Starting Over: IE my computer got stolen.

lenMCHC said:
no real names will be used..

snake = 6'5 400lbs
me = 6'2 265
limey = 6'2 240 all muscle, retard strength
bolo = 5'10 220 training UFC
skinny = 6'1 180

we had a good time, and got a video taped confession as well. all is good.
Holy shit! Did they pick the wrong band or what?!?

So it was an "inside" job?
They KNEW who they were stealing from?!?

that's...umm... .........................special?!?
Are they mentally challenged?

Damn, if I'd have had that kind of backing, I'c probably have been able to get my stuff back too after it was stolen, but the tables were turned in that respect.

Glad you got your shit back, and had a bit of fun in the process!
cellardweller said:
Holy shit! Did they pick the wrong band or what?!?

So it was an "inside" job?
They KNEW who they were stealing from?!?

that's...umm... .........................special?!?
Are they mentally challenged?

Damn, if I'd have had that kind of backing, I'c probably have been able to get my stuff back too after it was stolen, but the tables were turned in that respect.

Glad you got your shit back, and had a bit of fun in the process!
Yea, they really did pick the wrong band. And yes, it totally was an inside job. These kids used to practice in the studio w/ my band. but we asked them to move out a few months ago, because they were late on the rent 3 months in a row, and we were about to get thrown out. so the morons wait a few months, come back, break in, steal shit. and leave 40 bottles and cigarettes layin around.. we're all thinkin.. duhh we know who that is..
minofifa said:
haha you got some big eaters in the band eh..? just kidding. good stuff though... although i would've done worse to them. i think some surveilance on your equipment is a good idea for at least a little while as kids don't learn.

snake sounds like a good guy.
snake is definately a good guy. he's the best.
Just be on the look out for retaliation. Your actions 30 years ago; if you kick someone’s ass then they got their ass kicked. Today you get gunned down if they know they’re no mach for you. theres no fight like a man anymore these days.
"don't mess with texas"

sounds like a scary place man. I would agree with your argument. But i would replace "gunned down" with "calling you bad names" in terms of retaliations 'round here.
Gangster rap culture has caused the same to be true here in Illinois. I can speak for central Il, and we know about northern/chicago area...

I wouldn't expect Jersey to be a whole lot different, but what is the alternative if you KNOW where your stuff is, and you KNOW that they're a bunch of punk kids.... How could you live with yourself if you didn't act?

*EDIT* In this instance replace "KNOW" with "CAN FIND OUT".
I guess it just depends on where you’re from. Here in Texas like In San Antonio you get killed for cutting someone off on the highway. Road rage has clamed lives now. On one occasion a man cuts off someone then the one that got cut off follows him home then opens fire on him. We have signs on our highways that read "drive friendly". yea right. Austin Texas is no friendly place to drive either.
wow, that's crazy. i can't be certain, but i would put money on deer killing more drivers in Canada than gunfire.