
I'm a little curious what it sounds like. Seems like it must have been pretty dark sounding if only the jazzers were excited about it and most everybody else just modded it otherwise.

I'm not a big tone control tweaker either. But on my Tele, I use the tone control a lot. They're twang machines, which is what we expect by plugging one in. But sometimes I need to tame mine a bit by rolling off the high end just a little. They do darken up when you roll off the volume as well, but sometimes I want all of the volume but less of the high end. They're pretty freaking bright and brittle with both controls at max.

Also, just curious if any of you other Tele owners have troubles with the neck pickup feeding back pretty terribly if you try to play with too much volume and gain? I know that's not the strong suit of a Tele, but I've tried it in the search for different textures and holy crap the neck pickup on my American Deluxe just goes ape shit.

A jazz setting is pretty much how I use mine, and as said it's really only the blue note guys that cling to the darktone thing. these days. I have it that way for live use as it's simple and I like simple when gigging. Like Lt I dont use tone control on guitars much. In fact most of mine dont have them..

On the neck pickup thing, have you checked to see that the pickup has enough support under the pickguard. The rubber sleeve etc...? Also check the scratchplate screws are tight, After that you'd be looking at whether or not the pickup is potted correctly and with the metal cover on those that can be near impossible.
I get an error of "file not found" when clicking on your link...also, I too agree that it would be useful if you posted all the details of your tone...thank you
Teles - not Greg's cuppa but...

I picked up an American Standard a few years back for a good price and was very pleasantly surprised. I love a maple neck first - plays so smooth - but the thing is a rock machine. It don't have to be Brad Paisley twangy. My Tele is a close second to my LPs when it comes to favorites. I'm keeping mine.
I'm not a big tone control tweaker either. But on my Tele, I use the tone control a lot. They're twang machines, which is what we expect by plugging one in. But sometimes I need to tame mine a bit by rolling off the high end just a little. They do darken up when you roll off the volume as well, but sometimes I want all of the volume but less of the high end. They're pretty freaking bright and brittle with both controls at max.

it actually sounds like I may be trying different things on this.
premier Guitar had a series of articles on all KINDS of different tele circuits so I may try several.
I think first I'll go modern with the tone control.

But if I find I never use the tone I may try two volume controls because I do use that middle postion with both p'ups and that really needs volume control on each.
This just got interesting since I had not really considered this aspect of it.

but first they gotta get me a neck ........ first things first.

Hey mutt ..... check your PM's.
If you wire up two knobs as individual volume controls, you won't need the selector switch at all. You can have infinite blend potential.
it actually sounds like I may be trying different things on this.
premier Guitar had a series of articles on all KINDS of different tele circuits so I may try several.
I think first I'll go modern with the tone control.

But if I find I never use the tone I may try two volume controls because I do use that middle postion with both p'ups and that really needs volume control on each.
This just got interesting since I had not really considered this aspect of it.

but first they gotta get me a neck ........ first things first.

Hey mutt ..... check your PM's.

Checked, will reply later..

You should go for the four position mod if you are hoping to get classic tones and more options... Basically it gives you the option of both pickups in series and parallel.
Wish me luck guys, gotta go to the grocery store, & we've got about 15-18" of snow thought I had enough shit to last a few days, but I'm almost out of Diet Mountain Dew....gotta have it.....hahaha
Wish me luck guys, gotta go to the grocery store, & we've got about 15-18" of snow thought I had enough shit to last a few days, but I'm almost out of Diet Mountain Dew....gotta have it.....hahaha

True hillbilly. Will risk life to drive through blizzards for mountain dew. :D
Hey everybody.
I've got an aesthetics question:

I bought these pickup caps since I was tired of looking at the open humbuckers. Do you guys think it looks good like this or would you switch them around? I've also got a second black cover so the silver one is optional.
True hillbilly. Will risk life to drive through blizzards for mountain dew. :D
Yep, gotta have it dude, pretty much like a heroin addict needs his fix, gotta have my dew....:laughings:.

Fuck if it ain't bad out here though, I almost didn't get out of my fuckin' driveway, 4-wd too....It's so deep my Jeep is actually bottoming out...I didn't measure it, but just guessing, we got about 18" here in the last day or two.....And, it's supposed to snow like 5-6 days out of the next 7 too....We haven't had this much snow that I can remember since '95, & that was a fuckin' nightmare.....No power or water where I lived then for 17 days....I sure hope it doesn't do that shit now....

But, I did get my dew, so all's good.....

Schwarzenyaeegr: I like the silver better too, but they do look kinda funny without any pole pieces...Doesn't matter though dude, it's your guitar, just play the fuck out of it...

Oh yeah, I took the pickguard off my Lester this week....I think it looks a little better, but it really doesn't matter.....
I've been thinking about replacing my Les Paul's zebra Burstbucker 3 & 57 Classic pickups with covered versions just because I think the covered pickups look better. I really like the more vintage look. Like a '57. But I like the sound of this guitar so much I'm very hesitant to change anything. I'd rather have it sound good than look .01% better.


What it could look like...
I've been thinking about replacing my Les Paul's zebra Burstbucker 3 & 57 Classic pickups with covered versions just because I think the covered pickups look better. I really like the more vintage look. Like a '57. But I like the sound of this guitar so much I'm very hesitant to change anything. I'd rather have it sound good than look .01% better.
Dude, leave that guitar like it is....I mean, a p'up swap ain't nothing really, but if you like how it sounds, leave it alone...While we're having some Lester pron, here's a few pics of mine when I got it last year:

I did take the pickguard off of it a couple days ago, but will probably put it back...maybe....

Have to admit, even if it's a lowly studio, this guitar feels, plays, & sounds better than any guitar I've had for a long, long time...I was really worried about it when I ordered it without playing it first, but it turns out, I got a good one....Great guitar IMO...

Shit I like the look of the Joe Bonamassa too. Goldtop with black accents. Very cool. That's my Saints colors!
Never thought of that man, it would be a fuckin' New Orleans Lester...:D.

I could get a yellow & black one for the Steelers....yep, been a fan since I was a kid, even if they ain't worth a shit nowdays, they used to be...:facepalm:.

What the fuck is up with this site??? I can type fuck, shit, piss, pussy, anything nasty & vulgar, but it auto-corrects when I type "p o r n" to keep searches from hitting here???? Jeeezzzzz.....hahaha
Ok, just to keep our thread alive, here's a shitty clip I made, not gonna say anything about any settings or anything, other than it's my Lester through my Chupacabra....


Lemme know what you guys think of this tone....not going for anything in particular, just making some fuckin' noise, & hoping the roof here doesn't collapse...

Been a lot of that shit around here today, the elementary school's roof I went to collapsed today, a church right down the road from there, a couple businesses had the same to happen...This snow is really heavy, & there's a lot of it, I just hope some of this shit melts off before the next round hits, & then it all freezes up solid.....