Synthesizer, or controller, differences?

Ok, I think I got it, so I don't really need MIDI connection ports on a sound card if I'm going to use the MIDI via USB right?

For example, say I bought an Omni Studio (Delta 66 + Omni breakout box), and an Evolution MK-499C USB MIDI Controller keyboard. Even though this sound card has no MIDI connections, the controller would be going through my USB ports, so that wouldn't matter correct?
NewbMediaGuy said:
Ok, I think I got it, so I don't really need MIDI connection ports on a sound card if I'm going to use the MIDI via USB right?

For example, say I bought an Omni Studio (Delta 66 + Omni breakout box), and an Evolution MK-499C USB MIDI Controller keyboard. Even though this sound card has no MIDI connections, the controller would be going through my USB ports, so that wouldn't matter correct?

That's right. All you would need on top of that is some softsynths and you would be good to go !
Personally I would have to get a controller over a synthesizer for controling stuff in a computer. I have plenty of synthesizers and using them to control softsynths sucks. You have to change all the cc# in the synth to correspond with the softsynth cc#'s. Each softsynth has different cc#'s, thus you must change the numbers for each different synth. Unless someone else figured out a easy way todo this.

With the controllers, such as the novation remote 25, you can save the setup on the controller for the cc#'s. This means that whenever you want to tweek that vst softsynth you can just load up that setup on the controller and boom, your tweeking it.

I hear all this crap about midi ox and being able to save all the stuff in there and use the hardware synth. Thus you are using midi ox as the saving the cc#'s. But you can get the novation or the micro korg for like $250. Midi ox seems like the most difficult program in the world to me.