Tascam Boards Are Out Of Action

The only thing I don't understand is the signiture statement.


You mean,

I'm here!

But, life is a dirty trick.

I think it means that he is not at peace any longer with his maker.

He has a fascination with de-bunking UFOs as well so, who knows what makes him tick?

Where are you Larry?

We could use a good quiz, right about now!:D
I wonder how he became a moderator for Tascam. Sounds like a very interesting person. Smart too. Of course, I wouldn't have much to say if I met him anyway. Isn't he a professor or something at a University back east?

Hey Ghost, doin any recording this week end? Or anyone? I'm spending the weekend driving to Tacoma Washington, to pick up a Delta unisaw and a 8" jointer for my shop. Got em on ebay, cheap. It was either that or the M520:D I mean, if Reel can have one.....ha!

But I decided to wait for a ...well, you know. I got this contract to build stuff, and needed some more tools for the shop. The mixer will have to wait. $$ is what important right now. :p Besides, it might be a year before one comes up. I couldn't wait on the saw, it was too good of deal. Doggone, tools for the shop, tools for the studio, man this stuff is draining the wallet, but what fun!! Oh, don't forget, that Parametric is MINE!!!;) And now that I think about it, I was going to bid on one of those LA-4's, but I think they will go higher than I can. Hmmm.....I still may bid on the 520. Good buy it now price. Hey, anyone know if you can cascade two 520's?


As much as I love my two M312B's, (cascaded by the way), the one feature I truly miss not having is automation so, If I was you, I would hold out for an M3700!!

As for recording this weekend, a big fat YES is the answer to that one. I think I will try a sober attempt at an older acoustic/psychedelic track I wrote a while back when I had my 244 Portastudio. It's a happy little track about clouds called, They are the Clouds. I used to smoke the herb superb a bit back then and that might have had something to do with the inspiration for the song??

If it comes out half decent, I'll post it in the clinic and you guys can rip it to shreds if you like.

Cheers! :)
If it comes out half decent, I'll post it in the clinic and you guys can rip it to shreds if you like.

Rip it to shreds my ass:D I'd love to download it and add a track!(only with your permission of course;) )

And your right about the mixer. I'll hold out, but damn it's hard:p Seein all these great analog deals go by is KILLIN me. Ha!

It's a shame that the powers which be (at Tascam) don't realize how much we do day to day to keep their good name alive.
(Have you thought about this??)

It's a fucking crime that the world doesn't see how cool you guys are plain and simple! Ghost, Reel,Rick,Derek, Herm, Beck...(IN NO ORDER) AND OTHERS are fucking generals in a war of historical analog product integrity, yet who here isn't sweating gear on Ebay? (Show of hands please guys...Un huh, I thought so.)

The guys at another bbs GET PAID OFF to pimp Berhinger junk!! Why can't we start a site (WITH TASCAM BANNERS) to just talk about Tascam (Not like we don't do just that now anyway!)
Why can't we (At least) get hooked up on parts or service???
(SERVICE?? How many times have you guys referered people to Tascam service or manuals?? I THINK enough to be able to get your decks fixed up for a price that makes you smile!)

I don't see how you guys with expert statuss aren't a part of product development? (Hello Tascam..Anyone home???!!!)
Over the years you guys must have (Combined) directed people towards purchasing a few hundred grand in used Tascam gear. (Reel alone may have bought half as much himself!!!! lol- We love ya Reel )

Guys, i just don't know anymore, I'm pissed!
We're living advertisements sweating over obtaining the gear we live to advertise. (We're self destructive after maket marketing!!)

Damn it, when the second coming of Christ occurs and he's not wearing a shirt that says "Tascam analog rules!" I'm gonna be furious!!!

(Ok so I don't know what the point is to this post either...,but i know this:

We are TALKING UP, fighting over, praying for and trouble shooting a product line on a GLOBAL LEVEL (Yeah, thats right...Those ON THIS PLANET interested in Tascam are turning to YOU GUYS for guidence!!) Yep, a GLOBAL SERVICE is being extended by the patience of Ghost as he longs for automation and all the while as Rick could really use a 3700 and while Herm is waiting for his 312 to show up just as Reel is drowning in the bliss of ownership and community while Billy is inventing posts to make it easier while Beck is watching the bids as Derek is trying to keep it smart with a firm hand while all of us wait for Tascam's site to re-open for the sole purpose of starting it all again!!!!!!



(It's been a bad day)
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I could easily be whipped into the same frenzy as you seem to be in at the moment but, I have a slightly different bent on the whole TASCAM thing and what they owe us as contributors to their support forum.

When I originally came to that site in October of 2002, I was having a problem with my MS-16. All the motors stopped working and the machine was effectively dead. I went there to seek help and advice on what the problem might be and for the most part, try to get a jump on the technician who was coming over to my house at the rate of $100.00 an hour to fix it!!

I selfishly thought that if someone on the bbs had the exact answer, I could save a few bucks by telling the tech, "change part "X" and have him on his way, post haste! Unfortunately, while I did get some clues as to where the problem might be, I didn't get the exact answer I needed and the repair ending up costing me $400.00 to fix.

Midway through that first thread, Derek Verner threw in an addition to that thread stating words to the effect of; "Isn't it wonderful how great this, tascam bbs is because of all the experts who presided there and wasn't it a shame that they weren't getting paid for their advice?"

I retorted back, "the best way to repay the help I received was to help others on matters that I could be of assistance to."

I believe in that spirit of community and I would never expect to be paid for simply being neighbourly.

While I know, I don't start a lot of threads because I am not seeking huge amounts of knowledge about the gear these days, I am constantly amazed at how much I continue to learn and benefit from many people both at the TASCAM bbs and now over here at HR.com because of their knowledge and experience.

We are friends. We are neighbours. We all help and contribute in our own ways and capacities. How do you put a price on that?

Cheers! :)
Amen Billy and GFM. Now, shut up:D(Hey, have you noticed how much digital gear is being sold. I mean, even on ebay right now, there is a guy selling his DM-24 and states right in the auction he found out he was an analog guy all along) Man, guys, lets keep it a secret as long as we can. :p Helping each other is one thing, but LET'S KEEP IT TO OURSELVES!!!(I'm GREEDY) Have you also noticed how this forum has grown.? In just the LAST SIX MONTHS? Ah gee guys, I'm sorry but I was hoping all the digital guys would just keep going till their "woe is me" stuff wears em out to the point of giving up on recording cause they plain FORGOT about analog:D
I mean I HAVE AN AGENDA!! Like getting to the point where I can afford an M5000
and a couple of ATR-80's:D :D :D

All kidding aside folks, I actually am glad the Tascam bbs is down. That way the digital guys will keep selling their analog stuff UNTILL they discover they can't get no help anymore and they already sold their analog stuff. TO ME:p

Ha! No really guys, I gotta say, in the Tascam digital mixer forum(yes I scanned the woe is me stuff!) there were some pretty mad people at Tascam. I don't know what was going on, but I have a feeling that forum may have had something to do with it. I read just last night someone say the DM-24, as powerfull as it is, was a downhill ride.
And a few of em said so right on the forum. AND, I know as a fact, the moderator(Jace)for the digital mixer forum, did his DAMNDEST to keep the lines of communication open between the digital customeres and corporate headquarters, and did a great job of helping with the problems with the DM-24. But it looked like even HE gave up and quit. REAL QUICK. That was a year ago. So something was goin on and I have a feeling that had something to do with the bbs closing down. But I don't know for sure.
So as long as we have this forum, we can keep the analog flag flying. Just don't fly it too high, ok?

But I agree with you Billy. Well put. Tascam doesn't realize what's going on. All I know, is IF they permenantly closed the board, they cut their own throat.
Soooooo, if we keep it low around here for awhile, we'll be better off.

Now, let me say this though. If it weren't for you guys who were there when I had my first problem with my MSR I probably would have given up on recording. I commend you. And you know who you are. And so should Tascam. YOU are what keeps analog alive. Personally, I've done nothing to help. Thats cause basicly I'm a dunce when it comes to this stuff. I can't help with any of the technical issues. Only yell ANALOG RULES!! So if Tascam doesn't recognize the contribution you guys give to their bottom line, by being so generous with your knowledge, I will, with a hearty
THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!!(yes, I know I ramble and don't say shit) I just wish that Tascam WOULD recognize what you've done.

Thanks guys!! Well, time to leave for Tacoma. Talk to you tomorrow.
In all fairness, the www is rife with boards where bunches of fanatics shmooze about their pet product. As one of my cars, I own an ugly '91 Chevy Corsica. When I had a problem with it, I found a bbs full of people who thought it was the greatest car ever made, and yes, it included experts who knew every last nut and bolt in every Cosica ever built.

I have not looked, but I suspect there are sites wth members that think Fostex gear is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Tascam's asleep a the wheel, guys.

Not only that, but they have the "digital-is-IT", and "we gotta be digital" mentality,... or should I say "tunnel vision". I have no doubt that it will eventually come back and bite them, in the end.

Personally, I once bought the US-428, with all the best intentions of 'puter recording, but within a week of utter frustration, I took it back to GC for a full refund, and plunked the money down on a 424mkIII, instead.

YOU KNOW I got on the Tascambbs/US-428 forum and just ripped Tascam a new one, about how lousy, unstable, hard to use and lacking in features their new "wonderchild" the US-428 was. Do you know the response I got? It was, "It's probably something you're doing wrong, because most people love it", aka, the simple 'kiss-off' reply. I walked away from Tascam-digital and the 'new' Tascam, and never looked back. Helllooooooooo EBAY!

Look, Tascam is shortsighted about the wonderment of digital systems, just like 99% of all other gear manufacturers out there, and they've let all their analog designs, experts, equipment, and user base just GO,... out the window, so to speak. Like tossing the baby out with the bathwater, for sure, with the complete dropping of analog designs. PS: get the 414mkII and 424mkIII now, while they're still new in the stores, because they've been discontinued and are on store shelves as "use-til-gone".

For the time being, Tascam's lights are on, but there's nobody home. Tascam is brain dead, as evidenced by them putting all their 4-track eggs into the P5 basket, [with no offense to Havin' Fun & crowd], but I think this devalues Tascam as a true innovator, and puts it in the class of "me-too" second rate audio companies, ala FOSTEX.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Tascam's losing it's value, the more it goes down the "me-too" trail.

As for me, I'm up to -HERE- in Tascam analog gear,... and loving it!
BillyFurnett said:


AMEN brother! Amen!!

Re: Tascam's asleep a the wheel, guys.

A Reel Person said:
Not only that, but they have the "digital-is-IT", and "we gotta be digital" mentality,... or should I say "tunnel vision". I have no doubt that it will eventually come back and bite them, in the end.

Personally, I once bought the US-428, with all the best intentions of 'puter recording, but within a week of utter frustration, I took it back to GC for a full refund, and plunked the money down on a 424mkIII, instead.

YOU KNOW I got on the Tascambbs/US-428 forum and just ripped Tascam a new one, about how lousy, unstable, hard to use and lacking in features their new "wonderchild" the US-428 was. Do you know the response I got? It was, "It's probably something you're doing wrong, because most people love it", aka, the simple 'kiss-off' reply. I walked away from Tascam-digital and the 'new' Tascam, and never looked back. Helllooooooooo EBAY!

Look, Tascam is shortsighted about the wonderment of digital systems, just like 99% of all other gear manufacturers out there, and they've let all their analog designs, experts, equipment, and user base just GO,... out the window, so to speak. Like tossing the baby out with the bathwater, for sure, with the complete dropping of analog designs. PS: get the 414mkII and 424mkIII now, while they're still new in the stores, because they've been discontinued and are on store shelves as "use-til-gone".

For the time being, Tascam's lights are on, but there's nobody home. Tascam is brain dead, as evidenced by them putting all their 4-track eggs into the P5 basket, [with no offense to Havin' Fun & crowd], but I think this devalues Tascam as a true innovator, and puts it in the class of "me-too" second rate audio companies, ala FOSTEX.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Tascam's losing it's value, the more it goes down the "me-too" trail.

As for me, I'm up to -HERE- in Tascam analog gear,... and loving it!

Hey Dave!

On numerous occassions, on the TASCAM bbs if you remember, I tried to sort of "coax" you into giving the type of reply you gave above ('cause I knew you were just burning to get it all out) but for some reason you periodically tried to censor yourself or be a bit diplomatical about the whole thing. I am very glad that you're not holding back now. I feel the same way as do lots of people!
