The New Tone Thread

bought a Xotic effect SP Compressor ....... like it.

Cool dude. I've been looking for a sweet deal on the Xotic EP Booster. Seems like a cool little clean boost, but it's pricey for what it is, and I'm a cheap bastard when it comes to pedals. I wanna find a used one somewhere.
Hey guys....letting you all know I'm still alive....hopefully this'll be my last post on my phone, the internet people will be here tomorrow & hopefully I'll have internet this time..

A few trees down & a little more $$$...I'll find out tomorrow.....

Plus needed to bump our thread anyway...
Cool dude. I've been looking for a sweet deal on the Xotic EP Booster. Seems like a cool little clean boost, but it's pricey for what it is, and I'm a cheap bastard when it comes to pedals. I wanna find a used one somewhere.
It's a nice comp. I typically hate comps but this one is pretty transparent and doesn't seem to screw with my attack much.

Also it's a solid little chuck ...... may be tiny but it's pretty weighty so I assume it's well built.
Hey guys....letting you all know I'm still alive....hopefully this'll be my last post on my phone, the internet people will be here tomorrow & hopefully I'll have internet this time..

A few trees down & a little more $$$...I'll find out tomorrow.....

Plus needed to bump our thread anyway...
Hah cool. I've been busy with 4 or 5 projects going on at a time. Haven't recorded many tones just for tone's sake.

It's a nice comp. I typically hate comps but this one is pretty transparent and doesn't seem to screw with my attack much.

Also it's a solid little chuck ...... may be tiny but it's pretty weighty so I assume it's well built.

Cool. I can't say I've ever had much need or use for a compressor before the amp. But I know you like CLEAN CLEAN sound a lot of the time, so I can see it being useful there.

I've finallly got fucking internet where I'm staying at motherfuckers!!!!!!!! Cost me about $3-400 to cut those fuckin' trees down, & had to have a dish installed on the roof, but, I've finally got internet here...For fuck's sake, it's took an act of congress for me to have this shit, & you guys have no idea how much I've missed stopping here everyday, but, from now on, you guys will just have to put up with me....:)

On my divorce thing, things are looking really good, she was wanting fucking alimony (which is bullshit....), but my attorney has pretty much got me out of that (well, my attorney & she made a complete ass of herself in court the other day...LOL), but I did walk away from everything I'd worked for the past 15-16 years, other than my music gear (which I'm ok with, I can always get another house, truck, whatever as long as I don't have to put up with her psycho-crazy-fruit-loop ass...
:D)....I'd chop it up into little pieces with a fuckin' axe before I'd let her have my gear.....:laughings:Even my new 100w DSL & Les Paul...

Thanks for all the support in the past 5 months or so, as it's been really tough for's still not a picnic, but things are gettin' better....

I'm back!!!!
The view from my gigs.
This is typically where I gig many nights a week. The location varies but this is almost always behind or in front of me.


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lol ....... I imagine there would be.

Saturday wifey and I went swimmin' and while we were out floating around a very large flock of pelicans settled into fishing right around us. They'd fly over, you'd see their heads go down when they saw something they wanted and then they'd put the brakes on and dive into the water coming up with dinner.
They did all this approximately right on top of us ..... literally smacking the water 2 and 3 feet away from us.

Must have been 50 of them and they kept it up for at least an hour ..... it was awesome.
Yes, I track pelicans all the time. All water birds. When they're divebombing, the fish are there. Throw a bait!

Pelicans are nasty though. They're deceptively big and powerful, and their shits are probably the most disgusting things to come out of any animal. :laughings:

You know what I hate most when fishing? Dolphins. Motherfucking dolphins. Neat to see if you're just fucking around, but when dolphins are present, catchable fish are not. Dolphins even scare sharks away. Fucking bitch ass dolphins.
Ok guys, I've been catching up on all the other forums & sites I'd been absent from over the past 5 months, & I've spent so much time on the internet this weekend that my fucking eyes hurt, so I'm off to work, but I'll be back in about 12 hours or so....LOL....

I did record some stuff yesterday but ran outta time to post any tones, so I'll put 'em up tonight when I get home....

Greg: I'll send those tracks sometime tonight too man, thanks!!!

Bob:Very nice dude, wish I could make my living doing what you do....Might have to make a change before too much longer too, the new rules/laws/regulations are slowly but surely putting all the coal companies around here out of business...That's one reason I've stayed at the shitty little mine I work at, there's nothing else around...

Gotta run guys!!!!
Checkin' in with ya guys...not much time today really, so no toans, but I did get some really good news about the shit that's been going on in my personal life...

Greg: Check your pm's man...

Gotta run!!!!!!
Bob:Very nice dude, wish I could make my living doing what you do....
sigh ..... I dunno man.

If I could pay the bills in a band like back in La. it'd be awesome.

But this solo shit gets to be soul-crushing.
I'm struggling to find a reason to care about whether I play well or not ..... I'm the only one that knows the difference ......
Florida is a shithole as far as a music scene goes ...... just no one paying any money and a large number of places using solos so if you want to work 4 or 5 nights a week you have to do a solo ...... period..
Now ......... I've got a seriously strong single and it's made me a much better player/singer .... but ..... it's flippin' all I do since bands can't get weeknight gigs here.

The summer before last, I did 97 gigs and only three of them were with bands.

Lately I've been doing a weekend a month with Stephen Kampa and the Pickups. He's the best harp player I've ever heard. REALLY good!! The rhythm section is a 3-piece so I just play guitar .... no sax ..... lovin' that.
It's a pretty good band ...... I get to use a lot of pedals .... I've even found quite a bit of use for my POG and talkbox.
It's a lotta fun ......... but ....... man ......... I can't seem to find my muse anymore .........

Maybe I need some icecream!
You need a Hallmark 60 Custom! New gear lights a fire in everyone! :D

Boob, it's bad for just about everyone right now dude. The only, and I mean only, band that I know of in my big ol city that really works and earns money is a fucking Beatles tribute band. Fuck, that's depressing. They're really good, but fuck, it's the stupid fucking Beatles. I can't really knock them though. They're nice guys and they just play music they like. I really blame the fucking idiots that pay to go see those guys dress like the beatles.
You need a Hallmark 60 Custom! .
Best advice of all! :D
....... that purple one with the white p'ups!
Maybe so .......

I know I'm lucky for someone who pays their bills with it. My versatility and multi-instrument thing have me working more than pretty much everyone.

I'm grateful for it and should not be whiny ....... sooner or later the skillz I'
ve developed have to lead to at least some decent home recording right?

I think I need some time off where I can go into my music room for a few weeks and see what i've got ....... maybe when Deb's job starts kicking ass ...........
until then I need to drool over the Hallmarks.
Sorry to hear your $$$ woes Bob, but if it makes you feel any better, everyone's having $$$ woes dude, it's really tough everywhere....But, you're still doing the music thing & making it on that, so you really should be proud....Think of this: you're 2 miles in a fuckin' hole in the ground, it's only about 48" high (can't stand all the way up, you have to stay humped over to walk around...), there's mud & water up to your knees, & that's just the conditions, the work is yet to come....
Dragging electrical trailing cables as big as your forearm through that shit (some of 'em are smaller, but the one I have to fuck with is a 995 volt cable...pretty fuckin' big), pick it up high enough to hang it so another piece of equipment won't run over it & smash it, keep that cable out from under my machine while I'm running it, keep it out of everybody's else's way, plus watch the roof, watch the other idiots coming/going on other 20-ton machines so they don't run over you & kill you, plus cut enough coal to meet production so you'll still have a job tomorrow, for about 8-9 hours a day, for 25 years....Plus the dust & noise I deal with on a daily basis is literally killing me little by little...Plus, there's about 20 different guys at the mine wanting my job everyday where the economy's so bad, & most of the work related to coal mining around here is gone....I could go on & on about what a prick my boss is, what a prick his boss is, & all kinds of other shit related to my job, but I'll shut up...:).

Yeah, I get paid pretty good for this shit, but, is it really worth it??? Sometimes I really wonder man, all these years of being a tunnel rat have taken it's toll on my body (I've had knee surgery, been in 3 roof falls that completely covered me up, the last one basically broke my back in 3 different places & took 'em over an hour just to dig me out from under the rock....these are just the 4 accidents that really hurt me, I've had countless bumps, bruises, shit that really hurts that I never even went to the doctor over...)...
Sorry for the rant dude (and I'm being sincere too, please don't get pissed as I'm not throwing off on you, just letting everybody know what kind of shit I do everyday), just sayin' things could always be worse, even on my end....Hang in there dude, I truly envy you for what you do...I know it's tough, & the people you play for don't have a clue, but again hang in there....again, sorry for the rant....LOL....

Good news from my attorney today guys, all this shit will be final in just a few months, so I'm officially able to get out & get a piece of ass with no consequences from the "warden"....she'd threatened me about other women the past few months, even though she was the one who fucked around on me while I was at work in the shit-hole (with all the things I described above too), making a living to keep her sorry ass up, kicked me out of the house I'd paid for the past 15 years, tried to move her new boyfriend in before he dumped her because he found out what she's all about (plus he's afraid of me...dunno why...but really, I'd shake his hand because he did me a huge favor really...yeah, I pretty much lost everything I'd worked for all those years, but I've got peace of mind now)...LOL....I think I'm gonna get one of these women I've been hanging with to give me a blowjob in my Jeep, drive up in front of her house (that used to be mine....) & let her watch me get my dick sucked....:laughings:....

Can you guys tell I've been under a lot of stress the past few months??? HAHAHA!!!!

Gonna grab a shower, some supper, & maybe work on a song, just depends on how I feel after the shower & some grub....
The music scene is Soul Crushing in Australia too Lt Bob.
I hope to see a fav. band the weekend after this at a local pub for free. It's their album launch, (I already have the LP - signed), and in their home town (Thirroul). Free because they seem to only pull in decent money when they tour venues in Europe. They want to do it right but may as well do it for free and get a crowd.
At least they're not PAYing for the gig or "exposure".
I'd pay money to see them & other stuff I like but most venues around here only take covers/tribute acts.
One pub, the Heritage Hotel in Bulli, supports original artists and the coastal Folk Festival network keeps pulling people out of their lounge rooms to play or pay but such events don't put food on the table in fact the Illawarra Folk Festival runs on the smell of an oily rag AS WELL AS billetting acts with locals to save everyone a heap of money.
To get an audition to enlist and play in the Airforce, Navy & Army in Oz you need to sight read in THREE instruments.
People think they can download the MP3, the video and the performer these days.
I'm lucky to be a hobbyist.