Studio Projects C4

arcanemethods said:
Please don't leave, however, just do as I have done, Ignore him.

User CP->Edit Ignore List

If he ever learns to contribute anything but endless challenges, questions and complete quoted posts followed by inane comments then maybe I'll give him another chance.

I tried the ignore function before - didn't work too well for me.

No, I'm not gonna leave; tried that too, and had my ass reamed for bailing out.

What I'm gonna do is just not get involved in all this shit - I'll just sit on the sidelines for a while and not post.

If I can't be part of the solution, at least I can make sure that I'm not part of the problem.
Back to the topic at hand...

I got a post from Brent the C4 are a 3 micron / 20mm capsule.

Guess this kinda makes the C4 a "MDC" instead of a SDC...

Harvey Gerst said:
So anything I state must be accompanied by absolute proof of my assertions at all times? I guess you're right. Maybe I shouldn't even bother posting my "opinions" disguised as "facts" here (as some people have done).

In fact, I think I'll leave all future mic questions and statements of fact to you, since you seem to have all the answers to everything. I'll avoid posting anything that has to do with opinions OR facts. Doesn't leave very much for me to do around here, does it?

With you DJL, it seems that no response is better than any response. So from now on, that's what you'll get from me - no response - about anything.

Anytime I say something, it seems like my reputation, my experience, or my knowledge is being challenged by you. I have news for you; I don't need, or like, that shit. I have better things to do with my time than prove myself to some faceless entity on the Internet.
Why don't you just tell the truth instead... you've never read anything from Behringer stating that the Behringer B5 has a 6 micron diaphragm and you dam well know it.
DJL said:
Why don't you just tell the truth instead... you've never read anything from Behringer stating that the Behringer B5 has a 6 micron diaphragm and you dam well know it.
Oh, geez DJL, you caught me! Yup, I musta been flat out lying about that, and I just made it up to discredit Behringer. What a total asshole I am, and how clever you are to finally expose my lies for all the world to see. finally, all your tireless and unstinting efforts at arriving at the truth have paid off.

Now I must leave this forum forever, wrapped in the blanket of shame and disgrace that you have carefully woven and heaped upon me with your unrelenting zeal and your neverending search for the truth.

I feel so ashamed and humiliated, and I want to apologize to all the people I have misled all these years with my lies and distortions of the truth.

I know that I am doomed to eternal hell and Purgatory and I accept my punishment and I will pray for forgiveness for all my transgressions against the honest and God-fearing people here like yourself, who must stand watch and constant vigil to battle against the forces of evil, where ever it might appear on the mic forum.

DJL, I'm soooo sorry I lead you astray, and I am willing to make amends by buying all your Behringer B5's AND your Studio Projects/797 Audio C4's - at full price, since it is my fault that you bought all these mics, based on my admittedly faulty information, as you have so absolutely and conclusively proved.

In the future, I will try to model my posts after yours; to provide nothing but facts, without any bias whatsoever. You are now my new role model, and while I can never hope to achieve the stature of your informative postings, it is still something I can aspire to and set forth as a shining example that someday I might come a little closer to, if I am truly worthy.
I seem to recall the 6 micron spec floating around here a couple of weeks ago when this topic reared it's ugly head the first time. I honestly don't think it was Harvey who said it initially.

Bottom line for me is Harvey has hard earned credibility. DJL has none. No one has any idea of what DJL has done. Not a clue. There's no web link, no posted work, no real name, nada, bupkus. DJL, you are just an opinionated asshole with no credibilty to back up anything you say. Your 3000+ posts of nonsense speak volumes about your "experience". Your lack of even basic conversational skills or the ability to form a coherent thought continue to amaze me. I have met some flaky bass players in my day, but you take the prize. Congratulations. And for God's sake, learn the difference between your and you're and their, there and they're. Repeat the 4th grade if necessary.

Oh, yeah, it's "damn" you moron. You can't even cuss right.
Harvey Gerst said:
Oh, geez DJL, you caught me! Yup, I musta been flat out lying about that, and I just made it up to discredit Behringer. What a total asshole I am, and how clever you are to finally expose my lies for all the world to see. finally, all your tireless and unstinting efforts at arriving at the truth have paid off.

Now I must leave this forum forever, wrapped in the blanket of shame and disgrace that you have carefully woven and heaped upon me with your unrelenting zeal and your neverending search for the truth.

I feel so ashamed and humiliated, and I want to apologize to all the people I have misled all these years with my lies and distortions of the truth.

I know that I am doomed to eternal hell and Purgatory and I accept my punishment and I will pray for forgiveness for all my transgressions against the honest and God-fearing people here like yourself, who must stand watch and constant vigil to battle against the forces of evil, where ever it might appear on the mic forum.

DJL, I'm soooo sorry I lead you astray, and I am willing to make amends by buying all your Behringer B5's AND your Studio Projects/797 Audio C4's - at full price, since it is my fault that you bought all these mics, based on my admittedly faulty information, as you have so absolutely and conclusively proved.

In the future, I will try to model my posts after yours; to provide nothing but facts, without any bias whatsoever. You are now my new role model, and while I can never hope to achieve the stature of your informative postings, it is still something I can aspire to and set forth as a shining example that someday I might come a little closer to, if I am truly worthy.
Oh my god... listen Harevy, when I first asked you about your statement about the Behringer B5 it was because I thought you measured the diaphragm, because you posted your statement as a FACT. I don't want to get into a pissing match with you.
freshmattyp said:
Oh, yeah, it's "damn" you moron. You can't even cuss right.
That would mean that DJL is wrong, which of course is impossible. I believe that he did not mean to use that word in the religious sense (which would be "damn"), but in a structural engineering sense, as in a dam builder who get the design information wrong when constucting a "dam", thereby causing unforeseen consequences.

Of course, I could be wrong, but I can't believe that DJL would make such a simple error, considering his vast engineering experience. Since I've made so many errors in the past few years here, I can only point to his use of "dam" as my poor understanding of its proper usage in this context, and I must acquiese to his superior knowledge regarding the correct terminology.

And now, if you'll excuse me I must go do my penance by flogging my back with a fresh cut birch branch.
DJL said:
Oh my god... listen Harevy, when I first asked you about your statement about the Behringer B5 it was because I thought you measured the diaphragm, because you posted your statement as a FACT. I don't want to get into a pissing match with you.

So then don't.
DJL said:
Oh my god... listen Harevy, when I first asked you about your statement about the Behringer B5 it was because I thought you measured the diaphragm, because you posted your statement as a FACT. I don't want to get into a pissing match with you.
You know that I don't own any C4's and I haven't even really heard them. What makes you think I would take apart a working condenser mic of any kind and rip out a carefully glued and tensioned diaphragm to measure it's thickness? That would destroy the microphone.

The C4 has a 3 micron diaphragm, according to Brent Casey. What reason would he have to lie about it?

When I tested the MXL 603 and the MXL 600, I prefered the sound of the 6 micron 603 to the sound of the 3 micron 600 series. There are advantages to the thinner diaphragm, but they weren't achieved in the 600 series, IMHO. The Neumann U47 used a 12 micron diaphragm and I would kill to own one again.

Diaphragm thickness is just one specification, and it is pretty meaningless without the additional parameters, such as tensioning, spacing, sputtering, capacitive charge, etc. Stephen Paul's sub-micron diaphragms are almost works of art, where he has full control over all the parameters, just in case you think I'm dismissing the thickness of the diaphragm as totally useless information.

I posted the thicknesses as "facts", based on assertions by people who would know, or based on information obtained from the manufacturers. I did at one time own a company where I built a pretty complete testing facility, but I didn't create a "clean room" to disassemble and actually completely test microphones.

I could test noise, distortion, and frequency response of microphones, using my calibrated B&K mics and chart recorder and my General Radio distortion analyser, but I was not equipped to do more detailed testing of mics.

DJL, now I have a question for you. Knowing your aversion to cheap microphones and your apparent dislike of Alan Hyatt, I don't believe there's a snowball's chance in hell that you would ever consider buying either the Behringer B5's, or the SP C4's. Would that be a reasonable assessment of your position?

Oh yes, one more thing; I'm pretty sure my name is spelled "Harvey", not "Harevy". But I don't think I wanna state it as an absolute "fact", so just consider it an "opinion" as to the proper spelling of my name. (I may have been spelling my name wrong for 67 years.)
Harvey Gerst said:
DJL, now I have a question for you. Knowing your aversion to cheap microphones and your apparent dislike of Alan Hyatt, I don't believe there's a snowball's chance in hell that you would ever consider buying either the Behringer B5's, or the SP C4's. Would that be a reasonable assessment of your position?

Oh yes, one more thing; I'm pretty sure my name is spelled "Harvey", not "Harevy". But I don't think I wanna state it as an absolute "fact", so just consider it an "opinion" as to the proper spelling of my name. (I may have been spelling my name wrong for 67 years.)
The answer is... I don't think so, but maybe... I could use a cheap omni talk back mic.

Sorry about the spelling of your name, it was a typo and nothing more.
Since Harvey has too much class to shamelessly promote his forum at www.prosoundweb in the "recpit"-I will!

It would be good if those supportive of Harvey's contributions would support his forum there.

Same goes for Alan Hyatt's at

Surely anyone who "comes in peace" will be welcomed,
even when there's lively debate on gear and/or technique(s).

IMO the moderators (including Dot), have also done a fine job at helping to keep things civil BTW.


P.S. What's the best flogger for under $200, a ribbon?