Reel deep thoughts...
Well folks, the M520 is sitting right behind me in the car. We are headed South on Interstate 5. 
I am closing out a couple other threads and moving the topic completely here regarding the M520 and the PS520 power supply, so for those of you just joining this topic, you can get some background in this thread, as well as this thread.
The console appears no different than in the pics I had received pre-sale, which is to say good. All the knob caps and knobs are indeed present, connectors look good in the back...just missing two fader knobs. It'll clean up nice.
I was actually able to get ahold of the radio station from whence it originally came, and stopped by the station. They searched for the PS520 there and to know avail. The station manager contacted their chief engineer in Seattle and he didn't know of its whereabouts either, but reminded the station manager that before going into storage, it was loaned to an accountant with an office in the same building as the radio station who had a moonlight broadcast operation. From there it was donated and moved into storage. The station manager called the accountant who looked briefly and also could not find it, but he is doing an extensive cleanout of his offices in a couple weeks and is going to keep an eye out for it, so here's hoping. Made some good contacts though. Very nice people on today's journey.
The manual is indeed original, and though not in an original binder it is in 9/10 condition. There is a scratch-paper note inside the binder about signal on channel two making it to the master buss and seen at the meter, but signal is not present at the direct outputs. Cross that bridge later.
Anyway, I'll keep this going over time as I make progress, and hopefully the original power supply turns up or it will be time to learn how to fab one (with a lot of help from wherever I can get it!
Here it is as I look behind me...

I am closing out a couple other threads and moving the topic completely here regarding the M520 and the PS520 power supply, so for those of you just joining this topic, you can get some background in this thread, as well as this thread.
The console appears no different than in the pics I had received pre-sale, which is to say good. All the knob caps and knobs are indeed present, connectors look good in the back...just missing two fader knobs. It'll clean up nice.
I was actually able to get ahold of the radio station from whence it originally came, and stopped by the station. They searched for the PS520 there and to know avail. The station manager contacted their chief engineer in Seattle and he didn't know of its whereabouts either, but reminded the station manager that before going into storage, it was loaned to an accountant with an office in the same building as the radio station who had a moonlight broadcast operation. From there it was donated and moved into storage. The station manager called the accountant who looked briefly and also could not find it, but he is doing an extensive cleanout of his offices in a couple weeks and is going to keep an eye out for it, so here's hoping. Made some good contacts though. Very nice people on today's journey.
The manual is indeed original, and though not in an original binder it is in 9/10 condition. There is a scratch-paper note inside the binder about signal on channel two making it to the master buss and seen at the meter, but signal is not present at the direct outputs. Cross that bridge later.

Anyway, I'll keep this going over time as I make progress, and hopefully the original power supply turns up or it will be time to learn how to fab one (with a lot of help from wherever I can get it!

Here it is as I look behind me...