SP B1 again.

chessrock said:
Why? Just because it doesn't jive with yours?


No, I think it's cause that particular opinion is based on one experience with the mic, an experience which flies in the face of all the other experiences anybody here has heard. I, for one, will make the B1 my next mic purchase.
Dot said:
tryptophan, my posts and recommendations have nothing to do with capitalism or making money, and everything to do with helping people find the best tools for the job. My wallet could give a flying hoot whether or not you or anyone else buys a B1. I also use products for more than a few minutes and in several applications before I make a judgement call.

You have a right to your opinion, and at this point I'd call your opinion on the B1 superficial and unexamined.

You know what? I have never been in a session and not been superficial about a mic. The clock is running and my mind is made up within minutes of trying a mic in the usual positions on an instrument. No mic is great on all occasions and all instruments. Now, I will also say that when I pin down the "right" mic (and that is the one that jumps out at me in a few minutes) then I will spend some time getting it setup perfectly for the track. Having many mics is great to get the sound the way you want.

Now, the problem with a guy/gal who just can afford or only wants 1 or 2 mics, they use them on specific instruments and almost always in the same room. These are apartment dwellers, house owners with families and although they would like to view themselves as serious budding recording studios, they cannot afford or just plain can't treat their recording rooms like pro studios. So, the B1 doesn't do-it for this guy. I can tell you that it will never do-it for him because no amount of positioning, pre-amps etc. is going to fix it to be substantially better sounding than just plunking it in front of the source and pressing "record". There has to be "something" to the sound no matter where the mic is positioned or what pre-amp it is going through.

In this instance, the B1 is a bad selection for this guy.
It's fine ... ironically it's true that those of us who have most time to play with each mic are those of us who also know the least about how to use them best!! :D

I have a hunch that most gear released now is actually fine, and that we'd benefit more by magazines only picking out the real stinkers to ward us away from. Never gonna happen though. :)
No regrets needed, Kevin. Your post raises an important point about the frequent praise offered in equipment reviews.

corban said:
No, I think it's cause that particular opinion is based on one experience with the mic ...

Exactly. One person's experience, and under one person's conditions. We all know that.

No need to instantly discredit that experience just because it's different from your own.
Right. :) As long as everybody understands that.

Somebody apparently doesn't, that being the anonymous donor of a red chicklet with the insightful and intelligent message, "you are fool."

Oh well. :rolleyes:
The answer is always gonna be the same:

It depends.

There ain't no one mic that can do everything the best; not even the most expensive mic in the world. There are a number of mics that can record with stunning accuracy, but sometimes that's not what's needed. If it were, there'd be nothing but photographers and no painters when discussing pictures.

Do you need an expensive canvas, high priced paint brushes, and special paints to paint a picture that will please people? Reminds me of a conversation similar to this that I had with a friend of mine who was a pretty well know painter, and we were talking about expensive guitars along this same line of discussion.

I said, "But Tony, don't expensive tools make painting easier?" He thought for a minute, then opened his paper napkin and spread it out on the table. He stuck his index finger into his cup of expresso, and in a few minutes, he had done a quick sketch of me, using the dark brown coffee as his ink. It was a great sketch by the way.

He finished the sketch, pushed it across the table to me and said, "Does that answer your question?"

It did, and I've never forgotten that incident.
Harvey Gerst said:
I said, "But Tony, don't expensive tools make painting easier?" He thought for a minute, then opened his paper napkin and spread it out on the table. He stuck his index finger into his cup of expresso, and in a few minutes, he had done a quick sketch of me, using the dark brown coffee as his ink. It was a great sketch by the way.

Yea, but I'll bet that sketch would have looked a lot better if he had used $20 / lb. organic shade-grown Latin American bean coffee, rather than the cheap stuff.

Don't they say 'it's the indian, not the arrow'?

A good bow and a straight arrow can help though.

Back on topic, how many B1's has this thread sold?

Alan, you can donate that T3 at my adress, it's on the website. :D:D:D
nkjanssen said:
Interesting how much more SP talk/promo there seems to be here in the few short days since DJL was locked out.
I hope you will also note that my only post to this thread had nothing to do with any particular microphone. Somebody likes it; somebody else hates it. So what else is new?

If it's all ya got, it ain't bad; if you gotta lotta really nice mics, you can probably find something better for any one particular job. My response?

It depends.

In the under $100 new mics category, I could probably get a lot done with some B1's, 603's, V67G's, ECM8000's, some 604's, an AT Pro25, and a few SM57's thrown in.

And I can point you to a bunch of people that hate every mic I've just named.
I've played really nice guitars and some amazing guitars that this guy I know who does really nice work on necks. I went to his shop/basment and I never played such silky smooth surface, it was like glass. The action was 1/32th of an inch or whatever the lowest possible action is, at the 12th fret too. So low it took a different TECHNIQUE for me to not slap the strings and all. I had to adjust to it. Did I play better? for about a minute while I was inspired, then it was back to plunk plunk like usual.

My cheap guitars are good enough, I don't care if they get stolen or scratched, I can replace them, but I play almost the same on them and it sounds close enough for rock and roll, that's for sure.

Some of this might be analogous to mics, or I thought so when I started....
Harvey Gerst said:
And I can point you to a bunch of people that hate every mic I've just named.
Well, call me crazy, but I like every mic I ever got b/c it's like a new color to the palette.

It's like, 'what's your favorite color?' I could never answer that.
nkjanssen said:
Interesting how much more SP talk/promo there seems to be here in the few short days since DJL was locked out.

Well it is certianly not as a result of my doing... I am not here promoting anything.

I must say I like the fact the gear is getting talked about, and at least the responses are a whole lot more civil with no personal bashes against me or my company.

Either way the B1 is what it is, a pretty versitle mic for the money...like it or not. :)
alanhyatt said:
Well it is certianly not as a result of my doing... I am not here promoting anything...Either way the B1 is what it is, a pretty versitle mic for the money...like it or not. :)

I think I'm going to write a new song: 'Snake oil & used cars'.