TEAC A-6010 & BBE


New member
Hello everyone and hope you are all well.

I was wondering about this tape speed issue...the fastest speed that my TEAC A-6010 will run is 7.5 IPS and according to what I've read on the web, 15 IPS is
supposedly best ?

Now then, I suppose this higher speed produces better audio specs, but what if, I used my BBE Sonic Maximizer ever so slightly to boost the audio quality ever
so much to make up for the TEAC A-6010's limited recording speed of 7.5 IPS ?

Could this work ?

What I'm attempting to do here is...after I have my song completely mixed in my VS2480 DAW I want to route that mix out & into my TEAC A-6010 for the "famous"
Analog Bump or Bath or whatever folks are calling this procedure these days.

Using my A-6010 & the BBE 882i are the only 2 pieces of gear that I have to accomplish with.

Stay well, Charles
You will not improve the performance of that machine by adding a signal processor to the signal chain. 15ips gives you better frequency response, less hiss, more headroom, & and less wow & flutter. The "famous" analog head bump is not worth going after, IMHO. Those who wax poetically about about the great old analog days, probably were never there.
Indeed. It was always a choice, and usually 15 IPS was the sensible choice. Why choose a lower one? However, if you needed to record, as I did, orchestral and choral works, you always had that horrible problem. How long would the recording be? Even worse, if something happened ten minutes into the recording and the conductor wanted to start again, you’d have that horrible choice. Hope you had enough spare, and by looking at the tape record you might be able to work it out from elapsed time vs the rehearsal length? Usually you would lift off both spools, where they were stopped and another pair put on, but sometimes you just did not have the spares, or even confidence they’d actually not mess up again. Then you’d turn the speed to 7.5 and accept you just dropped the top end a tiny bit. You really had no choice. Now I have access to visual displays of spectral content, the actual top end reduction is nowhere near what I thought it was in the 70s, when we were just instructed that low speed equated badly to top end. I’m a very recent returner to reel to reels and now with my years of experience and good gear, I’m very surprised at the results. Recording white noise, from a digital source tops out at 20k, but replaying it at double speed is interesting. Very little of my kit has much response up there but visually, you see it’s just chopped off by modern equipment. Playing back at double speed gives you thoughts. What exactly in your own signal path actually allows 22, 25 or higher through it? Not much I suspect.