Tascam M520 Story...

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Quick and easy check is to exercise the SEND/RCV jumpers on channels 3 & 4. If that doesn’t help then start sniffing the signal along the input channel path to see where it breaks down. Start with the ACCESS SEND jack…is the signal good there? If so check the signal quality when monitoring one of the AUX sends set to pre-fade. Good there? No check the post-fade direct out jack. How is it there? Good? No? Report back where the signal breaks down. The above is just a good quick and dirty way to narrow down a little right from the control surface where the fault resides.
Amazing thank you again!

Will go through this today or tomorrow and report back.
Quick and easy check is to exercise the SEND/RCV jumpers on channels 3 & 4.
- no fix. gave them a wiggle and a clean

If that doesn’t help then start sniffing the signal along the input channel path to see where it breaks down. Start with the ACCESS SEND jack…is the signal good there?
- The ACCESS SEND jack sounds distorted.
I also put the signal into the ACCESS RCV jack in 3 & 4 both sound relatively clean.

If so check the signal quality when monitoring one of the AUX sends set to pre-fade. Good there?
- yeah, sounds a tiny bit dirty but basically clean

No check the post-fade direct out jack. How is it there? Good? No?
- the Direct Out jack was distorted.
Is the signal distorted at the ACCESS SEND jack with sources connected to the MIC or LINE inputs, or is it only one or the other?
signal ISN'T distorted from the ACCESS SEND jack when attached to the MIC.

Seems the MIC inputs are clean, played them back in the 520s BUS outputs & there was no problem, so it seems the problem lies with the line in on 3 & 4.
Wait…you keep referring to the line inputs…you mean the TAPE IN jacks right? The only line level inputs for channels 3 & 4 are the TAPE IN jacks. The other inputs that are on RCA jacks are phono inputs and would surely distort with any line level source.
ah lordy, I feel like a dingbat! I ran everything into the line ins as it's all to be normalled to synths from a patch bay and didn't even clock it said phono on those channels. Thanks for your patience, and sorry I ran you down the garden path. They're working perfectly fine with the tape ins. Thank you! The desk sounds really good!

So the tape ins run at line level? That's great, haven't really thought about them, but they could be a great source for being able to run two lines into the one channel from my patch bay to make it like a fast patch when i'm recording synths. So 2 similar synths that I wouldn't use together could exist on one channel but could patch them out to another channel if need be.

And now i've also got a dedicated input for my record player lol
I watched these before getting this desk a year or so ago, will watch again tonight. Cheers
The beauty of these videos, is as you get more familiar with the mixer, the more the videos make sense. There’s always something new to learn.
Ahhhh I’m just glad it was something simple. That’s the best outcome.
I watched these before getting this desk a year or so ago, will watch again tonight. Cheers
Man I tell ya…I wish I still had an M-500 console on-hand…with the common questions that come up related to these consoles I sometimes wish I could do a follow up or re-do video that highlights some of the common misunderstandings and offers guidance. Glad what’s out there is helpful.
ah lordy, I feel like a dingbat! I ran everything into the line ins as it's all to be normalled to synths from a patch bay and didn't even clock it said phono on those channels. Thanks for your patience, and sorry I ran you down the garden path. They're working perfectly fine with the tape ins. Thank you! The desk sounds really good!

So the tape ins run at line level? That's great, haven't really thought about them, but they could be a great source for being able to run two lines into the one channel from my patch bay to make it like a fast patch when i'm recording synths. So 2 similar synths that I wouldn't use together could exist on one channel but could patch them out to another channel if need be.

And now i've also got a dedicated input for my record player lol
Ahhhh I’m just glad it was something simple. That’s the best.

So do you have the instrument inputs on 1 & 2 connected as line inputs as well?

Yes…the TAPE IN jacks are -10dBv line level. And I like your thinking about the two line level inputs and interfacing with the patchbay. It’s similar to what I’m doing with my Studer console which has 16-20 stereo line inputs, each with A and B inputs. I put these on the patch field and have complete flexibility of switch-selectable mono line inputs, two sets, or two stereo inputs. You’re applying the same concept to the M-520. It’s practical.
Ahhhh I’m just glad it was something simple. That’s the best.

So do you have the instrument inputs on 1 & 2 connected as line inputs as well?

Yes…the TAPE IN jacks are -10dBv line level. And I like your thinking about the two line level inputs and interfacing with the patchbay. It’s similar to what I’m doing with my Studer console which has 16-20 stereo line inputs, each with A and B inputs. I put these on the patch field and have complete flexibility of switch-selectable mono line inputs, two sets, or two stereo inputs. You’re applying the same concept to the M-520. It’s practical.
yeah i've only ever had my 388 and 2 mackie mixers, so this kind of routable flexibility is new to me! It's good to know everything ive got can be accessible directly from the desk without repatching. Huge bonus!

And yeah, have 1 & 2 on the Instrument in RCA jacks to my patch bay. Might leave the 1/4 inch jacks unpatched so I can just access directly behind the desk, as it's going to be off the wall so it'll be easy to get back there for patching in guitars etc.

Are the VU meter lights hard to replace? I noted you mentioned in your video that it's good to find one with all the bulbs working, which i've only got 4 of the 12 lighting up.
Yeah I think, compared to the 388 and most smaller format Mackie consoles the M-500 series does offer a good amount of functionality from the control surface…separate trim and connection controls for the various inputs. The other thing I think you’ll find is the M-500 consoles have some really class-leading monitor facilities; a lot of flexibility both between immune monitoring using the AUX busses as well as the separate monitor mixer…with a variety of inputs and outputs and access points, the possible configurations are pretty endless.

Meter lamp replacement on an M-500 series console is a lot easier than a lot of other consoles. I did a forum search for “M520 meter” and came up with this thread:


Note it’s pretty old to start, but cross-links to additional info in this very thread (post #222), and if you follow it all the way to the end the latest post is from just a couple years ago with more current info about lamp specs and availability. If that info doesn’t answer your questions just come back here and post the specific questions that remain.
This is great, thanks. I'll tackle the VUs later as the place I could find that stock those bulbs you've linked don't ship to Australia.

Anyway, I'm drawing up my patch diagrams for the 520 and trying to figure out the best practice to patch it into my 10 channel interface. Got the 8 bus outs going directly into the inputs, that's all cool, but wondering what's the cleanest way to get the interface stereo out back in. Through the Monitor / Spare inputs?