TASCAM Wallpaper

M-600 wallpaper II


1920x1080 wallpaper file here:

Cheers! :)
OK, I lied.

This will be the last one for 2012. :D

Truth is, I felt bad about having this thread finish out the year with a Studer pic.

Cheers! :)

Just found your thread here Ghost and I have to say your render's are truly beautiful!
I'm a big Tascam fan and have a Tascam 38 and 32 and wondering if you have ever done a Tascam M-30 mixer which I also have?
Just found your thread here Ghost and I have to say your render's are truly beautiful!
I'm a big Tascam fan and have a Tascam 38 and 32 and wondering if you have ever done a Tascam M-30 mixer which I also have?

Doon, Thanks very much for the kind words on my renders!

I've collected a number of pics of the M-30 but virtually all of them are too small to convert into a decent wallpaper sized image, So, if you have one and would like to take some images of yours and send me the original full sized files, I'd be happy to add the M-30 to the collection here. And that can be accomplished by email, jeffpeletz "at" sympatico.ca or if you have a photo bucket or similar account, just post a link to the files via PM.

Cheers! :)
Doon, Thanks very much for the kind words on my renders!

I've collected a number of pics of the M-30 but virtually all of them are too small to convert into a decent wallpaper sized image, So, if you have one and would like to take some images of yours and send me the original full sized files, I'd be happy to add the M-30 to the collection here. And that can be accomplished by email, jeffpeletz "at" sympatico.ca or if you have a photo bucket or similar account, just post a link to the files via PM.

Cheers! :)

I don't know if these are useable but here are 2 that I have.


I'll send these to your email as well
Nice job Ghost...

Well here's my little description on the AX-10 unit.
It was a Teac accessory that could be used with any deck that had a separate record and playback head (typically called 3 head decks) It also needed to be capable of recording on one track while monitoring on the other. Something many Teac and Tascam decks of the time could do.
It is essentially "bouncing" a new source track or mix onto the other track....hence the term "sound on sound". In today's digital world that's a pretty rudimentary and simplistic task with high speed computer and DAW's, but in the early 70's that was a cool feature for a stereo tape deck.

Because of the spacing between the record and playback heads on the head block it also created an "echo" delay which was another cool bonus effect at the time.
So that was the other cool use for it.

Like most of the stuff from that period the echo effect was one set delay period of time based on the head spacing, but you could use different tape speeds to alter the delay and sound.
And of course using tape loops and another deck you could create any number of interesting phasing and echo sounds.
It has a very nostalgic sound and analog quality to it.
But by today's digital capabilities and standards it's pretty much a nostalgic novelty analog sound effect.
It is however the real analog deal....nothing digital or synthetic about it.
Doon, Thanks for the feedback on the shot and for the info on the AX-10 unit. I suspected it to operate as you described but wasn't 100% sure. I used to have a Dokorder 7140 4 track, 4 channel reel to reel which had those same buttons and functions built in to it and played with them as a novelty feature even back then. But interesting to see those features being offered up as an add on accessory device. Good stuff!

Cheers! :)
^ Thanks Ron! :)

Glad you liked what I did with your shots! Might still do one or two more if I get up the gumption to work on them some more. Each one take me a couple of hours to do as I work pretty slowly and carefully to cut out the mixer from each image and then try to create a complimentary background and numerous other tweaks to clean up each shot.

Anyone else got some some TASCAM or TEAC gear that they want to see added to this thread? Take some decent pics and send them off to me. Don't be shy.

Cheers! :)
And I use an M-2600 MkII 24 channel board with meter bridge two or three times a week. I would have to de-tape it and clean it up.