"Sucky" 388 pdf for all you suckas'

superbeatballer said:
Cjacek was right. It wasn't meant for you.

Nickdahl requested a copy of it, but I was dragging my heals. It was your constant maligning of the 388 that finally got my ass off the couch to scan and upload the thing. It was something I'd been meaning to do anyway as I've seen requests for the manual quite frequently.

There are plenty of 388 users who don't find this information useless. Are you implying that they are picking through the contents of a dumpster like a common vagrant. That's a major pile of steaming bullshit!! This attitude flies in the face of what I consider to be the spirit of home recording.

When I said "enjoy MCI guy," it was meant as an innocent jab toward your
apparent dislike of a freaking machine!! A freaking machine!!! I can't believe someone would step on so many toes to make a point that nobody agrees with.

Anyway MCI, I can tell from your posts that you have a far greater knowledge of the recording arts than I do. No argument there. I just want to know why with your vast toolbag of understanding would you try to discredit so many ears that don't hear things the way you do.

B.t.w., the prior owner of my 388 dropped it on the floor and it still runs like a champ to this day. I think that says alot about its build quality.

The 388 is a nice-sounding and relevant machine that alot of people enjoy using. That's it. It's apples, oranges and you.

I am not stepping on anyone's toes and I don't have an obsession with the 388. I just recorded on one against my wishes for too many years. It is a sucky machine from any kind of fidelity angle, but a great machine for it's intended purpose which is demo recording.

It has no pro sound. It grinds along at 7 1/2 ips and sounds "boxy"

If you are happy with it, fine, you REALLY DON'T HAVE TO DEFEND IT EVERY MOMENT. If you really are not sure you love it, or are really trying to delude yourself, you just keep defending it over and over.

I love my MCI 2" 24 track and don't care one little bit when someone trashes it on the pro websites. I KNOW FOR A FACT what my machine is capable of and almost ALL of the 70s-80s rock albums were IN FACT recorded on it FOR SURE.

Albums done EVERY SINGLS TRACK not like an occasional Maddonna track or some b shit about Boston using an 80-8.

Do some research about what was used in pro studios in the 70/80/90s and you will find the truth and not a bunch of third hand info from articles and posters here.

Oh, one more thing, many people are happy with whatever they recorded and recorded on. It is a great feeling when you accomplish an album and play it for people. But, when you hear a big 24 track 2", if you are at all aquainted with any of the semi-pro decks you are instantly blown away at how *different and open* the pro decks sound.

Suddenly, you really understand that all the work you did in mixes and the endless hours in recording each track to sound that way is the way those decks *sound*

You really can't go back after any time on the big guys. So, my ears are no different than yours, I just experienced something you have not (or I assume you have not because you are satisfied with the 388's sound)

Make any sense?
MCI2424 said:
Do some research about what was used ...

MCI loves his MCI, but he does not realize that he's talking here to producers who have done it ... and thus they don't need to do any research to find out about how it was done and what equipment was used to get it done, however they may do a research or two ... out of curiosity that is..
One thing is for sure: he is NOT! stepping on anyone's toes here ;)
MCI2424 said:
I am not stepping on anyone's toes and I don't have an obsession with the 388. I just recorded on one against my wishes for too many years.
This appears very telling.....almost like a female who lashes out at all men because of childhood abuse. I've never heard of anyone being forced to record. :confused:
Yeah dude, thanx much for the 388 manual on pdf!!

I already had a few paper copies, but it's always nice to have a few copies of PDF manuals lying around on the 'puter! I've had to refer to the manual a few times in the past!;)

I know how much effort it is to scan an entire manual,... much less throw it all together as a PDF!

Thanx again!
superbeatballer said:
I've never heard of anyone being forced to record. :confused:
Professionals are being forced to record on a regular base (they are professionals, that is why), especially those ones, that refer to themselves as "big guys" ;)
A Reel Person said:
I know how much effort it is to scan an entire manual,...
Thanx again!
thankuorus graciosus to Mr. S. B. Baller :cool:

...also it would be very cool if I needed that manual.... but I don't :(

MCI2424 said:
If you are happy with it, fine, you REALLY DON'T HAVE TO DEFEND IT EVERY MOMENT. If you really are not sure you love it, or are really trying to delude yourself, you just keep defending it over and over.
I am happy with it and I'm glad you picked up on that. My pro-388 statements have not been in defense of the machine itself, rather a counter to your disparaging remarks of anything in the prosumer category. You've made this gear out to be a sonic disibility when in reality it's more than adequate if you know how to use it(bypass the boxy eq.)

Money is an object to alot of people(a point you should well know having been subjected to the sucky 388 for years), and some heaven forbid will make purchases based on what they read here. My retorts have been posed to offer a positive review for this humble yet effective machine and reassure any hair-trigger purchasers who may considering one.

MCI2424 said:
I love my MCI 2" 24 track and don't care one little bit when someone trashes it on the pro websites. I KNOW FOR A FACT what my machine is capable of and almost ALL of the 70s-80s rock albums were IN FACT recorded on it FOR SURE.
Did the big boys pick on you? Haven't you done the exact same thing at HR?

Touting a 2-incher doesn't help anyone on a 388 budget.

MCI2424 said:
Albums done EVERY SINGLS TRACK not like an occasional Maddonna track or some b shit about Boston using an 80-8.
Newsflash! Madonna and Boston recordings(full albums or not) don't dictate the purchases of most homerecordists these days.

MCI2424 said:
Do some research about what was used in pro studios in the 70/80/90s and you will find the truth and not a bunch of third hand info from articles and posters here.
I'm aware that those records were recorded on something towering over my budget. So what! I'm not trying to recreate the sound of an era/decade. There are many like me with their own ideas to jot down.

MCI2424 said:
Oh, one more thing, many people are happy with whatever they recorded and recorded on. It is a great feeling when you accomplish an album and play it for people. But, when you hear a big 24 track 2", if you are at all aquainted with any of the semi-pro decks you are instantly blown away at how *different and open* the pro decks sound. Suddenly, you really understand that all the work you did in mixes and the endless hours in recording each track to sound that way is the way those decks *sound*
Everyone's heard plenty of 2" recordings-at home, on the radio, and anywhere music is played. It's the content along with a good recording that blows me away.

MCI2424 said:
You really can't go back after any time on the big guys. So, my ears are no different than yours, I just experienced something you have not (or I assume you have not because you are satisfied with the 388's sound)
Make any sense?
Maybe your ears are the same as mine, only I have some control over what goes into them and more importantly how I'm influenced by it.

Makes sense to me.
A Reel Person said:
I already had a few paper copies, but it's always nice to have a few copies of PDF manuals lying around on the 'puter! I've had to refer to the manual a few times in the past!;)

I know how much effort it is to scan an entire manual,... much less throw it all together as a PDF!

Thanx again!
No problem!
388's rule!
So do 40-4's<-I need the manual.
Dr ZEE said:
Professionals are being forced to record on a regular base (they are professionals, that is why), especially those ones, that refer to themselves as "big guys" ;)
"Forced" if you can't stand the material, in which case I'll take this one for ease of use.
superbeatballer said:
"Forced" if you can't stand the material, ....
For Pros it's just - forced, period. :)

superbeatballer said:
...in which case I'll take this one for ease of use.
If as a Pro you take that one for ease of use or for what ever other reason you'll get yourself into the case (situation, that is), where the only needed to be used function button on THIS ONE is the RED-ONE. :p You may use that button with ease or through confusion and frustration - either way the game will be over pretty soon ...upon arrival of THIS ONE,
knock knock. anybody home?


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Dr ZEE said:
For Pros it's just - forced, period. :)
I take it that's an eviction notice. Point taken->you must as a pro subject yourself to a certain amount of forced material to avoid becoming this guy. In that case I'm glad I'm no pro with no inflated head and no clients show for it. Clients to date=1.

So for the record, my comments apply only to those whose yum! isn't paid for by clients.