Stuck with a SM58 mic - best way to utilize it to the max?

I've always seen the 58 and its twin the 57 as standards. Certainly not shitty mics at all.

As for emulators. Mics, amps, whatever, never been impressed. Why can't they make an emulator to make Tweak down the road sound just like Pavarotti? Because sometimes you actually need talent, and a good build.

Bottom line is if you want your guitar to sound likes it's going through a Marshall stack, you will have to buy a Marshall stack. If you want your vocals to sound like they were recorded through a Neumann, you will have to get a Neumann. If not why wouldn't big studios simply get Radio Shack mics and lots of emulators rather than shelling out for the real thing?
It never ceases to amaze me how people with no gear and no experience manage to talk all that supposed hot talent into all-of-a-sudden recording dates with no lead time to actually properly prepare for the gig on either side ;)...

Hear, hear. One of the downsides to "the democratization of the music industry" is that there are way too many "producers" (actually con-artist) who are happy to talk the way too many "artist" into recording with them. Reading between the lines, it sounds to me like the OP falls into that category.
Hear, hear. One of the downsides to "the democratization of the music industry" is that there are way too many "producers" (actually con-artist) who are happy to talk the way too many "artist" into recording with them. Reading between the lines, it sounds to me like the OP falls into that category.
Of course on the other hand, it may be the ''artist'''s only shot at doing something like this, given that real producers often these days have more 'make or break' power than they ever did. Furthermore, aren't we being a little assumptive about Kratos and his status ? He hasn't actually specified anything clear about the situation other than he had to record a Whitney Houston like singer and all he had was a 58. For all we know he could be a teenager in a decidedly small time scenario, just learning his chops and recording people as he goes.
Or he could be Al Capone !
Yeah, I was probably a bit harsh. It was late, I get testy when I stay up too late...

Sorry. I'd delete my post, but then everybody would wonder what you were talking about, so I'll leave it up- and apologize for being a dick.
I can only speak from personal experience, so here it goes ... the Shure SM58 is a working man's mic and is a GOOD mic, but no matter what, it won't sound as good as a condenser. If you know where to look, you can find some reasonably priced condenser microphones and amps (especially now that its Christmas). If you're taking this seriously, then upgrade your gear.

If you are on a budget and are looking for a starter condenser, an upgrade from your Shure SM58 would be the AT 2020 Audio Technica. It's not the best microphone around, but if you're solid at mixing vocals, it will sound great. I don't regret buying the AT2020, and now I mostly use my SM58 for live performances.

You can check out a review for the AT2020 by clicking here

Hope that helps.