Squiers getting good again?

I wish the jazz was that price in Australia. $437 is the cheapest local price I could find.
Yeah, the prices are a little steeper than the bad stuff but I'm REALLY contemplating on buying one. Either that or a new graphics card. :D

That sucks about Australia... :(
Little story. I went into Axe music to buy a studio mic and tried a few guitars (dangerous for me). I've always wanted a Tele and had one years ago but sold it. BIG REGRET! I tried a couple of American made and at $1500.00 and up, they were out of reach. I also tried a few Squiers, but they were mostly boat paddles and firewood quality. As I was leaving, I spotted a CV series Tele and tried that. COWABUNGA!!! This guitar was a beauty and I could not believe it for $350.00. I left the store but couldn't get that guitar out of my mind. I went back and bought it 3 days later and have never regretted it. It has become one of my main guitars, along with my 73 Strat and 81 Hagstrom Swede. I put a Fishman Piezo bridge and preamp on it and this baby sings. I love it! I would strongly recommend this guitar and have to friends who also tried and buyed and never cried. SATISFIED!

Just FYI.
Most of the newer Squiers are pretty good, even the Affinity's have gotten better. Given FMIC's previous history, I'm surprised they're letting that happen.

The Squier Strat I have is pretty decent for an older one--but I did do some fine tuning, SD bridge pup, 22 fret neck, etc.

I also like the Epi LP Special P90 I got a couple months back, surprisingly good for $104.00.
getting good again....
I missed years in between but my old Squier Jazz bass is a favorite and has been without issue for over 10yrs...
A Squier 51 I have is modded a bit and excellent and a different neck than my US strat,.....however, if the Squier gets dinged no big deal, and it gets played a lot and never in a case. Its also not worth much so its survived the broke month trips to the pawnshop...:drunk:

What years did they go bad? or worse? I cant imagine trying to keep up with all the Fender lines it makes me want to drink beer just thinking about it.
Well before the Vintage and Classic Vibe came out, there was a little period where much of the squiers were "I hope I got a good one."
Well before the Vintage and Classic Vibe came out, there was a little period where much of the squiers were "I hope I got a good one."

So they were more like Fenders back then? Is that what you're saying? :eek: Ha ha. Just stirring things up.

I agree with the previous post about there being too many lines of "Fenders" to keep track of. I mean seriously

Squier Bullet
Squier Affinity
Squier Standard
Squier Classic Vibe
Squier Vintage Modified
Fender MIM
Fender American Special
Fender American Standard
Fender American Deluxe
Fender Signature
Fender Custom Shop
Fender Luthier Built (the over the top one where you can have Erics luthier make your guitar)

I mean really? They're only going to make Strats, Teles, and Jags, or P's and J's with the occassional Jag bass; in your choice of 3 or 4 colors like Oly White, black, and two tone or three tone sunburst. Outside of that you'll only see an interesting color for about a week. Well at least it feels like that.

Just make an "Affordable" line (Squier), the Standard (Fender USA) , and the Expensive (Fender Custom Shop) lines. After that, make whatever colors you have in stock be available on every model you make. That's it. Oh and if you're going to bother putting a humbucker and/or a Floyd on the thing, realize the buyer isn't looking for "back in the day". Put a 22 fret neck on the dang thing wouldja?

If you can't tell, I have a serious love/hate relationship with Fender. I love Strats, and P basses and all of that, but there is nothing about the quality of a USA that makes it worth the $1500 they want for it. $800? Sure. A grand? Yeah, okay. But anymore than that, I'll just order another custom built guitar for less money than an off the shelf Fender USA.

Okay. Rant over.
I like both those choices, the headstock and gold screened label and tinted neck is nice looking, well done...
the JAgmeister looks like it has some attitude and fun with the Rosewood...

you getting both?
Squier Bullet
Squier Affinity
Squier Standard
Squier Classic Vibe
Squier Vintage Modified
Fender MIM
Fender American Special
Fender American Standard
Fender American Deluxe
Fender Signature
Fender Custom Shop
Fender Luthier Built (the over the top one where you can have Erics luthier make your guitar)
isnt there the RoadWorn series and the Relic series and MIM/US series and the MIM Custom Shop series, and the MIM .......

ahahahhaa who can keep up!?
In all honesty, even though I have some nicer pieces, I do have and enjoy playing a Squier P-bass special. It's a great bass.

For the OP and the college trip, a Squier with a good set up and/or pick swap will make a great workhorse guitar. I used to have a Squier Deluxe (crap another line) Strat, in white pearl with a 22 fret maple board and Duncan Designed pickups. I did eventually sell it, but it was good for travelling as it played great and sounded amazing, and if I did lose it or broke it, it was only $300.

A Squier is a great platform.
I bought a squire kit back in 2000 and it's the greatest little guitar. the electronics broke after a few weeks and I upgraded the electronics, that is their biggest failing from what I hear.
I've been asking myself that same question lately, being sort of in the market for a fender type guitar myself.

I had a japanese squire strat that I bought new in 1985 or so, and that thing was actually really nice. I think the pickups were a bit more shrill than a fender at the time, but it looked and played very nice. I sadly sold it to raise money to buy an SG and I while I don't regret the SG at all, I still miss that strat. They're actually kind of expensive now on ebay.

In the '90's, I knew some people who had korean squire strats that were just awful. They had no weight to them at all and the electronics kept giving out on them.

Today, there are so many different models and prices on squires that I can't keep track. I did visit a music store recently and noted that in terms of the finish alone, even the most expensive squires looked kinda cheap next to the cheapest MIM fenders. I didn't actually play any of them though.
I bought a squire classic vibe butterscotch blond tele. Great guitar! 20 years ago I bought a squire strat and it was garbage. Quickly resold it . Squires have come a long way