OK Jimmy here ya go. I stayed up all night getting these as close to the original masters as possible. Sadly while tracking I made a few Noob mistakes by applying effects directly to some of the master tracks. Nothing horrible, the worst being the snare is fairly heavily gated but I was always happy with the sound I got with the overhead bleed blended with a verb bus. The only other big problem area may be the toms as my heads were old and were pretty dead. I wish you luck my friend and I'm certain I will be pleased with anything you can do with the tracks, I'm most grateful you're willing to put some time into them. Also please note I'm in no hurry for this whatsoever, take as much time as you wish. I checked out your site, (really nice studio btw) and I understand you have a business to run. Good Luck!
I was talking about a song by the band Green Jellö.
I was talking about a song by the band Green Jellö.
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