sword fight final battle soundtrack thingy

Timothy Lawler said:
Damn, you're creative.

Less drums. More ac gtr, though the gtr balance when both ac and elec are playing is good. But tune that acoustic really carefully.

Thanks Tim, it's been a few days so I'll have fresh ears and hopefully be able to address the volumes. My acoustics go out of tune easy, so if I'm jamming around for a while and forget to retune that could be a problem... hopefully not too noticable :o Thanks again The Acoustic Master :D
Bulls Hit said:
You've got good dynamic range on this. I agree with the other comments on the drum levels. Real interesting tune, I like the lead melodies

Cool, thanks. I put more effort into dynamics this time, so cool they're getting better. Thanks about the melodies too, I try to make them interesting enough to replace my vox :D
PrettyWoman said:
A very nice song, SnakeDog5050. You play well, and just seem to need a bit of instruction on mixing. And not from me. :)

The sound of the song was very good. There seems to be some volume differences you could address to make it better, mainly with the drum volume, but overall, it is fun to listen to this song. If I could help with some specific ideas, I would, but I am not that good at this recording and mixing yet.

I did enjoy the song immensely though.

Thanks for the review :) about the playing too. I love to play and record, but not as much mix. I agree there's elements to the mix that sound like they could be improved. I feel it's been a slow learning curve as far that goes for me (especially when I add so many tracks :rolleyes: ), but at least I'm more satisified with each mix I do and always learning new things around here.
Glad you enjoyed it! :cool:
bigbubba said:
Very soundtrackish. :)

Reminds me a lot of the Japanese films I used to watch for my Japanese Film class.

Mix sounds really cool. I'd say leave the drums alone at the current settings.

The guitars are sounding real nice, especially the acoustic sound in the beginning and the rhythm.

Always appreciate your input Bubba :) Haha, I haven't actually heard much japanese film music, but I've gotten that comment before. Thanks about the acoustic too, that was a real challenge at first :)
BuckwheatJones said:
Whoa!!! Now that was a wild ride. You have some very good sounds There SnakeDog5050. The drums might be a little loud, but that really just gave it a very live sound for me. (just some computer speakers here.)

Very nice playing, and you have great sounds.

That's wild.

Cool! Wild is what I go for, wild is fun :D After listening back I agree about the drums, I'll remix real soon and update it up above. Glad you enjoyed the ride! :D
RAMI said:
What everyone said (Except that sacreligious part about turningdown drums or something...:D )

Nice atmospheres, very moody. I can definitely hear this as a soundtrack to your movie. I dig this alot.

Thanks RAMI, I'll turn the drums up some more than (but don't be fooled when you a remix up and the drums are actually lower :p ) Glad you liked it, I tried to fit the events of a whole chapter into like 3 minutes, so I agree it ended up with the quick strike mood change kind of thing. ANyway, cheers man