Tascam Cassette 4-track Appreciation Thread...Vote For Your Favorite!

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What is your favorite Teac/Tascam cassette 4-track "Portastudio"?

  • Teac (Tascam Series) 144

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Tascam 244

    Votes: 17 15.0%
  • Tascam 246

    Votes: 22 19.5%
  • Tascam 414 series (414, 414mkII)

    Votes: 10 8.8%
  • Tascam 424 series (424, 424mkII, 424mkIII)

    Votes: 35 31.0%
  • Tascam 464

    Votes: 4 3.5%
  • Tascam 644

    Votes: 9 8.0%
  • Tascam Porta 02/03 series (02mkII, 03, 03mkII)

    Votes: 4 3.5%
  • Tascam Porta 05

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Tascam Porta 07

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Tascam Porta One

    Votes: 6 5.3%
  • Tascam Porta Two series (Porta Two, Porta Two HS)

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
The Amstrad Studio 100

Hoofbags Free Music

Of those listed: 424 original, but they are all great.
I agree :D Oh and go check out my new post that I just posted tonite on the Tascam forum...shit I cant remember the title LoL !!! Anyways it a short drum solo of me back in the 2000's recording straight to the 424 on a huge kit I had put together and only using 4 mics 1 TK for each mic ....go check it out and give me some feedback:thumbs up:
I love my 424 so much that I just bought a broken one off of e-bay just this week !!!

Fixed it myself for free first day I got it in and only cost me $35 for the unit on e-bay. I'll tell anybody that's interested what was broke and how I fixed it if interested ;)
Fixed it myself for free first day I got it in and only cost me $35 for the unit on e-bay. I'll tell anybody that's interested what was broke and how I fixed it if interested ;)

Repair stories are always welcome in my book. They've helped me out in more than one occasion.
Repair stories are always welcome in my book. They've helped me out in more than one occasion.

Well .....OK :cool:First thing plugged it in and lights lit up,cleaned heads and transport,put a tape in....NOTHING!! No PLAY,FF,RW etc etc. SO....unplugged her opened her (not my girlfriend) up and starting looking for the obvious. First thing I spotted was a multipin plug un-plugged which I believe hooked to the transport. That got it playing immediately but... FF and RW worked perfectly but then....the playback started stopping by itself and then getting kinda squeaky.:rolleyes: So looked at the belt and it didn't seem stretched but I decided to take it off and bring it to my local TV repairman friend that has helped me in the past with belts on cassette recorders. So....went there...he didn't have the exact one so told me a few things I could do before ordering a new belt. He cleaned it with some denatured alcohol and told me a few other things to do while I had the machine opened up.He said clean the flywheel and pully real good and also to maybe shoot a lil W-D40 or something equivalent to the capstan motor......and guess what!?!? Running perfect now !!! :eek::listeningmusic::D:eatpopcorn:
Well .....OK :cool:First thing plugged it in and lights lit up,cleaned heads and transport,put a tape in....NOTHING!! No PLAY,FF,RW etc etc. SO....unplugged her opened her (not my girlfriend) up and starting looking for the obvious. First thing I spotted was a multipin plug un-plugged which I believe hooked to the transport. That got it playing immediately but... FF and RW worked perfectly but then....the playback started stopping by itself and then getting kinda squeaky.:rolleyes: So looked at the belt and it didn't seem stretched but I decided to take it off and bring it to my local TV repairman friend that has helped me in the past with belts on cassette recorders. So....went there...he didn't have the exact one so told me a few things I could do before ordering a new belt. He cleaned it with some denatured alcohol and told me a few other things to do while I had the machine opened up.He said clean the flywheel and pully real good and also to maybe shoot a lil W-D40 or something equivalent to the capstan motor......and guess what!?!? Running perfect now !!! :eek::listeningmusic::D:eatpopcorn:

Awesome. Thanks for sharing! :)
I bought a 244 for $100 yesterday. Don't know if that is a good deal or not, but I live near TEAC and will bring it in to see what it needs. It turns on but makes a bit of noise.
1466292_622892927774869_876169787_n.webpFirst 4 track , the Fostex x15 ..nice little unit did loads with it, still have it, including a pair of the "Bellows" style punch in and out thingys.
Fav 4 track,gotta be my 424mk3 love it to bits ,x-15.webpIMG_2516.webp and get some great results from it
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I remember seeing the Amstrad
in Comet years ago in the UK always wondered if they where any good
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Awesome thread!
I started music on the Porta one in 1985. Still have it in the original box. Still love it. Last year I got really into the 244. I bought 2 and have been having a blast with them. One makes a bit of noise when playing. Maybe the motor?
The other is still perfect for my music. It definitely has a "sound". I mean it sounds like a 244 when I listen to the recorded music up against other recordings. I really like the color it produces. :listeningmusic:
Have a 234,*I know not on the list* Bought back when I got my 1st soundcraft B200 mixer, hooked up the 4 bus on the mixer the the 4 tracks on the Tascam...and had my own 4track studio...Lol) love the sound.

234 counts, as it is a "4-track" recorder, and a good one! It may also have been mentioned somewhere previously on this thread, but I'm not backtracking to reread it all.
I used to own a Porta-one. Loved it. Made many recordings with it. Herein lies my rub. I have lots of tapes and no recording unit. Anyone here know anything about compatibility with other units? Can I playback and mix down the old tapes with any other recording unit? I appreciate any insight regarding this. Thanks.

A 424mkII/mkIII or 246, would do. I think the 464 has a low speed, too. A PortaOne or PortaTwo would do, of course.