Suggestions for treatment of very unusual room

"I'll have to make it a CASE of beer!

By the way, what's your shirt size?"

Well, that all depends on whether he's had the case of beer.

For the front of the shirt: "Is it *my* fault it's rocket science?"
Henry's private reserve (sorry, had enough Primo when I lived there) , size 42-44... and yeah, it is "rock-it" science :=)
Man, did you notice the "peep count" on this thread already? Musta been a lotta guise hopin' I'd fall flat on my ass... :=)
No prob, bro - let me know when you get your absorbers up, try to listen to a few commercial CD's immediately before they go up and as soon after as possible so you can tell the most about what they do for you... Steve
Just thought you might get a few chuckles out of this.....

A picture of the workstation:


...and what's that on the right side?


Please be apprised of the fact that the juxtaposition in the photograph of Mr Knightfly's name and a random piece of Auralex foam in no way constitutes an endorsement of, connection with, or even acknowledgement of the existence of, Auralex foam or any Auralex product, byproduct, waste product or thoughtform.

Thank you.
"No prob, bro - let me know when you get your absorbers up, try to listen to a few commercial CD's immediately before they go up and as soon after as possible so you can tell the most about what they do for you."

Yeah, this is my plan for my studio too - before and after listening.
dobro said:
Please be apprised of the fact that the juxtaposition in the photograph of Mr Knightfly's name and a random piece of Auralex foam in no way constitutes an endorsement of, connection with, or even acknowledgement of the existence of, Auralex foam or any Auralex product, byproduct, waste product or thoughtform.

Thank you.

I had a hunch you were a lawyer! :D
"I just want to make sure that folks that come over know that it wasn't me who got the place sounding right!" -

Always glad to grab credit - even more if I actually had it coming :=)

Actually, Auralex makes some pretty useful products - just helps to know which ones to use, where and how. Also, I've talked with their Chief Acoustical Engineer, Jeff - VERY knowledgeable and really helpful... Steve
The acoustic foam I ordered should arrive tomorrow. I've got some corner bass traps and some wedge tiles coming. I'll let you know how it works out. I was planning on putting bass traps on the rear corner and in the wall/ceiling junction above the desk. The tiles will go on the wall behind the monitors, and the half wall, as you suggested. I'm also contemplating haniging a foam "cloud" over the desk, but will wait to see if the other treatments are enough.

(I'd use fiberglass, but 1) I'm not keen on the idea of fiberglass in the living space, and 2) the shipping costs make it quite a bit more expensive.)
"Actually, Auralex makes some pretty useful products"

If I had some Auralex, I'd use it too. Really.

Please be apprised of the fact that this revelation in no way implies that any previous comments made by myself should on that account be considered less than humorous, or intended as such by the collective.
Damn, ya caught me in a serious moment again - gotta get back to "foamin' at the mouth", got a rep to maintain 'roun heer...
Well, I got my wedge tiles up:


The first thing I noticed was that the imaging became razor sharp! Also, the depth of the image has increased (although I wonder if that's just my imagination).

Still waiting for the corner bass traps. Will let you know how that works out when I receive them.

Stay tuned!
OK. Got the bass traps, and wouldn't you 100 Hz problem is virtually gone! I tested 50, 80, 125, 200 Hz also and have a very smooth response now.

The bottom end has tightened up quite a bit. It's easier to pick out the nuances of the bass tracks now.

Once again, thanks go out to knightfly (Steve)!