The Genius That Is kcearl & guitarplayr82...

I Cahn Chukah chundah farther than ya mutha.
Nope - don't know the original & only know the Chakka Chan, Chakka Cahn, Chakka Chan song from the 80's & care to know no more of her.
Tame the bass, nudge the panned (in a non panned way) synth so that it fits & throw a melody on top.
Oh, the ON button is where? (yes, this is a test!).
I Cahn Chukah chundah farther than ya mutha.
Nope - don't know the original & only know the Chakka Chan, Chakka Cahn, Chakka Chan song from the 80's & care to know no more of her.
umm .... the only thing that song had to do with Chaka Kahn was that her name was in it.
Chaka Kahn and Rufus were one of the very most funkiest bands ever.
If you don't like funk then you wouldn't like her ..... but if you do like old school funk ..... THAT band was awesome!
Never heard the original and don't really intend to explore the chaka kahn catalog, but I think you have some solid sounds here. Nothing seems entirely lined up though. Rhythmically, each part seems just a tad behind or ahead of the drums. It is subtle enough that I couldn't immediately pick out which element was ahead or behind by how much, but I think it is definitely there in the lack of a cohesive groove. On the plus side, it seems like you could work with these tracks and assemble something pretty together sounding.
Chaka Kahn and Rufus were one of the very most funkiest bands ever.
THAT band was awesome!

Absolutely, Rufus was known as having some of the best musicians of their time.

This is one of my all time favorite songs.

I agree that synth just sounds distracting and awkward, especially at that hi a level. The rest sounds pretty cool.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to listen and being honest and constructive. I really have something to go on now.

It takes me a while cos I can only grab a few hours here and there for mixing but that's good because I always come back with a fresh set of lugs.

Dr. V