Sound Samples - since this is a big topic recently

I haven't insulted you. You guys are so touchy. I was merely pointing out that people who live in areas where they don't have access to many live people who know their shit shouldn't be so picky about how they get their info.

I've been around here for years and have learned a lot from Harvey. Ford Van when he used to go by the name Sonusman had many great contributions. Chessrock turned me on to Spoon and I interviewed their producer for an article and learned alot from that.

Everyone has something to offer but if you are too touchy or dense to take any information that isn't sugar coated then, like I said, it is your loss.
I just think that if people were committed to giving out info (sonusman) and less committed to insulting others (FV) they would get a lot more of an audience. I mean what good is the best teacher when their lesson falls on deaf ears?

Maybe the years got to them, I dunno. They were knowledgeable, but they were too concerned with flaming each other. It's a damn shame too.....I suppose life goes on though.
The problem with mean people

The problem with mean people, is that they hurt peoples' feelings.

And no matter how much I learn fom a person, when my feelings are hurt, I am sad.

And when people post examples of their work, if other people don't like it, then your feelings will get hurt, too. And then you become sad.

And no one wants to be sad! ! Wouldn't you rather not learn much, and be happy?! Or would you rather learn something and be sad ? ! I know which one I would choose. ;)

How about you ?


The problem with mean people, is that they hurt peoples' feelings.

And no matter how much I learn fom a person, when my feelings are hurt, I am sad.

And when people post examples of their work, if other people don't like it, then your feelings will get hurt, too. And then you become sad.

And no one wants to be sad! ! Wouldn't you rather not learn much, and be happy?! Or would you rather learn something and be sad ? ! I know which one I would choose. ;)

How about you ?



Well, I think that sums it up. Looks like, for the second time, this is a done thread.;):)
The problem with mean people, is that they hurt peoples' feelings.

And no matter how much I learn fom a person, when my feelings are hurt, I am sad.

And when people post examples of their work, if other people don't like it, then your feelings will get hurt, too. And then you become sad.

And no one wants to be sad! ! Wouldn't you rather not learn much, and be happy?! Or would you rather learn something and be sad ? ! I know which one I would choose. ;)

How about you ?



Suffering is the only path to growth. Ignorance is bliss. It's obvious you are VERY blissful.

Just for the record, I'm not against tough love, and firing someone up for the good of the whole, it's just the being grumpy because you hate your life thing that bothers me... FV and Chess had no lesson to be learned from them being uberdicks all the time. Unless the lesson is "Don't waste your time in engineering, because this is what you'll become eventually" :rolleyes:
Unless the lesson is "Don't waste your time in engineering, because this is what you'll become eventually" :rolleyes:

It's definately one of them. Don't you guys ever visit other engineering forums? PSW and GearSlutz make this place look like a church social.

Jesus said nothing but nice things and they nailed him to a tree.
...FV and Chess had no lesson to be learned from them being uberdicks all the time. Unless the lesson is "Don't waste your time in engineering, because this is what you'll become eventually" :rolleyes:
It's common for people who think of themselves as professional, as FV and Chessrock did, to be abrupt with those they see as less skilled. True all over various types of forums. Doesn't mean that a person's burned out, it just means they're impatient.

Oh, and Daisy...
Where can I hear a clip of yours? I've heard productions by everyone else in the thread... no wait... almost everone else. You should set up a Soundclick page.;)
i heard the new "TOOL" album a few months back, and one song they had...the guitar solo Purposly was in digital was loud, crackely, and nasty sounding......

i think that's the one that they used the "pipe" mic on...from the description i read, it's basically a diaphragm inside of a metal pipe, and is super-trashy sounding
i think that's the one that they used the "pipe" mic on...from the description i read, it's basically a diaphragm inside of a metal pipe, and is super-trashy sounding

whatever it reminded me of digital clipping was loud as hell, and it crackled on the high notes, and just sounded like my speakers were gonna blow out........ was cool though.............
I think audio samples of someones work can be helpful, but it's far from necessary. Their are some people who mearly echo the statements they have read with no knowledge so although they might not know about something in great detail, the information may be correct. Also, i think some people may have great knowledge of certain aspects of things but may not be as talented in application. I know more than a few people who are really great at mixing for example but their actual music isn't so great and their skills are not reflected (except on others work).

However, i do have a problem when people are very headstrong in what they say, will discount others, etc, but do not allow others to hear their music. I think if you constantly tell people they are wrong, etc, which happens on alot of forums, you should have to show some "proof" that you know what's up. Or to me, what i hear basically is pointless. But since these people tend to keep saying the same thing, it's irratating.

Anyway, i think when giving advice, it's always good to put your own music out by having something in a signature. But 99% of the time, i'm not going to go looking for it to make sure i should listen to somoene.
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