Stuck with a SM58 mic - best way to utilize it to the max?

Antares just updated their Mic Modeler plug-in which supposedly lets you set the input mic model and choose the output mic model. I was playing around with the demo a bit and while much debate goes on whether it accomplishes its claims or sounds anything like the modeled mic, it definetly has a profound effect on the signal put through it.

I think you could find some cool settings that would help certain tracks sound better/different than a 58.

Why buy a half-solution when you could just buy the mic you want?
Maybe not exactly in those words but there's a few threads where peoples' disdain for the 58 comes across loud and clear. It would be louder and clearer if they used the 58 !! ;)

No, the OP stated something like "...I have to deal with this shitty mic..." but has since deleted it.
Earthworks Z30x; TC30K; QTC1

Extends a mic's response out to 30K, transient response into one of the fastest, tightest on the planet and ..makes it omni.

The legal disclaimer in that link says it all:

"This product is not guaranteed to produce, and will not necessarily produce, audio results that are consistent with or match audio results that could be achieved using any of the referenced microphone models. "

The legal disclaimer in that link says it all:

"This product is not guaranteed to produce, and will not necessarily produce, audio results that are consistent with or match audio results that could be achieved using any of the referenced microphone models. "

Damn it!!! ..... Oh well, good thing I all ready have my Earthworks microphones then. ;)

... Got a pop filter too. ..

That's actually an option. For one the style/vibe you get working a close mic is one thing and it can fit depending. But up close' is also an incomplete view of a voice -a different style than few inches back (or more. Some fairly abrupt changes happen in the last inch or so of a mic and having the pop screen off the mic a bit and the singer working the screen could aid in some consistency.
Down side of close style mics like these is they thin out fast as the distance increases.
If not 'up close style, play with 1- four or five inches, compensate for the tone changes.
Can't say I've tried it but maybe take the ball' off?
My SM58 is crying miserably over the remark about its character. With such hurt feelings it is now undergoing therapy to deal with the trauma.

I'm sad as my SM58 has been a tiresome worker for many years and has felt this lack of appreciation.

Feeling its pain,

" SM58 has been a tiresome worker..."
It's hard not to laugh - I have to ask the question...
What is the country of origin of the person who wrote this?
I ask because I've been reliably informed that irony is a geographically based phenomenonononon.

I have to agree with bblack. I am wondering when/where the sm58 became a "shitty" mic? Not only do I personally use a sm58, I would
HIGHLY recommend it as a GREAT starter mic for any home studio. IMO a very good all purpose mic that can endure years of studio work as well as road use. That is why it has been the standard for live performance for decades. For gigging, it is my absolute favorite stage mic. For studio work, I have used it (in a pinch) for recording everything from classical and resonator guitars, ---to vocals, drums, ambiance, and even electric guitar amps. ALL with very good results! There are literally thousands of articles all over the internet on tips, techniques, placements, etc..., I would suggest the OP take the time to read a few of them before blaming his lack of knowledge on his equipment. And also to remember that he is in a "home" studio. I think there are very few of us (if any) that are able to take our home studio work straight to retail product. If he wants "Whitney" to sound professional, then spend the money to have her recorded and mastered/produced professionally.
Otherwise, relax, learn how to use the equipment at your disposal, try different things that you read about until you find what works and most of all.... have fun.