Strat strings

apl said:
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh. Nice.

Thanks. I bought the Strat in 1977 or so before the vintage craze got going, so I did well there. The Deluxe is a more recent acquisition.
WERNER 1 said:
I used to have a problem breaking strings all the time and that lead to try just about everystring out there for a while. I finally ended up with the Dean Markley Blues Steels (9-42's), and I've not looked back.........that was about 15 years ago..

They also retain their clarity or "newness" if you will alot longer than normal strings.

I've actually turned the other two guitarist in my band on to them and they love them as well (Both strat players)



I don´t know for Fenders, but Dean Markley´s Blue Steel is my favorite too.
Very good strings!

(I HATE dadd'ario, for example, "plastic feel and sound")