FOr the input card of your m520
I took a look at the M-520 input card and thought about opamp upgrades.
There are 7 IC listed on the card. We can discard U4 (NJM2903D) right away because it is a comparator used to the peak led and not in the signal path.
U1 TL072CP - this opamp is operated at internel signal levels and is not stressed very much. With that said I note that it forms part of the feedback loop of the mic preamp. I think that if you use the mic pre's you should upgrade this opamp (opa2132 would be great).
U2 NJM4556 - Used for the tape in path - this is a bipolar opamp but I expect that you could use a FET opamp here (such as
the opa2132). The NJM4556 is capable of driving 70 mA but that much output drive is not needed in this stage.
Replacement should be considered.
U3 NJM2041DD - a "low noise" bipolar opamp that appears to only be used in the phono circuit. No need to do anything here. If you want outstanding phono buy an outboard phono amp (IMHO)
U4 - NA
U5 TL072CP
U6 TL072CP - these 2 IC's form the EQ section. I would replace them with OPA2132 in a heartbeat.
U7 NJM4556 This IC forms the driver to the mixing busses. THis is where the 70 mA output current may be important. I would have to do much more looking before I could offer a suggested upgrade. It may be that the 40 mA drive of the opa2132 would work. Hard to say without testing.
Looking more closely at the PS I see that the 7815/7915 voltage regulators are used to drive a series pass transistor which does the actual voltage regulation. (2sa1264/2sc3181) These power transistors are rated for 8 amps or more.... Thus the +-15 volt supplys are limited by the power transformer rating (unknown) and the fuse ratings (4 amps). That would be some 500 opa2132 at idle.
So the bottom line is that you could replace all the TL072 with opa2132 without worrying about the power supply. Regarding caps in the PS. Other than using 105 degree caps there is no need to use a higher value on them.
I think that someday I'll do this on my M-520....
PS page 177/178 (M520 PS) lists U4 as 7815 and U5 as 7915. This is a typo. These units form the +-18 volt supply and should be shown as 7818 and 7918 respectivly.