tascam DP 008 ex assistance


New member
trying a few posts and unsure as to where the Best spot would be to do so...thus , trying all over thanx for the patience
i suspect this issue might come up w/ other brands , so might be a "universal" answer .... my issue
trying to do 2 tracks ; guitar and vocal , simultaneously ...on my unit
* guitar is in the external input A
* mic w/ phantom power, in the xlr input B
the settings reflect that, and corresponding track selections are both the external sources mentioned

when testing levels , i notice the unit's internal mic, also picks up sounds ( snap a finger at it to test this ) which to my untrained ear means it's also picking up ( thus doubling) my vocal...when playing ...
the back panel switch allows input choices; "guitar" or "mic/line" and manual says to use "mic/line" but that internal mic still picks up "sounds" regardless of the selection ...

tho i have had the unit awhile, it has sat for a bit... :facepalm: and now,
as i am trying to make use of all the "indoor time " re-acquainting myself and see i could use a little help

Does pushing the button noted in the image below get you a selection of inputs? I quickly looked at the manual (pg14 & 42 ?) and this is the button that was mentioned. Block diagram in the manual also shows this as a 'switchable' selection.


  • 008ex.webp
    231.7 KB · Views: 20
however .... " humming " problem ... :rolleyes:

the adapter i had was of the generic type, so, as the hum was bothersome...ordered the Tascam model ... while waiting, used the batteries and no problem ...new adapter is not as bad, but still ...hums ...guitar cables are good ,,,removed other items already ...still there
why, i don't fully get it, but, when i place my hand at the back of the unit...near the guitar TS external inputs, it dissipates ?!? :facepalm:

any ideas .... thanx
all-righteee ...
to show, even more explicitly, how i need some assistance ...
figured out ...the guitar chord...
when touched, eliminates the hum...either at the back of the unit or even when i grab the Metal Sleeve at the guitar input ...
the "touching the back of the machine " i'd mentioned previously ,,,nope...
it's the metal, at either end of the guitar cable...and still, as noted
it worsens,,further into the process ie; 3rd or 4th track ?!?!?!?

And touching the metal bridge/strings of the the guitar may have a similar effect? Pretty common with gear that is run off a wall wart that doesn't provide a ground connection at the plug into the gear (your recorder in this case).

If you have another piece of gear that may be grounded (3 prong line/mains plugs), try hooking them together by a patch cord which will nothing except possibly provide a ground to the recorder. (ex: guitar amp plugged into outlet-not turned on, connect its input jack to an EX008 input jack. This may provide a ground for the EX008).
not sure if it is critical but, touching the strings, or any other part(s) of the guitar have no effect ...
scenario occurs, regardless of the cables used .... not sure i mentioned or if it matters ,
guitars are acoustic / electrics 2 taylors and a breedlove

i'll try the hookup you suggested ...thanks