Ten Hills

Good performances all around. Guitars sounded good to me.

I thought the drums were good except the cymbals. They were a little grating. Just a bit. Particularly noticable in the verses.

I thought the mix could use just a little more low end.

Thanx Triple!
Gotta check this out on my other systems regarding the low end. Yeah, the hats do sound a bit brittle, I'll see what I can do there.
Man, just awesome Joey....dig the Maiden comparisons...its just way beyond me to offer any nits...I kept hearing the chorus to Charlotte The Harlot in my head Rocks!!!!
Yup, this one sounds real good joey :).

I dig the accessibility factor too. Length is just about right. The guitars could come up a tad maybe? I thought the cymbals were a bit harsh, but I really like the arrangement of the drums on this.

The vocals are flawless so far as I can tell.

Solo could come up a bit though...at least that's what my pet llama said.
Man, just awesome Joey....dig the Maiden comparisons...its just way beyond me to offer any nits...I kept hearing the chorus to Charlotte The Harlot in my head Rocks!!!!

Thanx Queep!
Love the Maiden comparison.....;)
Yup, this one sounds real good joey :).

I dig the accessibility factor too. Length is just about right. The guitars could come up a tad maybe? I thought the cymbals were a bit harsh, but I really like the arrangement of the drums on this.

The vocals are flawless so far as I can tell.

Solo could come up a bit though...at least that's what my pet llama said.

Yup, I'll be fixing that hihat....and I'll bring the gits up a bit too.
Thanx for the comments, Pete!
(and don't forget to feed the llama....:D)
I like your soloing - I prefer it to shredding.
Almost ready to repro & sell? I'm looking forward to the CD.
I like your soloing - I prefer it to shredding.
Almost ready to repro & sell? I'm looking forward to the CD.

Thanx Ray, got you on top of the list....after all, your name's gonna be on the sleeve. ;)
Yea, so you're not Yngwie Malmsteen! Who cares! You got some serious riffing going on here! And harmonized riffing to boot! Sweet! :D This might just be my favorite. I like False Paradise, but this could knock it off the top of my Joe M. play list.
U rok brutha!
Yea, so you're not Yngwie Malmsteen! Who cares! You got some serious riffing going on here! And harmonized riffing to boot! Sweet! :D This might just be my favorite. I like False Paradise, but this could knock it off the top of my Joe M. play list.
U rok brutha!

Thanx Brad!
Hope to have "our" song ready soon.;)
I'm not a real fan metal music but I don't have problems listening to it... it's still music. All I can say on the production standpoint is that it sounded great! I didn't get the thump-a-thump though because I was listening through small desktop speakers. On the vocals, I wish I had a voice like yours... the raspiness (if that's a word) just has ROCK written all over it. Great job!
I'm not a real fan metal music but I don't have problems listening to it... it's still music. All I can say on the production standpoint is that it sounded great! I didn't get the thump-a-thump though because I was listening through small desktop speakers. On the vocals, I wish I had a voice like yours... the raspiness (if that's a word) just has ROCK written all over it. Great job!

Thanx man, glad to share what I can do with everyone here and to learn from all the these great guys. :)
I would probably bring the kick back a hair, J ... but still leave it large and present.

It's just that when you go the whole song and what you keep noticing is the kick ... and the kick ... and the kick ...

... then the kick is bringing too much focus to itself ... and dominating the rest of the song content.

It still needs to be there to drive the song, but you really don't want to have to try to ignore the kick to hear the rest of the song.

... and the cymbals do have a little bite/sting to them ... If you've accented the highs, I'll pull them back just a bit too.

Really close on this, J ... minor adjustments and you're there.

I would probably bring the kick back a hair, J ... but still leave it large and present.

It's just that when you go the whole song and what you keep noticing is the kick ... and the kick ... and the kick ...

... then the kick is bringing too much focus to itself ... and dominating the rest of the song content.

It still needs to be there to drive the song, but you really don't want to have to try to ignore the kick to hear the rest of the song.

... and the cymbals do have a little bite/sting to them ... If you've accented the highs, I'll pull them back just a bit too.

Really close on this, J ... minor adjustments and you're there.


Thanx Kev, taking note! ;) :)
Very cool, defenitly has an old school metal feel and sound to it.
Nice sounding guitars.
well done:)