The New 'Hot Percutive Pattern'

welcomes,Gred_L, I could see that you are a compulsive rambler, you didn't read the biography which is the reason that you missed to know that I'm living in Houston but I was born and raised in Cuba which is the root of the afrocuban percussion and with my ancestors which are the creators of those instruments and the percussion articulation which is the foundation of it...There is nothing wrong with presenting myself,,(there are thousands of musicians and entertainers spending millions of dollars in the media doing the same thing),it is not a crime...Dr. Zaragemca
Lol. You post.........

This is why I'm considered Master Percussionist from my students and the people which had worked with me....I was born and raised in a rumberos-house in the neighborhood of 'Los Sitios' with the, 'Die Hard Rumberos',which have fame all over Cuba for his percussionist,(conga players and Bata players), I couldn't affort a drum,so I was into hand percussion,untill around 11 years old,but I did started with my ancestors the learning of African-Drumming-Patterns, Yoruba,Arara,Bantu,etc.,and learning from the weekly Rumba jamming of the top rumberos of the neighborhood,(some of them comming fron others neighborhood to compete).Also close observasion of the percussion riffs of the yearly Carnival,(where differents percussionist would come every year with percusion patterns to outgrow the other competitors).Then is school I get in to drumming,and by late 60's get in to Rock and Jazz,(which was prohibited at that time in Cuba),but I kept defending the right to play that music,that situation and not joining the communist party,ultimately brought me to the U.S...In the U.S., after I came to Houston i started getting called by mexicans bands,so I have played with around five mexican bands,(two of them show-bands),where I have to play everything. I also played with the top Vallenato-Orquesta at that time in Houston,(Colombian Music),and was able to share the stage with the best colombian bands comming to Houston at that time,Grupo Niche,Fruco y sus Tesos,Los Graduados,Los Corraleros de Majagual,Pipe Pimienta, later from Honduras,(Central America),Silver Star,Los Rolands,Banda Blanca,(around that time I started getting requested to teach).The business of music and curiosity took me to traveling to other States,( I did work for three record labels,G.P. Records,Ramex Records,and Balboa Records).Then in California I did work for Universal Studios,(where I did learn a lot in relation to film Industry and promotion).Back in Houston,I started playing with la Sonora Santa Ana,(and sharing the stage with the top bands from El Salvador,(in The Carnavales de San Miguels),with was a yearly celebration.From there in to Salsa-Cumbia-Merengue band,(in 1998 I started my teaching of African,Afrocuban,and Brazilian percussion .Also I was part of the Core-Band, of the Red Cat Jazz Cafe,( playing all type of jazz in the open jam every Tuesday around 6 years)...From there I got called from an Austin band to play at the Bob Marley's Festival,( I did played two festivals with that Band),Then I have the opportunity to play with top Djembe players and Ensembles from,Ghana,Senegal,Guinea,South Africa, and Ethiopian Bands.(several of the african players becoming my percussion students).Again playing at Bob Marley's Festival,(This time with Dr. King Cobra Band), we were playing,.Reggae,Calipso,Socka,Afro-Jazz,and Afro-Pop...At this point I started teaching advanced percussion structure,multy-Percussion Patterns,and writing articles about Percussion,(The foundation of Drumming),(Classification of an Advanced drummer),(Zaragemca brief on Jazz),(Zaragemca's bongos,congas,Timbales and bata),and other which are available in the internet.There was an audition for percussionists,(around 20's percussionists,the number 1,2,3, players of that audition were all Djembe players from my training).Started performing with my Drumming Ensemble,at Clubs,Universities,Festivals,Private parties, Corporate Events, and Clinics for Guitar Centers store..I had the opportunity to be invited for performing at a Buddhist Temple with Table,Darbukas,and Djembe. The notice of my Samba-Bateria brought a group of people from Brazil which were thrilled,(becouse I had incorporated few 'cookies' to play the Samba which were news),so they took a lot of pictures and a video which is somewhere around Brazil.Also I'm the first cuban to use the Djembe as a lead instrument for Guaguanco-Rumba, and introduced it into the Ethiopian Music,( have played congas too).The mayority of my students are caucasian,but I had also,africans,cubans,puertorican,colombian,mexican s,british,canadian,indian,brazilian,afro-american,costarican,venezuelan,etc.I'm actually playing with a Fusion-Reggae Band,teaching,and doing consultation.I recetly did a unique show with a mexican with is a known Muralist-Painter, another mexican,( specialist in Azteca-Percussion), a guy from Bolivia playing Zampona,and Quena,(from Inda-Culture),and I was doing Drum-Set,Vibra-Slap,Wind Chimes,Rattles,Rain-Fores,China-Gons,Bongos,etc.This is the first time that this have been done,putted together like this.(It was sponsored by M.E.C.A.),a mexican cultural school here in Houston. I receptly performed a Symphonic Recital with two piano players for the graduation ceremonies at Sweet Water Country Club in Houston and a tour with a Reggae/Fusion Minessota,Iowa,Kasas,Oklahoma and Galveston(Texas.).

And I'm the rambler? :eek:
Please stop quoting him!!!

I can't take it! I couldn't take it the first time and then here it is over and over again.
It just looks like a big block of gray space after a while. I already have too many big blocks of gray space in my hair (in those places there is hair!)
If you don't stop, I'm going to start quoting several pages of the manhattan phone book at a time. :P
I can't take it! I couldn't take it the first time and then here it is over and over again.
It just looks like a big block of gray space after a while. I already have too many big blocks of gray space in my hair (in those places there is hair!)
If you don't stop, I'm going to start quoting several pages of the manhattan phone book at a time. :P
This is why I'm considered Master Percussionist from my students and the people which had worked with me....I was born and raised in a rumberos-house in the neighborhood of 'Los Sitios' with the, 'Die Hard Rumberos',which have fame all over Cuba for his percussionist,(conga players and Bata players), I couldn't affort a drum,so I was into hand percussion,untill around 11 years old,but I did started with my ancestors the learning of African-Drumming-Patterns, Yoruba,Arara,Bantu,etc.,and learning from the weekly Rumba jamming of the top rumberos of the neighborhood,(some of them comming fron others neighborhood to compete).Also close observasion of the percussion riffs of the yearly Carnival,(where differents percussionist would come every year with percusion patterns to outgrow the other competitors).Then is school I get in to drumming,and by late 60's get in to Rock and Jazz,(which was prohibited at that time in Cuba),but I kept defending the right to play that music,that situation and not joining the communist party,ultimately brought me to the U.S...In the U.S., after I came to Houston i started getting called by mexicans bands,so I have played with around five mexican bands,(two of them show-bands),where I have to play everything. I also played with the top Vallenato-Orquesta at that time in Houston,(Colombian Music),and was able to share the stage with the best colombian bands comming to Houston at that time,Grupo Niche,Fruco y sus Tesos,Los Graduados,Los Corraleros de Majagual,Pipe Pimienta, later from Honduras,(Central America),Silver Star,Los Rolands,Banda Blanca,(around that time I started getting requested to teach).The business of music and curiosity took me to traveling to other States,( I did work for three record labels,G.P. Records,Ramex Records,and Balboa Records).Then in California I did work for Universal Studios,(where I did learn a lot in relation to film Industry and promotion).Back in Houston,I started playing with la Sonora Santa Ana,(and sharing the stage with the top bands from El Salvador,(in The Carnavales de San Miguels),with was a yearly celebration.From there in to Salsa-Cumbia-Merengue band,(in 1998 I started my teaching of African,Afrocuban,and Brazilian percussion .Also I was part of the Core-Band, of the Red Cat Jazz Cafe,( playing all type of jazz in the open jam every Tuesday around 6 years)...From there I got called from an Austin band to play at the Bob Marley's Festival,( I did played two festivals with that Band),Then I have the opportunity to play with top Djembe players and Ensembles from,Ghana,Senegal,Guinea,South Africa, and Ethiopian Bands.(several of the african players becoming my percussion students).Again playing at Bob Marley's Festival,(This time with Dr. King Cobra Band), we were playing,.Reggae,Calipso,Socka,Afro-Jazz,and Afro-Pop...At this point I started teaching advanced percussion structure,multy-Percussion Patterns,and writing articles about Percussion,(The foundation of Drumming),(Classification of an Advanced drummer),(Zaragemca brief on Jazz),(Zaragemca's bongos,congas,Timbales and bata),and other which are available in the internet.There was an audition for percussionists,(around 20's percussionists,the number 1,2,3, players of that audition were all Djembe players from my training).Started performing with my Drumming Ensemble,at Clubs,Universities,Festivals,Private parties, Corporate Events, and Clinics for Guitar Centers store..I had the opportunity to be invited for performing at a Buddhist Temple with Table,Darbukas,and Djembe. The notice of my Samba-Bateria brought a group of people from Brazil which were thrilled,(becouse I had incorporated few 'cookies' to play the Samba which were news),so they took a lot of pictures and a video which is somewhere around Brazil.Also I'm the first cuban to use the Djembe as a lead instrument for Guaguanco-Rumba, and introduced it into the Ethiopian Music,( have played congas too).The mayority of my students are caucasian,but I had also,africans,cubans,puertorican,colombian,mexican s,british,canadian,indian,brazilian,afro-american,costarican,venezuelan,etc.I'm actually playing with a Fusion-Reggae Band,teaching,and doing consultation.I recetly did a unique show with a mexican with is a known Muralist-Painter, another mexican,( specialist in Azteca-Percussion), a guy from Bolivia playing Zampona,and Quena,(from Inda-Culture),and I was doing Drum-Set,Vibra-Slap,Wind Chimes,Rattles,Rain-Fores,China-Gons,Bongos,etc.This is the first time that this have been done,putted together like this.(It was sponsored by M.E.C.A.),a mexican cultural school here in Houston. I receptly performed a Symphonic Recital with two piano players for the graduation ceremonies at Sweet Water Country Club in Houston and a tour with a Reggae/Fusion Minessota,Iowa,Kasas,Oklahoma and Galveston(Texas.).

What? :D
Great, I'm now dummer for having clicked on this thread!!! Which is a bad thing as I'm not very smart to begin with........
Wasn't this what you just posted Greg?


Or was I reading that wrong?
I can't take it! I couldn't take it the first time and then here it is over and over again.
It just looks like a big block of gray space after a while. I already have too many big blocks of gray space in my hair (in those places there is hair!)
If you don't stop, I'm going to start quoting several pages of the manhattan phone book at a time. :P

OK, but do it without spaces!:D

Or was I reading that wrong?

I couldn't tell the difference/:cool:
I play "hand percussion" in the shower so often that I'm surprised a little cabasa hasn't crawled out of the drain yet.:eek:
I'm now a believer. No, a disciple.

Gaze upon his horrible visage. He is Zaragemca. He is legion.
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Mmm...filet of sole...wait a minute.

And all of my fine clothing was stolen from an un-named, but now naked Afro-Cuban Master Percussionist residing in Houston.

I'm a hand percussionist (and I still play my kit once in a while too) but I get hired a lot to play for dancers and I have a lot of private students. I spend a lot of times down by the water baiting fish hooks, so I guess you could call me a master-baiter. Most hand percussionists don't call themselves masters. Other people are supposed to do that. In the West African tradition it becomes an actual title when other "master" drummers call you one of them.
I have totally mastered spending every cent I've earned as a musician paying things like food, clothing, medical expenses and my co-op (oh yeah and a ton of gear too). So I guess I'm a master too. My last girlfriend used to refer to me as "master" but perhaps I've shared a bit too much there :P

ok enough already lets settle this once and for all everyone knows that I'M the wold's greatest percutivist so mr zaragemca can just step off with his bad self and bow down along with the rest of you gringo fools to proclaim that i am the master no debates its a fact because i say so and i'm from cleveland so there can be no more facts introduced to refute this truth yes i am the shit or the caca as my peepo say if you disagree then you must not be skilled and you must have caca in your skull just read my posts and you will see it is mas true than true that i am the shiznit in this town and all others would you like some lessons i would be happy to oblige as long as you watch my complementary instructional video and then you will kiss the ground i walk on you are blessed to witness the greatness of drossfile besides i'm a better dresser than this charlatan and you should all know that already because i'm wold-renowned percutivist..........ack.